Some elders did not express their opinions. They just felt that, as the elders of the Spider Hall, they should not speak for other branches, but should protect their own disciples.

Only with Elder Lei Xiao and Elder Liu Hu taking the lead, neither of them chose to speak out.

Upon seeing the evil wind, smiles all over his face.

"Yes, yes, the elders of your spider hall still understand things, vixen, learn something and think about the overall situation."

The real evil wind said with a smile on his face.

Leng Rushuang's silver teeth clenched, angrily tumbling.

Why did Spider Hall raise these two rice buckets? Instead of protecting its own disciples, they gave them away instead.

If the average disciple is okay, but the person in front of him is Lin Hao. Only half a year after entering the Spider Hall, he has such a strength, he may be the most talented person in the history of Ten Thousand Ghost Sect!

"Follow me!"

The real evil wind grabbed it.

"Wait!" Lin Hao said suddenly.

"Oh? Do you have any last words?" Mortal Xiefeng laughed.

"Let me ask first, in Guikulin, when someone hits you, can you fight back and kill the other person?" Lin Hao asked.

"of course can."

"Is that nonsense?"

Many elders murmured. In Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, let alone counterattack passively, even if they take the initiative, it is no big deal.

"Naturally." Xie Feng nodded.

"The Ling Jian trio are strong in their own right. Seeing that I have a threat to the centipede hall disciples, they shot me, wanting to inflict a serious injury on me and miss the clan association. For such a vicious person, I was just a small punishment, but they took it. If you can't help but die, who can you blame?"

"Don't I fight back, stand and let them hit me hard, and go back to lie down for half a year to comply with the rules?"

Lin Hao sneered.

As soon as this remark came out, the whole audience was dumb.

Lin Hao is so brave, he doesn't know who the evil wind is, and dares to speak to him like this.

"Bold, dare to question the rules of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, you can't die!" The Shadow King suddenly shouted.

"Hehe, a bunch of wastes will only send their masters to suppress others, hiding behind them as turtles, centipedes, but that's it!"

Lin Hao sneered at Shadow King and Ling Jian with his mocking eyes.

Many elders were stunned.

It's not surprising that you die, and you don't want to die fast enough!

However, some elders thought that Lin Hao's mockery of Centipede Hall seemed to be very pleasant!


Mortal Xiefeng was slightly angry in his heart and snorted coldly, and the terrifying soul pressure fell on Lin Hao's body.

"Soul Bell!"

Lin Hao let out a low growl, and an imaginary big clock appeared above his head, protecting his sea of ​​consciousness, even the oppressive force of the real evil wind could resist.

"What a strong soul power!" Everyone was in an uproar.

"Huh! The soul power is good, so it's no wonder that you will be favored by Real Thousand Spiders, but I can't keep you!"

Xie Feng shouted angrily, and was about to grab Lin Hao, but suddenly stopped where he was.

Seeing this, Ling Jian quickly trembled: "Mr Xiefeng, catch him!"

True person Xiefeng ignored him.

I only saw that Lin Hao looked directly at Ling Jian and sarcastically said: "Ling Jian, but a rubbish, he only dared to call his own hall master to stand up for you, but he shrank behind and shivered. I have seen trash, I have never seen you like this. Useless!"

When Ling Jian heard this, he was completely furious, and his face was blue and red.

"Yo! I am still angry. I will roll my tail when I see me in the future! Otherwise, I will see you hit you once!"

Lin Hao stared at Ling Jian, cursing mercilessly.

"You..." Ling Jian furiously attacked his heart, spouting a mouthful of blood, leaving many elders speechless for a while.

Before Lin Hao finished, he turned to look at Elder Lei and Elder Liu Hu behind him, and sneered: "The two elders of the Spider Hall, don't stand up for their own disciples, but speak for outsiders. It's better for you two to go out and be dogs! "

"Zhuzi is looking for death!"

Elder Lei and Elder Liu immediately furious, and shouted at the evil wind: "Master evil wind, if this person is not removed, the law of heaven is difficult to tolerate! Take this person quickly!"

However, the real evil wind has never made a move.

True person Xiefeng's face changed and changed again, as if he had heard something.

At this moment, a devilish voice was echoing in his mind.

"Go back!" "Go back!" "Go back!"...

These three words were played back again and again in his mind, like magic sounds.

He was convinced that this was not the sound of divine consciousness, but words that appeared in his mind out of thin air.

The evil wind looked around, but didn't know who was talking to him!

This only shows that the opponent's strength is far better than him!

"Could it be Lord Guijun? No way, how could Lord Guijun suddenly come to Spider Hall? But who could it be if it wasn't him?"

Real people Xiefeng couldn't understand.

These three words are still playing back in his mind continuously, which makes him afraid to catch Lin Hao. If he angers the one hiding in the dark, it will be a big trouble.

At this time, the people outside had no idea what the evil wind had heard.

Lin Hao said more and more vigorously, pointing at the Shadow King and sneered: "I heard that you are the Shadow King, the turtle **** hiding behind the evil wind?"

"Are you talking about me?" The King of Shadows was taken Haha! Don't dare to come to challenge me, call your master to arrest me and go back, not what is it? "Lin Hao sneered.

The King of Shadows was completely angry, and his hazy face was twisted into twists, which looked a bit hideous.

The eighth on the dignified ghost list, everyone is afraid of others. Where can a disciple of the same generation be allowed to provoke him? This seriously violates his dignity!

The King of Shadows immediately handed over to the real evil wind: "Master, I ask to take action and challenge Lin..."

"Shut up to me!"

Xie Feng suddenly shouted.

The scene quieted down in an instant.

Everyone looked at the evil wind and didn't know why.

"Go back!" The real evil wind continued.

Ling Jian and Shadow King were completely stunned.

Are you going back now?

Elder Lei and Elder Liu were unbelievable, and quickly said, "Master Xiefeng, this Lin Hao left without punishment?"

"Shut up!" Xie Feng said coldly.

The two dared not say anything.

"Yo! Two, you guys lick your ass, but others don't agree." Lin Hao smiled.


Elder Lei was so angry that he pointed at Lin Hao, his fingers trembling, and he wished to kill Lin Hao immediately to relieve his hatred.


Evil Wind waved his hand and took away Ling Jian and the angry King of Shadow.

Only a handful of elders of the Spider Hall were left, and they were at a loss, still not understanding what happened.

"Lin Hao, you are so courageous, to humiliate the elder, I can completely convict you!" Liu Hu said angrily.

"Shut up all of you!"

Suddenly, a voice appeared in this sky.

After this sound appeared, the scene was quiet for an instant.

"Liu Hu, Lei Xiao, you two really lose the face of Spider Hall!" The voice continued.

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