Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 871: :3 outstanding centipede hall

"Wind thunder flash!"

The lightning blast under Lin Hao's feet flickered, and he tried his best to retreat.

But what surprised him was that the speed that was originally as fast as a teleport, at this moment, was as slow as deep in the mud.

It seemed that once Long You made this move, the wind and thunder could not escape!

"In that case... Feng Lei Shun!"

Lin Hao had no choice but to finally display his fastest trick, the second stage of Feng Lei Shun, Feng Lei Shun!


In an instant, Lin Hao's shadow disappeared.


In the end, Long You slapped the place where Lin Hao was before disappearing, and the earth collapsed completely and collapsed toward the center point. That place was like an abyssal black hole, constantly pulling away the surrounding things.

It took about five minutes before the shaking subsided. A vast abyss appeared here. At the center of the abyss, a large mountain was piled up into the clouds. The surrounding woods and stones were all gathered in the center of the mountain, all sucked by the dragon. of.

I saw Lin Hao falling in the distance, cold sweat.

"It's a terrifying palm, I'm afraid this is the martial arts of the Saint Rank pinnacle!" Lin Hao secretly said.

The power of this palm alone is no less than that of Lin Hao's newly created Sword of Dead and Silence. If his wind and thunder flash hadn't reached a small level, he wouldn't be able to escape.

But that was Lin Hao's trump card, and the side effects were so great that it wouldn't be used here.

Long You fell into the pit out of breath, looked at Lin Hao, and cursed: "Lin Hao, you are shameless!"

"Where am I kidding?" Lin Hao asked in confusion.

"A good move will determine the outcome, what are you hiding!" Long You said extremely dissatisfied.

"Did I say that I want to decide the outcome with you?" Lin Hao smiled.

Long You was speechless at once.

Lin Hao did not make any promises.

"Huh! I'm not playing anymore!" Long You said angrily.

Such a scene made Lin Hao dumb.

However, he could understand Long You's mood, and finally met an opponent who was equal to him, and displayed his most proud of his unique skills, but Lin Hao avoided it and did not choose to fight.

This makes him feel like a punch in the air!

In the end, Lin Hao himself felt a little regretful when the originally hearty battle ended so hastily.

"Swish swish..."

Suddenly, there was the sound of breaking wind nearby.

Lin Hao and Long You looked together, only to see three figures, coming from a distance, standing on a pile of rocks.

The three of them looked at the deep pit in front of them, and there was a glimmer of surprise in their eyes, but it was only a flash.

"Centipede Hall?"

Lin Hao scanned the robes of the three of them and recognized at a glance that these three were the branch hall of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect in Zhongzhou, the Centipede Hall.

In the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, the Centipede Hall is the most powerful branch hall. The geographical location is in the center of Nanfeng Region, and the resources are naturally the most abundant. It is said that the top three in the ghost list occupy two of them! The ghost king on the ghost list is also the person of the centipede hall!

A grim young man at the head said: "Just now, are you two fighting here?"

Lin Hao said, "Yes, what are the three of you doing?"

"You should be the disciples of Ten Thousand Ghost Sect," said the cold young man.

"Yes." Lin Hao said.

"I don't remember that there are two of you at the inner door of the Centipede Hall. Then ask, which branch do you come from? Toad Hall, Scorpion Hall, or Venomous Serpent Hall?" the cold young man said.

Lin Hao and Long You looked at each other and smiled: "Spider Hall!"

"Spider Hall?"

At this time, the three of them were taken aback, with strange expressions.

"Hehe, the spider hall's inner door has two opponents with a little strength, I don't even know." The red-clothed woman sneered.

She didn't know that Lin Hao and Long You weren't disciples from the inner sect, but from the outer sect.

"As far as I know, there are only two people in the top 20 of Spider Hall's ghost list, Qian Lei and Huang Xiang, but these two are not, they should be out of the 20."

"Since it's only twenty people, don't care about it."

The three of you said a word to me. After discussing for a while, Lin Hao and Lin Hao were no longer in sight.

Their strength is in the top 20 of the ghost list, and only the top 20 disciples are in the eyes, and those outside the 20 can be completely ignored.

After Lin Hao heard the words, he didn't take it seriously.

However, the next sentence of the three people's discussion immediately made his face sink.

"Although it's only twenty people, it's a bit of a threat to our other juniors, should we abandon it first?" the woman in red suggested.

Lin Hao's strength is good, and they feel that at the Zongmen Annual Meeting, they may pose a threat to the other juniors in the Centipede Hall.

"It's abolished? If it's known by the higher-ups, it would be a little troublesome. If you are seriously injured and dying, let them lie down for half a year and miss the clan association." The cold young man said.

"Good idea!" The other two immediately clapped in agreement.

In the annual meeting of the sect, the five branch halls are rivals to each other. For a sinister sect like the Wanguizong, it is common for a few people to be resolved before the start of the game.

As long as it is not abolished and killed, let them lie down for a year or a half, UU reading will only open one eye and close one eye.

Lin Hao looked at these three people and slowly said, "Ten Thousand Ghost Sect allows this?"

"Haha, in the Guikulin Forest, you were seriously injured by accident. No one would say anything about this explanation." The grim youth laughed.

Lin Hao shook his head helplessly, he still thought too simple.

Long You looked at the three of them with extremely gloomy eyes, and a black hole appeared in his palm again.

It's just that this black hole is much smaller than before, only the palm is bigger. It seems that the palm just now consumes a lot of his true essence.

The grim young man glanced at Long You and smiled: "You don’t need to resist, I’m not telling you, I’m Centipede Hall Ling Jian, the fifteenth ghost list, my two companions are the top 20 masters of the ghost list, even Hey state, it is impossible to be my opponent, let alone now."

"Three outstanding centipede halls! Ling Jian, Ling Ying, Ling Long!" Lin Hao said slowly.

"Haha! Our Sanjie Centipede Hall is so famous that even you all know it."

Leading Ling Jian smiled and said, a Qingfeng long sword appeared in his hand, but it was suspended in the air, and when he glanced at it, he felt the sharpness of his eyes.

The three masters of Centipede Hall, talking about the three of them, are all veteran masters who have been famous for a long time.

These three people are in a crushing state facing the Spider Hall. Now Evil Impermanence is dead and there is no one in the Spider Hall to support the scene. They are even more unscrupulous and specifically target the Spider Hall.

Recently, many spider cousins ​​have fallen into the hands of the three.

When the evil impermanence is present, they dare not do this.

"The one who uses black holes, let me deal with it!"

Ling Ying took the initiative to stand up. This was also the only woman among the three, but she was the most vicious. She was also the one who proposed to abolish Lin Hao.

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