Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 873: : 1 the power of the sword!

Unfortunately, it's too slow!

Amid a scream, the black sword light flourished, drowning the figures of the three of them.

Sword of Withering! There is no such thing as Long You's devouring the palm of the gods, with the power of destroying the sky and the earth, the earth has not seen the slightest vibration! Yes, it just died silently!

It's like a breeze blowing, silent, but deadly enough!

In the black light, the bodies of the three withered at a terrifying speed, their heads covered with white hair, and their flesh and blood shrivelled. Among them, Ling Ying and Ling Long became skin and bones on the spot, and finally died completely and fell to the ground.

"Blood escape!"

Ling Jian slapped his chest with a palm, and the whole body's blood spurted out from the tail, shooting towards the distance like a rocket, and disappeared to the end of the line of sight in an instant, leaving only a rain of blood in the sky. Down.

"Boy, you are dead, and the genius who dares to kill the ghost list, I can't save you! Go back and wait for death!"

From a distance, Ling Jian's roar came.

The black light dissipated.

Looking around, the fertile land has become dry, and the forest has turned into rotten wood. Here is a lonely land, the only dead zone in the Guikulin Forest.

Lin Hao knelt on the ground with a "puff", his face pale, and the Lei Lei sword in his hand had lost its color, becoming like an ordinary iron sword, without the slightest vitality.

Lin Hao panted slightly, big beads of sweat dripped down on his forehead, and white spots appeared on his forehead.

Long You still froze in place, motionless.

"This is Lin Hao's ultimate move!" Long You said in surprise: "It's terrifying! If this move is used to me, I will die forever!"

Although Long You couldn't kill him, this trick was to directly reduce his vitality. It would not be easy for anyone to receive such a terrifying attack!

Only in the middle of the withered yellow earth lay two shriveled corpses, which belonged to Ling Ying and Ling Long before.

The two died like old men who had lived for countless years. No one would have thought that they were less than a thousand years old and were still disciples of Centipede Hall.

"Lin Hao, you..."

Long You looked at Lin Hao in surprise, and saw Lin Hao lying on the ground, his face pale and his body trembling slightly.

"Nothing, this trick can't be used easily."

Lin Hao looked at the Ben Lei sword in his hand, he could feel that the sword soul in the Ben Lei sword was very weak.

He found a serious problem. His Sword of Silence is not perfect. There is a serious flaw, that is, the sword speed is not fast enough!

As a result, Ling Jian even used blood escape and ran away!

The main reason for this defect is that the sword soul of Ben Lei Sword is too weak, but the four-star sword soul is not enough to control this trick in the early stage!

The Sword of Withering Silence is a double-edged sword. While killing the enemy, its own vitality will also be impaired, especially the Lei Lei Sword. The sword soul is greatly traumatized by just one sword.

He has to find a treasure that repairs the soul of the sword and evolves it once, otherwise, it will be even more difficult to use it.

There is still one month to go before the Zongmen Annual Meeting, and time must be hurry.

"Go, go back to the spider hall." Lin Hao shouted.


Lin Hao and Long You immediately got up, and after taking Ling Ying's ring, they destroyed their bodies by the way, and then headed to the spider hall.

Thinking of Ling Jian's words before leaving, Lin Hao was a little worried.

It's trivial to let a potential enemy go, and Ling Jian can't keep up with him no matter how he cultivates. The problem was that he was worried that killing Ling Ying would cause a series of troubles.

You know, Ling Jian and the three people didn't dare to kill them, but proposed to beat them into serious injuries.

"The soldiers will come to cover the water and earth, and the big deal will leave the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect."

Lin Hao secretly said in his heart that he was not the one who could not fight back. If the other party wanted to deal with him, of course he had to solve it. Lin Hao didn't regret it at all.


Two hours after the war here.

A figure in a black robe arrived here with a pale and withered youth.

It can be seen that the withered youth is the same Ling Jian who escaped from Lin Hao's sword before.

It's just that there is a deep horror in his eyes, and he obviously still has lingering fears.

Another black-robed figure, with a gloomy face and a cold chill, seemed to freeze his eyes.

If anyone sees him, he will know that this person is the eighth in the ghost list, the famous shadow king, and has the title of the killer king. It is said that even the real person of the Four Tribulations died in his hands.

"You said, the disciple of Spider Hall, killed Ling Ying and Ling Long?" The black robe figure said coldly.

"Yes! Right here, look at the ground, it's all caused by that trick!" Ling Jian said in amazement.

The King of Shadow looked down and saw that the environment here is unusual. The trees here are all withered and the green is lost. Even the land has become yellow and there is no vitality.

After looking around, he muttered to himself: "I don't remember that there will be such masters in a branch like Spider Hall at the bottom."

Ling Jian was also very Since he died of impermanence, Spider Hall has almost no talented disciple who can handle it. Suddenly a monster pops up. Even he is almost killed. This makes him not Dare to believe it.

"Ling Jian, as long as you dare to swear to ensure that what you say is true, I can ask Master for instructions and go to the Spider Hall to ask for justice!" Shadow King said indifferently.

"I swear by Ling Jian to the sky, what I said is a bit false, the sky is thundering!" Ling Jian swears immediately.

"Okay! Dare to kill my brother in Centipede Hall in Guikulin, I will make him pay!" The Shadow King nodded, and then disappeared here.

The Wanguizong has a clear stipulation that no disciple can harm each other.

Although there is a hidden rule that cannibalism outside will not be investigated, but that is limited to ordinary disciples. If a genius disciple on the ghost list is killed, the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect will severely punish them.

Each of the geniuses on the ghost list is a treasure of thousands of ghosts, and no one dares to take it easily. For example, the fifth evil impermanence of the ghost list, after being assassinated, the real person Qianzhu even took action to trace the real murderer himself.

Even Ling Jian and the three people only proposed to kill Lin Hao and Long You for half a year and let them lie down for half a year instead of killing them directly, which shows how strict the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect is towards this matter.

"Boy, just wait to die!" Ling Jian gritted his teeth fiercely, and followed the Shadow King.


After half a day, Lin Hao and Long You returned to the spider hall.

Long You found a place to retreat and broke through. He has a catastrophe transformation pill, and it should be easy to survive the third catastrophe.

Lin Hao quickly came to Wanbao Pavilion.

Leng Rushuang, as usual, lay on the recliner of Wanbao Pavilion, lazily stretched out his perfect posture, winking at passing pedestrians, but no one dared to approach her.

Seeing Lin Hao walking over, Leng Rushuang smiled and said, "Yo! Isn't this Lin Hao, what treasures do I need?"

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