Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 567: : The Hague Island is all destroyed

The corner of Long You's mouth twitched fiercely. This treacherous man was really bad, much more hateful than him.

What surprised him even more was that Lin Hao actually controlled the puppet tower, otherwise he couldn't deceive people.

The elders of The Hague Island shuddered and pointed at Lin Hao and shouted, "Liar, you are a liar!"

"You are not a Heavenly Puppet Sect Master at all!"

Hearing the calls of those people, Lin Hao smiled slightly and looked at Long You and said, "What are you still doing in a daze, come on!"

"it is good!"

Long You raised a cruel smile, rushed forward, opened his blood basin, and rushed into the crowd on The Hague Island like a wolf into a herd.

"Ah, no!"

"Do not!"

With several screams, Long You opened his mouth and bit down, swallowing more than a dozen people.

Some people tried to escape, but when they saw Long You's tail throwing a large poisonous mist, they poisoned them to the ground.

This group of people has no shortage of cultivators, but Long You is good at having more than one enemy. As soon as his poisonous mist comes out, as long as the strength is weaker than him, no matter how many people are, it will be dead.

"Remember to keep alive." Lin Hao said lightly.

"Relax!" Long You smiled.

He was tortured by The Hague Island for three days and three nights. In order to recover from his injuries, he consumed a lot of flesh and blood. Now devouring humans can just make up for his loss.

It’s like eating pacman. One bite, one person, one minute later, this group of people was eaten by Long You, and there was a middle-aged man who seemed to be noble, lying on the ground tremblingly, vomiting white mouth. Mo is already very toxic.

"Hahaha, it's so cool!" Long You hiccuped in satisfaction and let out a hearty laugh.

The last remaining man was not weak in strength. He reached the second floor of Dongxu, and he was called an ancient elder. He must be a high-level man.

Elder Gu was so frightened that he saw Lin Hao coming over and tremblingly said, "You...what are you going to do? I am the Elder Gu from The Hague Island. If you dare to kill me, The Hague Island will not let you go! "

Lin Hao pointed to the bodies of Island Master Xingyun and Wu Zhuan behind him, and smiled sarcastically.

Elder Gu suddenly said nothing.

Lin Hao killed even Xingyun Island Master, and was afraid of him?

"Please... please..." Elder Gu was finally shocked, his face pale, and collapsed: "Please, don't kill me!"

Lin Hao walked up, stuck his claws, clasped his neck, and lifted it up.

"Say, what conspiracy does your Hague Island have against Eagle Island?" Lin Hao said coldly.

Elder Gu was taken aback, and said in horror: "How did you know?"

"Say or not?"

Lin Hao tried hard, and the elder Gu twisted his neck and was about to break.

"Quick...Stop, as long as you let me go, swear not to kill me, I will say anything!" Elder Gu said hard.

"What if I don't let it go?" Lin Hao said.

Elder Gu gritted his teeth and said: "I baah! If you die, if you don't let it go, I won't die."

Lin Hao nodded and smiled coldly: "Unexpectedly, you still have a bit of backbone."

Speaking of this, Lin Hao sneered coldly: "Long You!"

"Yes!" Long You crawled over.

Lin Hao looked at Long You on the side, "How many ways do you torture people?"

Long You's eyes lit up, and he immediately understood.

"Hahaha, not many, not many, nine hundred and ninety-eight kinds, each of which can make people want to die." Long You grinned.

Lin Hao nodded: "Okay, give this person one first."

"I will handle it."

Long You crawled in front of Elder Gu, and a pair of snake letters stretched out.

Elder Gu said with trepidation: "What are you going to do! Ah!!!"

He was screaming wildly when he saw Long You's Snake Xinzi penetrate the soles of the ancient elder's shoes, licked the soles of his feet, and began to tremble frantically.

"Ahahaha...I won't give in...hahaha..."

Elder Gu let out a frantic laugh, and the meridians all over his body protruded violently, his face flushed, and he smiled like a lunatic.

The frequency of Long You's twirl was so fast that he could twirl a thousand times a second, and even Lin Hao was speechless against the speed.

This tongue is so powerful, he wouldn't do it specifically.

"Ah!! Haha! Stop! Stop! Ahahaha!"

"I can't do it anymore, stop...Ahahaha!"

Only after a minute, Elder Gu burst out laughing, and quickly begged for mercy, "I said, I said, I take it! Stop, haha!"

Long You stopped then.

At this time, the ancient elder was disheveled, his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and he lost all his strength and was almost driven crazy.

"You... beast, so vicious." Elder Gu said weakly.

"Say it?" Lin Hao narrowed his eyes.

"I said..." Elder Gu hurriedly said, "We are planning to go to Eagle Island to catch an undead ice bird on The Hague Island."

"Xiaoyue!?" Lin Hao was shocked, immortal ice bird is very rare, only Xiaoyue.

On the surface, he still asked calmly: "What did you do with her?"

"The teleportation array in the Panlong Secret Realm was destroyed that day. It stands to reason that no one can get out, but the undead ice bird broke the routine and got out of it. It also got a great opportunity and realized the will of ice and fire~www. ~ broke through to the second floor of Dongxu, our three island owners have a keen interest in her..."

Elder Gu was talking, but suddenly felt Lin Hao's killing intent in front of him, and the strength in his hand suddenly increased.

"Go on." Lin Hao said coldly.

"Yes!" Elder Gu didn't dare to hesitate, and continued: "So, the three of our island owners united in the Hall of Clouds and planned to go to Eagle Island to dignitaries. If they don't give it, we will destroy Eagle Island."


As soon as the voice fell, Lin Hao squeezed hard and broke Elder Gu's neck.

Lin Hao flicked the corpse of the ancient elder, and Long You immediately rushed up and swallowed the ancient elder into his belly.

"Long You, ready to go to Eagle Island." Lin Hao said calmly.

"Good!" Long You nodded excitedly, and said in a happy mood, "I have something good to eat again!"

He glanced at the corpse of Island Master Xingyun, and swallowed it when he rushed up.

Xingyun Island Master’s strength is the strongest. It is a great tonic. After swallowing Xingyun Island Master, the true essence in Long You's body suddenly began to rush, and the pulse towards his meridians seemed to reach a critical value. Broke through.

Originally, he was the pinnacle of the three-layer hole. Now that he has swallowed so many humans, his true essence is enough, and he can take this opportunity to break through that layer of obstacles.

Long You didn't hesitate, and immediately sat down quietly, forming a circle, gathering the true essence in his body at one point, planning to break through to the fourth floor of the hole in one go.

Lin Hao took the storage rings of these people and didn't take a closer look, but don't think about it. There must be a lot of treasures inside, especially the black and bright sword of Xingyun Island Master, which can help him match Long You. Obviously Not everything.

Lin Hao walked to the puppet tower, sprinkled the spirit stones, and arranged a mountain-moving formation around the puppet tower.

The puppet tower has been controlled by him, and he intends to incorporate it into the internal space, and it will be of great use in the future.

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