Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 812: : Shocked Evil

The unknown is the most terrifying. If you fight a strong man and die in battle, it won't be the case.

You can't do anything like this. If you wait to die slowly, your mind will collapse no matter how strong it is!


Immediately afterwards, another person ignited spontaneously out of thin air, let out a sharp scream, and finally burned into coke in full view.

"Impossible, there is no enemy attack, not at all! Even if the true monarch wants to attack us, my formation can see the target! But there is nothing!"

Xie Wuchang looked up at the sky, looking around, seeing nothing.

He didn't even know where the enemy's attack came from. He was sure that there was no enemy at all! Just died out of thin air!


An hour later, another person died, as if being strangled by a pair of invisible hands by his throat, strangled alive.

One person after another, in the square, dying rhythmically, with an interval as long as an hour and as short as half an hour.

Evil Impermanence didn't go anywhere, just staring here, without blinking.

He tried various methods, blocking it with formations, hypnotizing people, or covering people. It didn't work. Damn it or die, there will be no exceptions!

Day by day, people died more and more.

Suddenly, it has been a week since Lin Hao escaped.

Right now, there was a pile of corpses lying upside down in the square, leaving the last disciple, sitting in the square, eyes dull and bloodshot.

Xie Wuchang took out a big clock, suddenly covered it, and sealed it on the body of the last disciple.

This big bell was a spiritual treasure given to him by the master of Spider Hall, even if the true monarch wanted to break it, it would have to fluctuate drastically!



A scream came from the big bell, and the last person inside was hacked to death.

Xie Wuchang retracted the clock, only to see a line of words engraved on the forehead of the man's body.

"Do you still chase me?"

This line of words is carved out by a sword.

Xie Wuchang's body twitched fiercely, and there was a storm in his heart. He glanced at the same dumbfounded Hoarfrost behind him, completely dumbfounded, and didn't know what to say.

"Will you continue to chase Lin Hao?" Bai Shuang was stunned for a long time before squeezing out a word.

Xie Wuchang clenched his fists, and after a long time, finally let go.

"Finally, let him be cruel, I am convinced by someone!" Xie Wuchang gritted his teeth.

Hoarfrost is also completely stupid, such a method is simply appalling, I have to take it!

"However, such a threat, I cannot let it go!"

Xie Wuchang's eyes flashed fiercely.

If he really had no choice but to take Lin Hao, he wouldn't let this threat continue to exist, at best he would break the tank and tell the other masters in the sect.

Those masters are not so temperamental as him. Once they make a full shot, the entire Nanfeng Region will be shaken, and Lin Hao has no way to go!

"By the way, what is Lin Hao giving Pill Saint Canghai?"

Suddenly, Xie Wuchang thought of this question.

He took out the kit that Lin Hao gave to Gu Ying, and there was nothing special in it, but a wooden sculpture full of charm. The wooden sculpture was a baby, and it didn't look special.

This was brought to Lin Canghai by the ancient shadow of Lin Haotuo, and was intercepted by Xie Wuchang.

"Huh! What is the identity of Pill Saint Canghai? Even at the level of True Monarch, it's hard to see him."

Bai Shuang said lightly: "I guess, 80% of him wanted to attract the attention of the Canghai Pill Sage and give him a pill to restore his cultivation."

"Maybe." Xie Wuchang nodded.

He still couldn't figure it out, and put the baby woodcarving in his pocket.


Lin Hao burrowed into the ground carefully all the way, until he completely left the scope of the Ghost Cry Forest, he broke through the ground.

Cursed the puppet for a week, even if he can't bear it, but this way, it will definitely let Evil Impermanence stop!

After Lin Hao stayed away from Guikulin, he went all the way to the north and found a larger prosperous city according to the map.

This city is called "Hundred Zong City", which means that there are hundreds of sects stationed in the city.

It's better to say that it's not so much a city than a country, because the area is too big, much larger than the largest empire in the Eastern Profound Region.

After entering Baizong City, there are many buildings, and the prosperous streets are full of immortal cultivators, shouting can be heard everywhere.

You can see many figures flying around in the sky, just like locusts.

There is no forbidden air formation in Baizong City, and you can fly at will. Lin Hao flew into the sky, and flew towards the west of the city according to the location marked on the map.

There is a Tingfeng restaurant in the west of the city, and he needs to find out the location of Lin Canghai.

Originally, Lin Hao didn't want to meet this second apprentice, but now that his cultivation is imprisoned, he can't break through, so he can only go to Lin Canghai, he must have a good way.

After flying for about half an hour, he came to Tingfeng Restaurant.

Like the one in Haichuan City, the Tingfeng restaurant here is also located in a remote place, it looks very shabby, there are not many people, because there are not many people who can come here to consume.

"Tingfeng Restaurant? Lin Hao, do you want to eat again?"

Long You beside him saw the word "restaurant", his eyes lit up and smiled.

"You stand here and don't move, I'll go in and come out in a moment."

Lin Hao jumped and jumped into the restaurant's gate.

When he entered, it happened that an old man wearing a hat walked out of the gate and passed Lin Hao.

The old man was about to leave, suddenly raised his eyebrows, turned his head and looked at Lin Hao's back.

"What a strong soul power! A cultivation base that has not yet overcome the catastrophe, the soul power is so strong!"

The old man in the hat narrowed his eyes and raised his mouth slightly.

"Hey, it's a good seedling, my spider hall, I haven't seen such a good seedling for a long time."

The old man in the hat did not leave either. He found a hidden place near the Tingfeng restaurant and sat down.

After entering the Tingfeng restaurant, Lin Hao shouted according to the old rules:

"Xiao Er has wine, Moyan wine!"

"Okay, the guest officer comes with me."

Under the leadership of Xiaoer Dian, Lin Hao came to a dark area.

According to the old rules, he took out a storage ring containing 10,000 top-grade spirit stones and placed it on the ground.

"I need Lin Canghai's current position." Lin Hao said.

"Half a year ago, Lin Canghai appeared in the Holy Pill City of Nanfeng Region and Zhongzhou. He should be in retreat now. The specific situation is unknown." A voice in the darkness replied.

"Holy Pill City?"

Lin Hao narrowed his eyes. Of course he knew where the Holy Pill City was in Nanfeng Region.

Sacred Pill City is the most prosperous city in Zhongzhou, even looking at the entire Nanfeng Region, because there are many eight-level pill sages stationed in it! !

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