Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 829: : Absolute disadvantage!


Jiang Hu let out a scream and flew directly out of the ring, half of his soul flew out.

Seeing this, Duan Tianlang hurriedly went up to catch Jiang Hu, entered the law, and sealed Jiang Hu's soul back into his body.

Jiang Hu lay on the ground and passed out.

"Split the soul palm, you can destroy Jiang Hu with one palm, are you evil cloud?"

Duan Tianlang looked at the man in the cloak on the ring, his face sank, and gritted his teeth.

Split Soul Palm, Heavenly Peak Soul Skill! Can practice this trick to such a point, among the outer disciples, there is only Xie Yun!

"Oh! It was actually seen, that's good!"

Seeing this, Xie Yun simply confessed, and when he took his head cover, it revealed his youthful appearance, but his arms were particularly dry.

"Evil Cloud?!"

The audience was shocked.

They didn't expect that Xie Yun, the first outer disciple, actually acted on behalf of the Bai Gang!

Duan Sirius' face was extremely ugly.

Xie Yun shot, even Lin Hao might not be able to take him down, after all, that was the first person in the outer door of Spider Hall!

"Haha, I have some friendship with Bai Wuji. Jiang Hu has scored my soul palm. There is no need for him to participate in the next battle." Xie Yun sneered.

Leng Rushuang at the top of the stands announced loudly: "In the first round, the White Gang wins!"

"In addition, given that Jiang Hu was seriously injured, he would not be able to participate in the war next, and it was counted as abstention, so Jiang Hu lost all three rounds, no objection!"

Leng Rushuang looked at Duan Tianlang.

Duan Sirius could only admit it, nodded and said: "No opinion!"

"Well, the gambling fight continues. In the next round, Evil Cloud will face Gu Yan!" Leng Rushuang announced.

Hearing the name Gu Yan, the whole audience was stagnant!

"Guyan! Could it be the lone goose of Centipede Hall?" Bai Wuji was suddenly startled.

"Haha! It's under!"

The arrogant young man jumped and jumped onto the ring, looking at the evil cloud with a sneer: "Centipede Hall Guyan, for the time being, on behalf of the Sirius Gang, ask for advice and advice from the outer door of your Spider Hall!"

Gu Yan was full of confidence, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

"Guyan! It is said that it is the first three of the outer door of Zhongzhou Centipede Hall! He is here!"

"The strength of the Centipede Hall is above the Spider Hall. Perhaps the top three are enough to fight our first person!"

Everyone was talking in whispers, and they all showed enthusiasm for Gu Yan's battle.

Xie Yun still sneered: "Guyan, I've heard of it, it's very fast!"

"Has it started?" Gu Yan smiled, looking at Leng Rushuang.

"Of course, as long as you are in the ring, it means the fight begins." Leng Rushuang smiled.


As soon as the voice fell, Gu Yan's figure disappeared directly, and countless vague phantoms appeared on the entire ring. It was impossible to see which was true and which was false.

"Thousands of phantoms!"

The phantoms of the lone geese yelled out loudly, and they saw all the phantoms heading towards the evil cloud.

"Pretend to be a god! Try my heart-scratching fog!"

Xie Yun sneered and waved his sleeves, and countless black mists suddenly flew out of his sleeves, covering his surroundings.

In the fog, there was a faintly burning sound of "chichichi", Gu Yan's robe was burned clean when it encountered the fog, and most of the phantom disappeared.

"Huh! A little way!"

Gu Yan shouted: "Dapeng spreads its wings!"

He waved his arms, and in an instant, there was a violent wind on the ring, only to see an illusory roc bird waving its wings, the wind blew away, and the black heart-biting fog was blown away in an instant.

As soon as the mist dissipated, Gu Yan went away and hit Xie Yun's body with a paw.

"It's just right!" Xie Yun sneered, but saw a crisp "ding" from his arm.

Immediately afterwards, his body exploded directly, and a corrosive acid mist sprayed on Gu Yan's face.


Gu Yan let out a scream, Evil Cloud appeared directly behind him, and when he snapped it out, Gu Yan had no choice but to turn around and hit the Evil Cloud.


After the loud noise, Gu Yan pulled away and flew back, but had fallen out of the ring.

The battle ended in a hurry, but only a minute.

But the level of danger is no less than a battle of the Three Tribulations! A variety of soul abilities and martial arts have been used, which is amazing!

"The lone geese came on stage, the battle was over, and the white gang won!" Leng Rushuang announced the end of the battle!

The Sirius gang's face suddenly became ashes.

"Damn it! If it weren't for the position of the ring, I would never lose!" Gu Yan was very unconvinced, staring at Xie Yun, and clenched his fists fiercely.

"Haha, if you are the first person from the outer door of the Centipede Hall to come over, I will still be afraid of three points. You are the top three, so forget it!" Xie Yun has no fear.

Duan Sirius was very angry. He was still lucky. He came across a lone geese who happened to be visiting Nanzhou, so he asked him to shoot at a high price, but he lost the first game!

Jiang Hu was unconscious and was already defeated in three games.

Now, Gu Yan has lost another game, four games!

There were only nine gambling games, five wins in nine games, and one loss, they would be completely finished!

"Haha! It's four to zero, and the members of the Sirius Gang are nothing more than that!" Bai Wuji mocked! The Sirius Gang, it's really wasteful, it's a five-to-zero altogether defeat! "

Everyone in the White Gang laughed and mocked.

The people of Sirius were going crazy, but they were helpless.

In fact, they have already lost four games. If they lose one more game, the gambling battle will be completely lost, and it is still a complete defeat!

Such a fiasco will bring a devastating blow to the gang, and perhaps the Sirius Gang will not recover.

"Lin Hao, it's up to you!"

At this time, Duan Sirius cast his expectant gaze towards Lin Hao.

In the next game, it was Lin Hao's turn to make a shot, and it was up to him, even though Duan Tianlang also thought that it would be difficult for Lin Hao to beat Xie Yun.

After all, even Gu Yan lost so cleanly, Xie Yun's strength was far beyond his imagination.

"In the third round, Lin Ying faced Evil Cloud!" Leng Rushuang said loudly.

Xie Yun stood on the ring, his eyes fixed on the sallow-skinned youth of the Sirius gang, with a sneer on his face.

"An unknown ant, dare to come up and die?"

Xie Yun was very confident, and he didn't think this person could send any master over.

In full view, the strange young man with sallow skin walked slowly to the side of the ring and stood with his hands behind.

"Who is that person?"

"It doesn't matter who he is, the Sirius Gang is determined to lose, or it will be completely defeated, haha!"

The onlookers also fell to the White Gang, and no one thought the Sirius Gang could come back.

If he wants to make a comeback, he must defeat Xie Yun, a stranger who is unknown, is it possible?

Bai Wuji looked at Lin Hao's avatar and said, "Lin Hao, I said earlier, you don't need to make a move at all, just wait for the victory. Two hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones are cheap for you."

Lin Hao just smiled without talking.

Who knows, what is on the ring is his ontology.

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