Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 826: : 2 help invite

Lin Hao looked at the yard. At this moment, there was no good place in the yard. Four houses were destroyed and the yard was in a mess.

But these are all minor problems, and one can be repaired at will.

At this moment, the sky was completely dark, and they spent one day and one night crossing the robbery.

Lin Hao suddenly saw a majestic figure outside the ruins of the courtyard. Under the shroud of the dark night, he saw the cold eyes, like wolf eyes.

Lin Hao immediately became vigilant, and this person gave him a slight sense of threat.

This shows that the strength of this person may be higher than him!

"Hehe, I said who was crossing the robbery, it turned out to be you!"

There was a sneer from the distant figure.

Lin Hao narrowed his eyes and said, "You are..."

"I'm the leader of the Sirius Gang, Duan Sirius. By the way, I helped the Jiang Hu you wounded." Duan Sirius laughed, no emotions could be heard in his tone.

After listening to this, Fatty Han's face became extremely pale, and he dared not even move, shaking in fright.

The leader of the Sirius Gang, Duan Sirius! The person on the ghost list, he actually came in person!

Lin Hao stared at Duan Sirius with a high concentration of energy. As long as the other party moved slightly, Lin Hao could respond instantly.

Long You also leaned over, a whirlpool quietly appeared in his palm.

He also saw that this person was extremely uncomfortable.

"You don't have to make this look, I'm here, not to clean up you."

Unexpectedly, Duan Sirius waved his hand and said with a smile: "I will give you a chance to join my Sirius gang. I will not charge any help."

As soon as this remark came out, Lin Hao was taken aback for a moment.

Isn't this person here to cause trouble?

Seeing the puzzled expressions of the two, Duan Sirius suddenly smiled.

With a wave of his hand, a shielding formation appeared, isolating the three of them in the formation, and people outside could not hear what was said inside.

Duan Sirius stared at Lin Hao and solemnly said:

"To be honest, my Sirius Gang has recently encountered a crisis and is in urgent need of manpower, especially the outer disciples!"

"If you don’t want to join, it’s okay. As long as you replace my Sirius gang, I will let you go in a gambling fight three days later, and the previous grievances will not be blamed. You robbed me of the 100,000 best spirit stone help. Just treat it as a reward and give you an extra 100,000."

"what do you think?"

Duan Tianlang looked at Lin Hao and the two with a slight smile, but those eyes that resembled a wolf made people shudder.

Long You couldn't help but cast his gaze towards Lin Hao, Lin Hao hardly thought, and nodded in agreement.

"Okay! I promise you, but is the reward a bit less?" Lin Hao said.

After Duan Sirius heard this, his eyes narrowed and he sneered: "Interesting, this is the first time I have seen Duan Sirius. Someone dare to bargain with me!"

"However, if you can win that gambling fight, it is not impossible to add some rewards, but if you lose, I will let you swallow it and vomit it all!"

Duan Tianlang's tone was cold and solemn, and his tone was beyond doubt.

Lin Hao nodded: "Alright! But how can I trust you?"

In the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, anyone can only believe three points. Lin Hao is still very clear about this.

Duan Sirius just waved his hand, "You can go to inquire about the reputation of my Duan Sirius, and I always speak with one another."

"Three days later, come to my Sirius gang headquarters to report."

After saying this, Duan Sirius' body disappeared out of thin air. Without any disturbance, he disappeared completely under the noses of Lin Hao and Long You.

"Fast speed!" Long You was shocked.

Lin Hao said, "What appeared just now was just a projection."

"Projection?" Long You was taken aback.

"It's just a kind of spirit ability. He himself may not be able to pull out his hand, and only use projection to communicate with me, otherwise, he won't talk so easily." Lin Hao spread his hands.

Only then did Long You suddenly start.

However, just a projection can arbitrarily set up a shielding formation and give them such a great pressure, which shows how strong Duan Sirius is!

As soon as Duan Sirius left, the shielding formation also disappeared.

Jun Xiaoya secretly breathed a sigh of relief when Lin Hao and Long You were safe and sound.

Lin Hao looked at Jun Xiaoya in the distance, and asked, "How about Duan Tianlang?"

"Trust him!" Jun Xiaoya is simple and direct.

Lin Hao nodded, thoughtfully.

"Lin Hao, do you really want to go?" Long You said.

"Otherwise?" Lin Hao asked back.

They don't have the strength to fight the Sirius Gang now, and it doesn't hurt to participate, instead they can get the best spirit stone. What Lin Hao lacks is the best spirit stone.

As long as he has the best spirit stone, he can continuously accelerate his cultivation! Others’ day is ten days!


Next, Lin Hao repaired the yard and stayed to consolidate his cultivation.

He intends to practice the Nine Annihilation Swords created in the previous battle again.

The Nine Swords of Annihilation are theoretically divided into nine swords. Lin Hao changed them based on the Nine Swords of Real Thunder. He just created the first sword!

"The first sword!"

Lin Hao found an open space, aimed at the rock in front of him, and slashed out with a vertical sword, leaving a black mark in the void.


The void cracked, the black airflow flashed away, and a rock in front of it disappeared, leaving no trace.

Only saw some rock dust appeared in the sky, gradually flying out.

"This first sword is called Luochen!" Lin Hao secretly said.

At this time, Lin Hao suddenly heard the sound of breaking the wind outside.


Lin Hao rushed out, didn't go far, only saw a tall white robe man stopped in front.

There are only two of them here.

"You are Lin Hao, the one who beat Jiang Hu seriously?" The white-robed man said calmly with his back to him.

Lin Hao raised his eyebrows, why suddenly he popped out to ask this personally.

This person should be an outside disciple, and Lin Hao is not afraid.

"What about it?" Lin Hao said coldly.

"Haha, nothing! I am a member of the Bai Gang, and now I invite you to represent the Bai Gang in a gambling fight three days later!"

The white-robed man turned around and faced Lin Hao with a smile.

Lin Hao was taken aback for a moment, and it was another gambling!

He only knew that three days later, the White Gang and the Sirius Gang had a gambling fight. First the Sirius Gang invited him, and now the White Gang also invited him.

This was not good news for him, Lin Hao didn't want to be too swagger, so as not to be discovered by Evil Impermanence.

"No time!"

Lin Hao said coldly, since he had agreed to the Sirius Gang, he naturally couldn't help the White Gang.

"Haha! It doesn't matter, you don't have to participate, as long as you don't help the Sirius Gang, it's enough." The white-robed man laughed.

After Lin Hao listened, suddenly he had a plan in mind.

"Why? No, you have agreed to help Sirius!"

The white-robed man squinted his eyes, and a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"Of course not, I promised to fight for Baibang, but you have to pay me." Lin Hao smiled.

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