Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 791: : Princess Yuwen

"What do you mean? I think we eat too much?" Lin Hao frowned.

"Guests inside, there is a big man outside. If it doesn't work, you can take a look at the window, and then consider whether to leave." Xiao Er said with a smile.

Lin Hao glanced out of the window, and saw a row of guards standing outside, and in a sedan chair in front, sitting a noble girl in yellow.

Lin Hao glanced at the girl, then withdrew his gaze.

"She ate hers, what is it with me? I won't leave today." Lin Hao said calmly while lying on the chair.

In an instant, the guards at the door and the shop Xiaoer were stunned.

At this moment, the people in the other boxes voluntarily and consciously left quickly, leaving only one box, Lin Hao, deadlocked here.

The people at the door looked at each other, all at a loss. Is Lin Hao crazy?

"Haha! This guest, do you know who is waiting outside?"

At exactly this time, the shopkeeper of Tianhuang Restaurant came over and said, an old man with a slightly fat body, with a teasing tone.

"I don't know." Lin Hao said calmly.

"If you don't know each other, it's okay, let me tell you, she is the direct disciple of Tianhuang Zhenjun, Princess Yuwen, you know now." The fat shopkeeper sneered.

As soon as these words came out, Tie Xiong and Mu Shanshan changed their faces.

Tianhuang Zhenjun, the lord of Tianhuang City.

As the lord of the largest city in Dongzhou, he has a great reputation throughout the Nanfeng Region, and he has no descendants, only one disciple! It's Princess Yuwen downstairs!

It is conceivable that Tianhuang Zhenjun's love for Princess Yuwen, looking at Nanfengyu, almost walking sideways, no one dares to offend her!

"Brother Lin, go! That is Princess Yuwen!"

The two anxiously spoke to Lin Hao.

The fat shopkeeper leaned on the wall, looking at the panicked two, with a sarcastic smile.

They all thought that Lin Hao would also be panicked, but people never expected that Lin Hao was as calm as ever, instead he picked up the tea cup on the table and took a sip.

The next sentence is even more shocking.

"What about Princess Yuwen? What is she to do with me when she eats her food? I am not her father, so why do I get used to her stinky problems?"

Lin Hao's tone was plain and unremarkable, but what he said made everyone's jaws fall.

His voice was not loud, but he was heard by the entire restaurant, including the guests who had just left.

For a while, the huge restaurant was quiet, and countless people looked at the location of Lin Hao's box, so quiet that even a nail could be heard.

"Who is this person? It's not that of Princess Yuwen!"

"Is he crazy? That's a direct disciple of True Monarch Tianhuang!"

Everyone had this idea in their hearts, wondering if Lin Hao was mad, and he was looking for his own death. He offended Princess Yuwen, and he couldn't save him.


After being quiet for about ten seconds, a Jinpao guard captain shouted angrily and slashed out. The box where Lin Hao was in exploded immediately, and the wall was broken to pieces and exposed.

If it were not for his mercy and fear that the restaurant would be destroyed and Princess Yuwen's dining interest would be affected, Lin Hao would have been a headless corpse.

Mu Shanshan and Tie Xiong had already turned pale with fright, and hurriedly gave Lin Hao a wink. They jumped out of the window and fled.

As for Long You, looking forward blankly, he was still chewing on something.

"Just now, how dare you say that Princess Yuwen is not?"

Captain Jinyiwei stared at Lin Hao sternly.

All the guards outside the restaurant have drawn their weapons, ready to attack Lin Hao at any time.

Princess Yuwen in the sedan chair didn't have any expressions. Although she heard Lin Hao's disrespect, in her opinion, a dying person was not worthy of anger.

Lin Hao glanced at Captain Jin Yiwei, looked at Princess Yuwen who was sitting quietly in the sedan chair, and smiled "Puff".

"It's such a big shelf. I went out to eat, but made everyone go away. I really regarded myself as a princess! Really think you can do it forever?"

Lin Hao sneered, and everyone gasped at what he said.

The ignorant is fearless! I don't know who gave him the courage to say such a thing.

Long You couldn't sit still, he said to Lin Hao: "Lin Hao, are you crazy? That's Princess Yuwen, run!"

"What are you going to run?" Lin Hao sneered.

Long You was so frightened that his face lost its purple color and became extremely pale.

Captain Jinyiwei was so angry that he looked at the noble woman in the sedan chair and asked for instructions: "Princess Yuwen..."

"Kill it."

Princess Yuwen's tone was plain, as if she was talking about a trivial thing.

"it is good!"

Captain Jinyiwei took out the saber around his waist, an indescribable sense of cold ice, swept the audience, the air stopped flowing, this is the ice will of Dzogchen!

"Dare to offend our Princess Yuwen, kid, just chop off your head and hang on the wall for three days!"

The Jinyiwei Captain waved his hand, the ice broadsword in his hand seemed to have eyes, and he shot out at Lin Hao.

Long You’s teeth are starting to Lin Hao glanced at Princess Yuwen and said calmly: "When I die, no one in the world can save your master!"

As soon as this remark came out, Princess Yuwen's lazy eyes suddenly burst out with a sharp glow.


Like a teleport, she disappeared into the sedan chair, and when she appeared again, she came to the front of Lin Hao.


The sword came out with a crisp sound, and the ice blade light of Captain Jinyiwei was forced back, and the energy of the two immediately dissipated.

When the will energy in the restaurant dissipated, Princess Yuwen had already stood up, standing at the table less than two meters away from Lin Hao.

At this moment, her cold gaze stared straight at Lin Hao who was drinking tea indifferently, and there was a subtle surprise in her eyes.

Everyone was stunned by such a strange scene, and it was unknown why.

Captain Jinyiwei was ordered to kill Lin Hao, but was blocked by Princess Yuwen? What's happening here?

I saw Princess Yuwen staring at Lin Hao and whispered, "What did you just say?"

"When I die, no one in the world can save your master!"

Lin Hao repeated it and continued to drink a cup of tea.

"Humph! Do you know, who is my master?" Princess Yuwen snorted coldly.

"True Monarch of the Desolation, everyone knows." Lin Hao's tone remained calm.

"Since you know, why do you make such a crazy talk?"

Princess Yuwen said coldly, suddenly pulling out the sword in her hand and lay it across Lin Hao's neck.

Lin Hao remained calm, and said calmly: "I said I can save him, so naturally, if you dare to do anything to me, your master will definitely die!"

When Princess Yuwen saw this, her face was blue and white, and after struggling for a while, although she didn't want to believe it, she still took the sword back.

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