Jiang Hu's face was squashed, and his eyes stared at Long You, full of spitefulness, wishing to kill the whole Long You clan.

"Yo! Do you dare to look at me, take another look!"

Long You suddenly widened his eyes, grabbed Jiang Hu by the collar and lifted it up. He slapped Jiang Hu with a slap on his face.

This wasn't over yet, Long You waved his arm, slap after slap, and danced wildly left and right.

"Papa Papa Papa..."

After just a few breaths, Jiang Hu's face was beaten beyond recognition.

Jiang Hu really wanted to cry without tears, so he could only curse the villain for his ambition.

Finally, his head tilted and he passed out.

Seeing that he was fainted, Long You threw Jiang Hu in front, scared that everyone in the Sirius Gang shrank back for fear that Long You would trouble them.

Lin Hao looked at the horrified Sirius Gang and said lightly: "Hand over your storage ring."

The Sirius gang originally wanted to talk harshly, but when they saw Long You's gloomy face, they didn't dare to say anything, so they had to pass the storage ring honestly.

"Damn! When the gang leader comes back, I will definitely make you look good!" the members of the Sirius Gang thought fiercely.


Long You lifted a flying kick and kicked these people out one by one.

Sirius helped everyone lift Jiang Hu, who was unconscious, and ran away, leaving only Jun Xiaoya and Fatty Han with dull-eyed eyes.

Lin Hao didn't kill Jiang Hu because he didn't want to cause too much trouble.

Although Wanguizong's rules are loose, it is not allowed to kill fellow disciples within the sect. If you want to kill, you can only do it outside.

At this time, Fatty Han suddenly screamed: "Lin Hao, you have caused a disaster!"

"You make Jiang Hu look like this, and when the leader of the Sirius Gang comes with three major guardians, you will be dead!"

Lin Hao said indifferently: "The Sirius Gang is fighting fiercely with the White Gang now, and they don't have the heart to deal with me."

These are what Lin Hao heard from passers-by on the road.

The Sirius Gang and the White Gang are both inner sect gangs. The leaders of the two gangs are all inner sect disciples. Nowadays, fierce conflict is erupting, and no one can get it.

Lin Hao still didn't believe that the Sirius Clan leader would give up the fight with the White Clan for Jiang Hu from an outside sect and come here personally to deal with him.

Hearing this, Fatty Han was still uneasy, but it was useless to say anything now.

"Anyway, practice with peace of mind. Seeing that Brother Lin is making such rapid progress, I should work hard!"

Jun Xiaoya clenched his fists, looking full of energy.

Fatty Han nodded in agreement, and said, "I have gone to the martial arts arena. I feel like I have to be beaten to improve!"

After speaking, he left the yard. The Martial Arts Arena was a place where the disciples of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect gambling and fighting each other.

Lin Hao glanced at Jun Xiaoya, suddenly narrowed his eyes, as if he had discovered something.

"Jun Xiaoya, you are so talented, your achievements should be more than that." Lin Hao said.

Jun Xiaoya has a strange expression on his face.

He stared at Lin Hao, and Lin Hao also stared straight at him, staring at each other.

After a long time, Jun Xiaoya suddenly bent over and said, "Please also ask Brother Lin to keep it secret for me."

"Don't worry, it's just a little thing." Lin Hao smiled.

"Yeah!" Jun Xiaoya smiled slightly.

Long You took a big step and walked towards his house: "I'm going to retreat. If the little thief comes again, he will call me, and I will hit him all over his teeth!"

Lin Hao also returned to the room.

He opened the confiscated storage ring, and there were a hundred thousand best spirit stones in it! It is estimated that all are from the help of the Sirius Gang.

In this way, he can use the ten-day time array again.


Lin Hao took out the time array non-stop, inlaid the best spirit stone into the array, and entered the cultivation state.

He intends to use this time to cultivate the annihilation will to Dzogchen, and he will not get out if he is not satisfied! Otherwise, facing the inner disciple, he is really not too sure.


That night--

Wan Guizong, Spider Hall, inner door.

In a luxurious hall, the half-dead Jiang Hu was thrown to the ground.

Beside him, kneeling a group of Sirius gangs with swollen noses and swollen noses were the ones who went to collect help.

On the seat headed by the main hall, there was a young man with a solemn expression and silver eyebrows. Those eyes were like wolves, with an indescribable coldness.

The leader of the Sirius Gang, an inner disciple, Duan Sirius!

Even on the ghost list of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, he is also a well-known master on the list, although only 98, he is enough to be famous!

You know, the ghost list of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect is a collection of all the talented disciples of the five branches of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, and only ten of the inner disciples of the Spider Hall are on the list.

"You go to collect the help fee, and you got it like this?" Duan Sirius looked down at the trembling helpers below, his eyes narrowed and his eyes shot coldly.

"Bang...Bangmaster, the culprit is really terrible. He has even practiced a complete confusion bell, and has a weird will to martial arts. Deputy Chief Jiang is not an opponent at all!" A wounded group trembled.

Duan Sirius stared at him, his face could not see the happiness, anger, sorrow or happiness, but his eyes showed a look of interest~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Next to Duan Tianlang, a protector in white said: "Helper , Why don't you let me beat the thief half to death and catch it?"

Duan Sirius waved his hand: "No need!"

"The members of the White Gang are staring at us all the time. If they find that you have gone to the outer door, they will definitely take the opportunity to kill you. Our manpower is indispensable."

"Yes!" The white-clothed law protector bowed.

Duan Sirius looked at the people kneeling below, resting his chin, his face was thoughtful.

"Lin Hao? Interesting, after a few days, I will visit you in person for a while."


In such days, two months passed.

With the tenfold acceleration of the time array, only six days have passed by the outside world.

Lin Hao opened his eyes, and the black waves on the surface of his body continued to circulate and disappeared in his body.

"Annihilate the will, and finally Dzogchen is complete!" Lin Hao smiled.

After two months, he finally cultivated the annihilation will to Dzogchen, so he can overcome the calamity!

The monks crossing the catastrophe period are divided into ten catastrophes, one catastrophe and one heaven!

The first calamity, the will calamity, integrates the martial arts will of Dzogchen with the physical body, and can release the martial arts will with a gesture of action, and its power soars ten times! Only Dzogchen can survive!

Lin Hao put away the array and came to the middle of the courtyard.


Lin Hao chanted a sentence, sprinkled the spirit stone, and constructed a defensive formation.

When he was about to start to cross the robbery, he suddenly looked up and saw that the sky was densely covered with dark clouds, and a thick thundercloud appeared above his head.

This is the Thunder Tribulation Cloud, the monk crosses the Tribulation, and the God Thunder descends from the sky. As long as it lasts, the strength will skyrocket, and the lifespan will increase by 30,000!

What surprised Lin Hao was that he hadn't even begun to cross the catastrophe!

Lin Hao's gaze couldn't help turning towards the house where Long You was.

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