Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 814: :curious coincidence

"From now on, you are the personal disciple of My Thousand Spiders, but your cultivation is too weak. You haven't even survived the first catastrophe. You can't rank in my hall at all, and you are not even as good as the lowest-level handyman disciple. ."

"Now, you first go to Wanbao Pavilion to allocate resources. In this disciple token, there are one million contribution points, which can be exchanged for countless treasures, enough for you to quickly improve in a short time."

"When you become a real person of the Three Tribulations, I will teach you how to pass the real person to you."

Real Thousand Spiders smiled and stared at Xiao Longdao.

Lin Hao was helpless. He smiled bitterly and said, "I'm afraid it won't work."

"Why?" The real thousand spider wondered.

"Because, I have been blocked from talent. As long as the martial arts will cultivate to Great Perfection, I will go into trouble." Lin Hao directly explained his situation.

Real Thousand Spiders are good at soul abilities, maybe there is a way.

After hearing Lin Hao's words, Majestic Thousand Spiders was also taken aback, then walked to Lin Hao, pointed his fingertips on Lin Hao's forehead, and began to probe carefully.

There are many secrets in Lin Hao's body, but he is not worried at all, what real person Qian Spider can see.

After observing for a long time, Real Thousand Spiders suddenly brightened his eyes and said in surprise: "Good boy, no wonder! I just found out that you have been dismissed by this thing!"

Lin Hao's eyes lit up when he heard the words.

In that case, did Real Thousand Spider discover what the group of miscellaneous birds gave him?

That kind of imprisonment, relying on Lin Hao's strength, can't be seen for the time being, but Qianzhu's real cultivation base is strong and good at soul, maybe he can see it through.

The scene that followed confirmed Lin Hao's guess.

Majestic Thousand Spider stared at Lin Hao for several times before coldly snorting: "Huh! You are right, you are indeed imprinted with a certain soul mark. As long as you practice Dzogchen's martial arts will, it will be triggered, and you will become crazy! But rest assured, with my patience, I can solve it for you!"

Lin Hao was overjoyed immediately, and said quickly, "Master, please do it!"

Anyway, he shouted a lot of meat, Lin Hao thought to himself.

Hearing such a name, the real person Qian Spider was still solemn, and he was overjoyed.

"Hahaha! Well, pay a little price for the teacher, and I will help you get rid of this stuff!"

Real Thousand Spiders laughed. He didn't know what it was, but he could see that there was something in Lin Hao's body that could be maddening.

I saw the real Thousand Spiders spilling out the spirit stone, and constructed a simple formation beside Lin Hao.

People with strong soul power usually have the same level of formation. People of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect are basically good at formation.

"Exorcism formation, show me!"

Real Thousand Spider waved his hand, and five drops of natal blood burst out from his fingertips, forming an invisible magic formula in mid-air and introducing it into Lin Hao's body.

It was like a big tongs formed by soul power. Lin Hao saw that the tongs clamped a transparent sheet and took it out of his body.

After the thin slice went out, Lin Hao suddenly felt his body extremely relaxed, as if years of restraint had been released.

"Look! This is the thing that has sealed your talent. As long as you cultivate the martial arts will of Dzogchen, it will make you crazy."

The real person Qian Spider smiled. After using the method just now, his face was slightly pale, but his expression was very excited.

At this moment, his fingertips pinched a transparent thin paper.

With Lin Hao's vision, he immediately discovered that this is a high-level will soul seal, which is closely related to martial arts will and is of great value!

Lin Hao quickly and respectfully said, "Thank you, Master, for your shot!"

"Hahaha! I got this thing, so I can study it more!"

Real Thousand Spider smiled and waved his hand: "Well, you can leave with the token. I will not intervene in the matter of your size in the spider hall, disputes with other disciples, etc. for the time being. If you encounter life and death Danger, just crush the token I gave you."

"Understand!" Lin Hao glanced at Long You who was unconscious beside him, and said, "Then he..."

Master Qianzhu thought for a while, took out another disciple token, and threw it to him.

"This person should be your friend. If he is lucky, he will also be included in the spider hall." Qian Spider said indifferently.

"Thank you!" Lin Hao nodded.

"Get out."

Then, Lin Hao dragged Long You who was unconscious and left here.

Real Person Qian Spider looked at Lin Hao who was going away until Lin Hao disappeared. He suddenly raised his head and laughed wildly, unable to contain his excitement.

"Hahahaha! Great!"

"Fortunately, this seedling was discovered by me first. If it was discovered by the old people like Centipede Hall and Toad Hall, it would be robbed and run away. Hehehe, God helps me too!"

"Training it a little bit, it may be another ghost!"

Qian Spider was really excited, the more he thought about it, the more excited he couldn't stop.


"I just got out of the wolf den and entered the tiger's den again. This is really a headache."

Lin Hao patted his forehead, carrying the unconscious Long You, walking in the spider hall.

His luck is simply nothing to say, how could such a thing happen to him?

Lin Canghai was not found, and he was forced to worship his teacher, otherwise he would die! Lin Hao is really a Where does he need a master?

This time being caught by the real thousand spiders, the ghosts and gods joined the Ten Thousand Ghosts Sect. I don't know if it is good or bad, so I can only take a step to see it!

Following the location indicated on the token, Lin Hao left the hall, shuttled through several streets, and came to a residential area.

Every mansion is separated by hundreds of meters. This is where the spider cousins ​​live.

"2203..." Lin Hao held the token, followed the number on the token, and finally found his mansion.

This is a three-thousand-meter-wide yard, which is fairly spacious, with the spirit gathering formation and soul cultivation formation arranged, and the conditions are good.

After Lin Hao entered, he immediately felt refreshed, which was not much worse than the environment of the City Lord's Mansion in Tianhuang City.

He wanted to find a retreat and practice place, if it wasn't for the dangerous spider hall, it would be great!

The layout of the courtyard is similar to that of a courtyard, with four houses in the southeast and northwest surrounding the courtyard in the middle.

There is also a pavilion in the middle of the courtyard.

Lin Hao observed a little and found that there were people living in the two houses on the east and the south, and two disciples of the same family lived. The houses on the west and north are empty, and should belong to him and Long You.

Lin Hao put Long You on the ground, letting him wake up. He jumped into the pavilion in the middle and sat down cross-legged.

He was about to enter the cultivation state when he suddenly heard a soft voice.

"Yo! New here?"

Following the voice, Lin Hao noticed that the door of the house to the east had opened, and an evil youth with a pale face came out.

This person has a fair face, bright red lips, and a pretty face, giving people the feeling of a woman, looking very evil.

This reminded Lin Hao of Jun Mochou, who were of the same type.

Lin Hao couldn't help asking: "You are..."

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