Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 803: : 9-eyed dragon spider

"Two, is this the first time you have come to Guikulin?" Zi Yao asked with a smile.

"Well, I've never been here before, so I have you guys leading the way." Lin Hao smiled.

"Haha! Don't worry, the three of us have been to Guikulin several times. Follow us, absolutely safe." Another fat man patted his chest and laughed.

Along the way, everyone walked and chatted. After hearing a few introductions, Lin Hao knew that these three were from the Nine Suns Sword Sect, named Ling Xiao, Zi Yao, and Qiu Hu.

In terms of strength, Nine Suns Sword Sect is probably weaker than Hai Family, which is not a big deal in Nanzhou. It's just that in the area of ​​Guikulin, it is fairly small and famous enough to rank in the top three.

They also knew the names of Lin Hao and Long You.

"Lin Hao, Long You, which sect are you from?"

Zi Yao glanced at the robes of the two of them. They were ordinary, without a sect sign, and didn't know where they came from.

"A casual repair, no sect." Lin Hao said.

"It turned out to be casual repair." Zi Yao's expression was a little embarrassed.

"Huh! Casual repair!"

Ling Xiao was even more disdainful. He didn't even have a casual cultivator, and there was no need to know him. Bringing them was pure luck.

Lin Hao just smiled, he also wanted to find a way to avoid chaos in Guikulin.

After knowing that Lin Hao and the two are only casual cultivators, the attitude of the three of them has changed significantly. The purpose of a small sect disciple like this is to make friends, one more friend is better than one enemy, but like Lin Hao, he has no strength No background, no value for making friends.

Even Zi Yao no longer took the initiative to speak to Lin Hao.

"Lin Hao, this group of people is just a dog's eyes, it's better to put these people..." Long You quietly spread the voice beside him and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"Forget it, don't make enemies everywhere." Lin Hao said.

Long You snorted before reluctantly giving up.

In the silence, everyone went further and further.

There was no danger in the periphery of Gui Kulin, even the illusion formation could not affect them, and no one even felt the existence of the illusion formation except Lin Hao.

On the way, some powerful monsters with uncivilized intelligence appeared, attacked them as soon as they appeared, and were beheaded by the front Ling Xiao with a sword.

Ling Xiao's strength is the strongest among the three. Although they are all of the same cultivation base, Ling Xiao's kendo will has been completed, but he has not gone through the catastrophe.

"The earth-flavored pythons, Qingteng wolf, and three-tailed fox in the tribulation period, just don't change their form, they don't even have the wisdom?"

Lin Hao was thinking about this question, secretly strange.

But after a little observation, he discovered that it was caused by the special environment here. The formation here will extract the soul power of the monster beasts, turning them into beasts without complex thinking abilities.

Thinking of this, Lin Hao felt that something was wrong.

The coverage area of ​​this formation is too big.

Lin Hao didn't know how big Guikulin was, but such a large area was not only artificially modified, but perhaps the natural environment.

At this moment, the five people had completely entered the depths of the Ghost Cry Forest, and they did not encounter much danger during the journey. Six Tribulation Period Monster Beasts appeared, and they were all beheaded by Ling Xiao.

About two hours later, a soil **** appeared in front of him, and a deep cave was vaguely visible under the soil slope.

"The cave of the Nine-Eyed Dragon Spider is in front. Be careful this time. The seal array is ready, and don't save the Thousand Lock Talisman! Be sure to take it all at once!" Ling Xiao said solemnly.

"Understood!" Zi Yao and Fatty nodded at the same time.

Lin Hao heard from Zi Yao before that the purpose of their trip was to complete the sect mission and capture a living nine-eyed dragon spider.

The nine-eyed dragon spider was a catastrophic demon, and its flaw was that it lacked intelligence and was like a beast. This gave them the possibility of leapfrogging.

However, Lin Hao still felt that this group of people had no hope, the monks who crossed the catastrophe period, every catastrophe was a difference between heaven and earth, and they underestimated the cultivation of a catastrophe demon.

"You two, if there is nothing to do, you can leave." Ling Xiao suddenly stopped and said coldly to Lin Hao.

"Senior Brother Ling Xiao, forget it, put these two people in Guikulin, they can't get out at all, or after killing the nine-eyed dragon spider, send them out." Zi Yao persuaded.

Ling Xiao listened and said lightly: "Junior sister is still kind."

As he said, he slammed a sword to the ground, leaving a sword mark at the foot of Lin Hao's front.

"After a while, the two of you must not be within 500 meters. Use the sword mark as the limit. If you jump over, you will kill it!"

Staring at Lin Hao fiercely, Ling Xiao led Zi Yao and Qiu Hu to the cave in front of him.

"Bastard! It's just unreasonable!" Long You couldn't bear it anymore, and he was about to rush over on the spot, but was held back by Lin Hao.

"Lin Hao, what are you doing, I am going to kill them!" Long You said in surprise.

"Wait first, there are still people here." Lin Hao said.

"Huh?" Long You was taken aback, looked around, but found nothing.


At the entrance of the cave in front, the three of them took out the formation plate, laid out the sky and earth nets, and led out the nine-eyed dragon spider.

It was a huge black spider with a body length of fifty meters, with nine eyes ~ ~ similar to longan.

In an instant, the battle broke out.

The strength of the Nine-Eyed Dragon Spider is the One Tribulation Demon Cultivation. When it comes to strength, it can easily crush twenty ordinary Tribulation Periods. However, due to the low IQ, he was introduced into the seal formation and blocked the cultivation base, and he could only exert his strength at 20%.

Coupled with Ling Xiao's kendo will for Dzogchen, he can barely fight back and forth.


"He is going to run away, use Thousand Lock Charms!" Ling Xiao shouted loudly.


The two hurriedly took out thousands of lock charms, the charms shattered and turned into thousands of chains, and flew toward the nine-eyed dragon spider, binding all its eight legs.


The nine-eyed dragon spider turned its head, and opened its mouth to spout a large dense web of spider silk, like a storm, sweeping over the sky and covering everyone in an instant.

"Ah! What is this?"

"I can't move!"

Zi Yao and Qiu Hu were **** on the spot and could not move. Ling Xiao urged the will of the kendo to cut off the spider silk, but a continuous stream of spider silk sprayed over. In a blink of an eye, the three of them were tied into mummies.

"No! I'm suffocating!"

Qiu Hu and Ziyao screamed in shock, Ling Xiao pushed the kendo will to the limit, unable to break free from the shackles, and suddenly felt desperate.

"Impossible, how could it be so strong!"

He still underestimated the strength of Yijie Yaoxiu, too much!

This gap in cultivation level is simply insurmountable!

Lin Hao looked at the scene in the distance and shook his head suddenly. He guessed their ending the moment he saw the Nine-Eyed Dragon Spider.

The nine-eyed dragon spider has a thin dragon bloodline and it is impossible to win!

"Lin Hao, save me!"

Through the gap of spider silk, Zi Yao suddenly saw Lin Hao with a calm expression, shouting as if grabbing a straw.

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