Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 869: : 2 months later

One hundred and eight ghost generals of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect are divided into 36 heavenly ghost generals and 72 earth evil ghost generals.

The former is the top combat power of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, and it is irreplaceable. The latter can only be held by ordinary elders, and even if they die, someone can quickly replace it.

Whether it is the White Bone Reality or Thousand Spiders Reality, they are all Tiangang ghost generals, this soulless real person is only Earth evil ghost general.

In addition, there are some poisons such as Soul Sealing Pill. Apart from these, there is nothing in the soulless real person, not even a valuable Lingbao.

"Long You, you can safely swallow this corpse." Lin Hao smiled.

"Haha! Great."

Long You walked up and put away the body of the soulless real person.

"When the soulless real person dies, Ten Thousand Ghost Sect will definitely notice that if you want to swallow it as soon as possible, now we are still three months away from the Zongmen Annual Meeting, and we are here in retreat for three months." Lin Hao ordered.

"Understood!" Long You smiled.

Then, Lin Hao and Long You left here and changed to a more concealed position in the Ghost Cry Forest, then set up a shielding formation, took out the time array and sat on it.

What he now has is the best spirit stone, which is ten times faster, and three months is nearly three years. In addition, he has a catastrophe change pill, which is enough for him to survive another catastrophe.

Lin Hao put all the things of the soulless real person in his inventory, while the soul orb was directly swallowed.

"Next, start practicing with all your strength." Lin Hao secretly said.


On the other side, Wanguizong Centipede Hall.

Centipede Hall, located in Zhongzhou of Nanfeng Region, is also the most powerful branch hall.

In the top three on the ghost list, Centipede Hall accounted for two people, this is the most powerful proof!

In comparison, Xie Wuchang, the inner sect disciple of Spider Hall, was only fifth on the ghost list, and he was still dead. Huang Xiang, Jiulei and others were all out of the top ten on the ghost list, and seemed stretched.

At this moment, in the Centipede Hall, a group of people in black robes are sitting together, discussing something.

"In this operation, there was an accident." The leader of the black robe said.

"You are talking about the ghostless generals?"

"Yes! When the corpse was finally searched, he did not see his body, so this ghost will be replaced by another person." The leader of the humanity.

"Who is it for? In our spider hall, there are only a few elders with magical powers."

Everyone began to discuss.

Finally, one person hesitated: "Why, let this position be vacant?"

"No! One hundred and eight ghost generals of our Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, one must not be missing, otherwise the final plan will not be implemented!" The black robe headed man shouted coldly.

Everyone fell into silence.

"Huh! It is okay to catch any disciple who has supernatural powers, this ghost will have to be inherited, and within three months, be sure to prepare it for me!" The leader sternly snapped.

"Understood." The person below nodded.

"Finally, the cause of the death of this soulless real person will also be investigated. As far as I know, he last appeared in the area of ​​Guikulin. Send me a search! By the way, issue a special mission!"



Wan Guizong worked vigorously and resolutely.

In the Guicry Forest, the elders first went to the location where the soulless real person died and found no abnormalities. Lin Hao destroyed this place.

Afterwards, they launched a carpet search. After a week of investigation, there was no result.

Due to the limited energy of the elders of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, he issued a rewarding mission for disciples from various branches to search.

It's good to be able to catch the murderer, but it doesn't matter if you can't.

Ever since, Guikulin has become a gathering place for the disciples of the major branches and has become lively.

However, the spider hall closest to Guikulin looked a little embarrassing.

Because of Xianwuchang's death, Spider Hall has become the weakest branch of the disciple. Even if provoked by other branch, I'm afraid I dare not fight back, because the power gap is too big.

With the approach of the Zongmen Annual Meeting, this is especially true. There was even a situation where the spider cousin was killed by another branch!

"Oh! You said it's a good point, why Xiewuchang is dead!"

"The evil cloud of the outer door was wounded in the gambling fight, and it has not healed yet. The evil impermanence of the inner door is dead again. This is good. The outer door and the inner door will all be hammered by other branches."

"Maybe we are the worst."

The spider hall is full of complaints, and all the disciples are complaining about bad luck.

Suddenly, Lin Hao had been in retreat for two months, and under accelerated circumstances, he had been practicing for two years.

In the past two years, he has cultivated Feng Leishan to the point of being small, and he is no longer the previous entry.

After practicing Feng Lei Flash to Xiao Cheng, there is a new term-Feng Lei Shun!

As the name suggests, it is the same as Teleport!

If the wind and thunder changes in the cultivation to the great achievement, countless wind and thunder phantoms can be created, that is the real speed invincibility!

In addition, he also created the Nine Swords of Annihilation to the fifth sword, withered!

He once found a place to use it, and with a sword out, the forests all over the area withered away.

The fifth sword dies, and what annihilates is the vitality!

With a sword, everything is dead!

Lin Hao is very satisfied with this It's just that after he cast it, there is a white hair on his forehead, which makes him feel vigilant and can't use it easily.

However, when he tried to take the Tribulation Change Pill and broke through to the Third Tribulation, an accident occurred.

Because the Jiebian Pill has no effect on him!

The third catastrophe is the soul catastrophe, and the effect of the catastrophe transformation pill is to absorb the soul and reach the edge of the catastrophe. But Lin Hao's soul seemed a bit special, not only was unable to absorb the catastrophe change pill, but almost broke the catastrophe change pill.

Fortunately, he vomited it out in time and didn't waste this medicine.

"This catastrophe change pill cannot be taken, it's a hell." Lin Hao shook his head regretfully.

Lin Hao left the time array and glanced at Long You.

It took Long You two months to swallow the body of the soulless real person, and it seemed that he was near the edge of breakthrough.

"Forget it, this kid is cheap."

Lin Hao flicked his fingers and bounced the Jiebian Pill to Long You's side.

Long You immediately withdrew from the state of cultivation and caught the Jiebian Pill.

"This is... Jiebian Pill?" Long You asked in surprise.

"Yes, my uncle rewarded you." Lin Hao said.

Long You showed a strange expression and asked, "You have such a kind heart?"

"Fuck! I love to eat or not." Lin Hao scolded angrily.

"Haha! Of course I eat, but before that..."

Long You collected the Jiebian Pill, leaped to Lin Hao, and looked at him directly.

Lin Hao also looked directly at Long You, and a fiery flame burst out of their eyes, a flame full of fighting spirit!

So far, Lin Hao has never met a powerful master of the same level. They all fought by leapfrogging. If Long You broke through with the Tribulation Pill, he would become the Three Tribulation Reality.

Therefore, they all have a coincidence.

Take advantage of Long You's breakthrough, a good battle.

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