Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 846: : Be recognized

"This Long Chi Ling is very popular. I don't know how many of them are spread outside!" Lin Hao secretly smiled.

Everyone didn't know that there was a dragon pond order on him.

Seeing everyone had left, Lin Hao was no exception, and Long You rushed to Xuanming Taoist School.

Xuanming Dao Sect is not far from Tianhuang City, and can arrive in at most an hour.


An hour later, everyone came to the position of Xuanming Daozong one after another.

It's just that now, the real bones are gone.

However, when everyone looked at the sky of Xuanming Dao Sect, they saw a white human shadow with a skinny figure and a sneer. It looked like a real white bone.

Of course, all that was left was a phantom, and the real bones had already slipped away.

True Monarch Tianhuang and Zhentian Xing Tian were also in the sky, and they seemed to be groping for the flight path left by the real man.

"Hahaha! Xuan Mingzi, how dare you tell me about me, wait, wait ten years, I will come out of Longchi, and I will definitely destroy you Xuan Ming Dao Sect!"

The phantom of the real bones looked down below and saw all the people who came, suddenly laughing wildly.

"Holy Bone, hand over Long Chi Ling honestly, I don't want to ask tens of thousands of ghosts in person." Xing Tianzhenjun said coldly.

"Yo! True Lord Xingtian, I also have a ghost in the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, so go if you have the ability!" Zhen Bone sneered.

Hearing the words "Ghost", Xing Tianzhenjun's face sank, but he was not weaker than his existence.

"Holy Bone, if you don't hand it over, believe it or not, we will come together to attack? Can you stop the two true monarchs with one sect?" Tianhuang Zhenjun coldly snorted.

"Hahaha! What is the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect to do with me? If you want to go, go, Longchi commanded me, and I don't care about the life or death of the sect." The real boneless said.

Such a sentence immediately left everyone speechless.

He deserves to be a member of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, and he doesn't even care about the life or death of his own sect.

Lin Hao was also speechless at once, the people of this sect were more poisonous than the other, and it really couldn't be treated with common sense.

I am afraid that in order to obtain the Longchi Order, even his own son can sacrifice.

"I know that you are groping for my position. Now I am telling you clearly that the real person is in the emptiness and can suppress the cultivation base. If there is a species, you will arrest me! Hahaha!"

The real bones laughed wildly.

"Nothing Secret Realm!"

Everyone was surprised.

It was a special alien space, a place where the ancient sect experienced disciples. After entering, the true essence could not function, and everyone's cultivation was suppressed by the real person. Moreover, the true monarch's cultivation base cannot enter!

But the soul power is not affected!

Therefore, people who are good at spirit abilities are particularly dominant in it, but in the entire Nanfeng Region, there is only one sect that is good at spirit abilities.

This is tantamount to a home court specially made for Ten Thousand Ghosts!

"Huh! Void Secret Realm, let's check it out first!"

"In any case, Longchi makes me sure to win!"

"Go and see!"

After hearing the words of Madam White Bone, after everyone discussed it, they all planned to see the situation first.

Long Chi Ling, no one will give up! You know, Longchi opened once 10,000 years ago. At that time, everyone who came out of Longchi had a great increase in cultivation base and soaring talents, becoming a peerless powerhouse that everyone awed!

For example, the new ghost lord of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, after coming out of the Dragon Pond, his cultivation soared, and he became the ghost king of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect!

True Monarch Tianhuang and True Monarch Xing Tian gritted their teeth with anger. True Monarch could not enter, and they could only stare at them and sent their subordinates in.

"Huh! There is only one entrance to the Void Secret Realm, I'm stuck there, I won't come out if I don't believe him!" Zhenjun Xing Tian coldly snorted and headed to the direction of the Void Secret Realm.

Although True Monarch Tianhuang didn't say anything, his mind was clearly on the Longchi Order.

The opening time of Longchi was ten years later, and it happened that his life span was ten years!

If he can enter the Dragon Pond, he may be able to change his fate against the sky, pass the ninth calamity, and increase his life for another 30,000 years. In short, this Long Pond will make him sure to win!

"Lin Hao, shall we go?" Long You asked.

"What are we going to do, nothing to do in idle?" Lin Hao asked back.

Long You couldn't help but was taken aback, he thought, according to Lin Hao's temperament, how could he also intervene.

"Holy bones must have laid a net of heaven and earth, specializing in fishing in the void of secrets. This group of people is looking for death in the past. Let's not follow as cannon fodder." Lin Hao shook his head.

Anyway, he has a Longchi Order, so he doesn't care if he can have one more.

The people of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect were more treacherous than the other. Since this true white bone dare to leave a phantom here and let everyone go to the emptiness secret realm, he must have confidence.

Lin Hao had already expected the end of that group of people.

Among the many sects here, most of them went to the Void Secret Realm to try their luck, but Lin Hao and Long You quietly left.

"Jing'er, you are going to guard the emptiness as your teacher, you go and follow that Lin At any cost, you must win him, understand?"

Tianhuang Zhenjun ordered.

Yu Wenjing thought that True Monarch Tianhuang wanted to investigate Lin Ying's identity, and wondered: "Master, do you want me to investigate them?"

"Hehe, fool, don't you see these two people?"

Tianhuang Zhenjun smiled and said, "Do you think Lin Ying and Lin Hao, Youlong and Longyou, look like?"

A word to wake up the dreamer!

When Yu Wenjing heard these two names, the figures in her mind contrasted for a while, and she suddenly realized.

He had been in contact with Lin Hao and Longyou for a period of time. In comparison, Lin Ying and Youlong almost completely overlapped with those two!

Long You was eating and drinking in the restaurant, and You Long was also eating and drinking, and Lin Hao and Lin Ying were equally arrogant.

Yu Wenjing said ecstatically: "Yes! The disciples obey orders!"

"Take a good hold, such enchantments are rare." Tianhuang Zhenjun patted Yu Wenjing's head with deep meaning, tearing the void and disappearing.

Yu Wenjing glanced at the direction where Lin Hao and Long You were leaving, a trace of rosy flashed across his cheeks, and rushed to catch up.

Secretly, a pair of eyes stared at Yu Wenjing tightly, raising a sneer.

"Yu Wenjing, you can't escape!"

A blue figure quietly followed Yu Wenjing.

After Lin Hao left Xuanming Dao Sect, he came to a thick mountain range. The atmosphere of this mountain forest is quiet, inaccessible, and occasionally wild animals pass by.

Lin Hao found a flat and open area and stopped.

He turned his head and looked behind and said calmly: "I have been following for so long, it's time to come out."

Yuwen walked out from behind a tree with a smile, took a lotus step, and flew to Lin Hao.

She bent down and gave Lin Hao a big gift.

"Little girl Yu Wenjing, I would like to thank Engong for saving my life!"

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