"It's okay."

Lin Hao didn't care. Before he passed the second calamity, Gu Tiange could not fight back. Now after the breakthrough, his strength has increased by more than ten times, and he is really not afraid of him.

That Jiang Cheng also raised a funny smile, he hadn't seen people antagonize Gu Tiange for a long time.

Although Gu Tiange is at the bottom of the top five masters of the Thunder Clan, it is not something that nobody can provoke.

As for Lin Hao in front of him, I'm sorry, he has never heard of this person.

"Do it!"

Gu Tiange took the lead, and a white glare appeared in his palm, condensing it to the limit.

After the dazzling light appeared, the color of the entire street lost its color, and the sky suddenly brightened. Many people passing by, stabbing their eyes, they all looked here in shock.

"Holy rank low-rank martial arts, Xingyi broke the palm! It is said that with one palm, you can smash a meteorite." Duan Tianlang said solemnly, he recognized this trick.

Those who can use Saint-level martial arts are all masters on the ghost list. With this move, Gu Tiange is enough to be on the ghost list!


Gu Tiange leaped, his speed was as fast as the stars, and he whizzed.

"Wind thunder flash!"

The wind was blowing at Lin Hao's feet, and the Lei sword behind him was already out of its sheath.


The black light flashed past, and Lin Hao had no extra moves in the effect of annihilating the will, just a simple sword slashed.

With an extremely tricky angle, it bypassed the Xingying Ripple Palm and landed on its shoulder.


The screams resounded.

Only a luminous arm flew out, blood spattering, and it was the arm that Gu Tiange used Xingyunchui palm.

After the arm was broken, the surging true essence exploded in the palm, and the entire arm was blown into nothingness.

Back and forth, just two seconds!

No one expected that the battle would end so quickly!

"Gu Tiange defeated?" Jiang Cheng's pupils contracted, obviously unable to believe that one of the five masters of his Thunder Clan was defeated by an unknown person.

"not good!"

Jiang Cheng whispered and hurried forward.

I saw that Lin Hao had already come to Gu Tiange, slashing his forehead with a sword.

Lin Hao actually planned to kill Gu Tiange!

Jiang Cheng hurriedly waved his hand, and a flying knife flew out of his sleeves, shot it out like lightning, and collided with Lin Hao's sword.


The metal collision sounded loudly, Lin Hao was blocked with a blow, Jiang Cheng seized the opportunity to seize Gu Tiange and flew back and landed at the end of the street.

Only saw Gu Tiange sitting on the ground with a pale face, flesh and blood surging from his broken arm, no matter what, the broken arm cannot be recovered.

In his eyes, there was horror and disbelief, as if he didn't believe that he was defeated so easily, and he was defeated more clearly than the last time.

"Impossible, this is impossible!" Gu Tiange said dullly. He had gone through untold hardships and practiced a trick of Saint-level martial arts, but he was still so vulnerable. This cruel reality severely affected his confidence.

Duan Tianlang breathed a sigh of relief secretly, Lin Hao was indeed stronger than before.

"Trash or trash, vulnerable!" Lin Hao said coldly.

Jiang Cheng's face turned cold, and he said coldly: "Lin Hao, right? You are not brave enough to hurt my Lei Gang!"

Lin Hao holding the Lei sword, looking at Jiang Cheng who rescued Gu Tiange from the front, coldly said: "Why, do you want to be buried together?"

Jiang Cheng stood up, did not answer Lin Hao's words, but looked at Duan Tianlang and said, "Duan Tianlang, is this person your friend?"

"That's right." Duan Sirius smiled.

"Very good! Sirius Gang, I remember today's things!"

Murderous intent flashed in Jiang Cheng's eyes. Although he wanted to kill Lin Hao here, if Duan Sirius blocked him, he might not be able to take the opponent together. Even if you can win, you have to pay a price.

After all, Duan Sirius ranked ninety-five on the ghost list, and he was only ninety-two, three places higher, not much difference.

Jiang Cheng lifted up the godless Gu Tiange, planning to leave, and come back to this place in the future.

Suddenly, he turned his head, only to find that at some point behind him, a purple-skinned youth stood behind him, blocking his retreat.

If he remembers correctly, this person is Lin Hao and the others.

"I want to leave after I'm farting. How can there be such a good thing in the world?" Long You sneered.

"What are you? Do you know who you are talking to?" Jiang Cheng said sharply.

"Hahaha! Master, I care who you are, and Master Long, I played like a pretentious trash like you!"

Without saying a word, Long You rushed out immediately, and a black hole in the whirlpool appeared on his fist. Everything around him involuntarily flew towards the whirlpool, as if it could swallow everything.

"Lin Hao, what are your friends doing! Is he looking for death?" Duan Tianlang became anxious at first glance.

What strength is Jiangcheng? The ninety-two ghost list, even if he is not an opponent, Long You looked at Lin Hao's little follower, how dare to go up and stop Jiang Cheng alone!

"Relax, Long You's strength is stronger than you think." Lin Hao smiled.

"you wanna die!"

Jiang Cheng was also furious in his heart~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Any cat or dog would dare to attack him! Really, he is playing around with the five masters of Lei Gang!

Jiang Cheng jumped up, his wrists danced continuously, and flying knives continued to shoot out. In an instant, a storm of flying knives hung on the street.

This is Jiang Cheng's special skill. Every flying knife is poisonous. As long as it hits a knife, the target will die.

"Swish swish..."

I only saw countless flying knives shooting towards Long You, but Long You did not evade and collided with those flying knives.

"Little thief! You are dead!" Jiang Cheng sneered.

But who knows, when those flying knives touched Long Youzhi, countless black holes appeared on the surface of his body quickly, swallowing the flying knives in, and there was nothing left.

"Swallow Star Palm!"

Long You yelled violently and slapped out a palm. A large rotating black hole appeared in the palm of his hand, and his swallowing power burst out!

Jiang Cheng just wanted to get out of the way, who knows, that swallowing force acting on him actually pulled him over.

"Little thief is looking for death!"

At the moment, Jiang Cheng violently stabbed countless flying knives all over his body, arming him into a big hedgehog.


Only saw that Long You's **** hole-like palms collided with Jiang Cheng.


The blood sprayed out, and the flying knives on Jiang Cheng's body disappeared one by one, being swallowed cleanly. After contacting the black hole, Jiang Cheng's sturdy body also shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye.


There was a scream, and under Duan Tianlang's shocked gaze, he only saw that Jiang Cheng was sucked into skin and bones by the black hole in the blink of an eye, and fell on the ground with a "click", like a dead wood, dying.

Back and forth, just a few seconds before and after, the two Lei Gang defeated! Losing decently!

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