Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 562: : Return to the Shenzhou Sea!

"What are you doing with me?" Lin Hao asked strangely.

Long You held his head high and said proudly: "In less than a year, you have broken through from Yuanying to Dongxu, and your talent is much better than mine. If you are a genius who is killed halfway, it will be a pity, of course I I want to protect you."

Lin Hao smiled coldly: "No, I don't need your protection."

Long You looked stagnant, gritted his teeth and said: "Yes! Let me tell you, I'm not stupid, Long You will definitely do a lot in the future. I want to hold your thighs in advance, and wait for you to rise up, so that's OK."

Lin Hao was speechless for a while, but he didn't expect that Long You said so straightforwardly that he knew to hold his thigh in advance.

Now Long You is the third layer of the hole, rich in methods, but can act as a thug.

"Alright, but I have one condition!" Lin Hao said.

"As long as you don't let me die, I will agree to everything." Long You smiled.

"You can follow me, but you must not violate any of my orders, otherwise I will kill you at any time." Lin Hao said coldly.

Long You's expression stagnated, and he smiled awkwardly.

"Hehe, you guy, you are really innocent, you want to kill me at every turn."

Long You shook his head, helpless to Lin Hao: "Okay, I agree."

Lin Hao rolled his eyes, and after a long time, this Long You was still a tsundere. On the surface, he was more ruthless than anyone, and promised to be faster than anyone.

Now that Long You said so, Lin Hao didn't mind taking him. After all, Long You's potential was indeed extraordinary. The species was still an extremely rare corpse snake, which might be of great use.

"Lin Hao, before I follow you, I have one more thing to do!" Long You said calmly.

"What's the matter?" Lin Hao asked.

"Kill Yaotianxing and destroy the Star Academy by the way!" Long You's eyes were murderous, "He sealed me for five hundred years, and I will avenge this revenge!"

"Well, you go." Lin Hao nodded and took out the Shenfeng Boat.

"Go back to Panlong Domain first!"

"it is good!"

Long You took a ride on the God Wind Boat with Lin Hao, and it took him a long time to return to Panlong Region.

After returning to Panlong Region, Lin Hao waited quietly by the Yanluo River, while Long You was full of murderous intentions, and went to the Star Academy alone, intending to **** Yao Tianxing out and kill him.

It didn't take long for him to return, his expression still a bit awkward.

"Why, have you taken revenge?" Lin Hao asked with a smile.

"Uh..." Long You awkwardly said: "Lin Hao, are you upset with me? That guy was killed by you a long time ago, why didn't you tell me?"

Long You was really speechless. He had expected Yao Tianxing to get revenge, but when he went to the Star Academy, the whole academy was destroyed.

He casually found a passerby and asked him that Yao Tianxing had been slaughtered by Lin Hao half a month ago, and even the Star Academy was destroyed.

Moreover, it is said that Yao Tianxing broke through to the fourth floor of the hole void before being killed by Lin Hao.

This seemed unbelievable. Lin Hao had a hole in the hole, but over the three levels, killed the Yaotian star on the hole in the fourth layer. At the same time, there were various rumors about Lin Hao, which were more amazing than one. exaggeration.

Long You only inquired about it, and he knew that Lin Hao had become a legend in the Panlong Region, and even the wild beast sect had become no one dared to provoke under Lin Hao's influence.

"I see you are in high spirits, so I didn't bother you." Lin Hao said calmly.

The corner of Long You's mouth twitched fiercely, and gritted his teeth: "Count you cruel! I admit that you are indeed very strong."

Although very reluctant, Long You still told this fact.

Lin Hao snorted and drove the Shenfeng boat down the Yanluo River to the south.

Long You and Lin Hao, their bodies contracted and turned into two little snakes, squatting quietly in the cabin.

The next trip is Shenzhou Sea!

He will definitely go to Tangling Prefecture, but before that, he has to deal with some things in the Shenzhou Sea, such as the relics of the Sky Puppet Sect, such as the water ghost Taoist, such as Eagle Island...

On the way, Lin Hao taught some basic dragon martial arts to Long You. Although it is not a big killer move, Long You, who has never seen these things, seemed to have picked up a treasure, and studied seriously. He was silent, but he admired Lin Hao more and more in his heart.

Now Lin Hao is urging the Shenfeng Boat nearly ten times faster than before, and the journey that can only be reached in a week can be reached in a day.

A day later, Lin Hao's Shenfeng Boat sailed out of the Yanluo River and rushed into the Shenzhou Sea.


"Lin Hao, where to go next?" Long You asked curiously.

"Go to a relic." Lin Hao flashed a chart in his mind and drove straight to the direction where the Sky Puppet Sect was.

There is a puppet tower in the Tian Puppet Sect ruins, which makes him very greedy.

The power of the Leopard Head Cannon can reach the first to the third floor of the hole. The tiger head cannon and the dragon head cannon inside can be imagined, and Lin Hao can't let it go.

After another day and night, Lin Hao arrived at his destination.

This is a barren sea with no islands everywhere.

Lin Hao vaguely remembered that the old lair of Heifengzhai was nearby, but he didn't meet anyone from Heifengzhai either.

With a curious mind, he sent the human clone out and went to the coordinates of the original island of but found that there was nothing but a sea.

In other words, the island of Heifengzhai disappeared, or went to other places.

"Sure enough, the lair of Heifengzhai is a mobile island, maybe an extremely huge spirit treasure!" Lin Hao secretly said.

No wonder ordinary people say that Heifengzhai's whereabouts are erratic, and their lair locations are constantly on the sidelines, sometimes in the east of Shenzhou, sometimes in the west, it turned out to be a mobile island.

Lin Hao didn't pay attention to it anymore, he found the coordinates of the Sky Puppet Sect and jumped straight down.

Long You also followed Lin Hao.

After landing on the bottom of the sea, Lin Hao saw the familiar trench under which the remains of the Heavenly Puppet Sect was.

Lin Hao swam into the trench and shuttled into the cave. After passing through a long and narrow tunnel, his vision suddenly became clear. At this time, he had already arrived in the remains of the Heavenly Puppet Sect.

Like the last time, the environment here has not changed much. Outside are buildings that have been raided, with nothing of value.

Long You looked curious, looking around, trying to find some treasure, but he destroyed several buildings and found nothing.

"There is nothing here, the real treasure is inside." Lin Hao reminded.

"You didn't say it earlier! Then go!" Long You urged.

Lin Hao swam to the depths of the Sky Puppet Sect.

Lin Hao was swimming, his eyes stunned, he suddenly found something, and his body lurked suddenly.

Seeing this, Long You also followed Lin Hao's appearance, and quickly lurked down to the bottom.

"What's wrong?" Long You asked.

"Look!" Lin Hao pointed his claw to the front.

Long You looked in the direction directed by Lin Hao's dragon claws, and saw a row of inconspicuous footprints in front of him. The footprints were very fresh, just left behind.

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