"How is it possible?! Even Dacheng's Elegy for Soul Destruction, it wouldn't be so powerful!"

"This is impossible!"

Scorpion Woman and Dark Snake shouted.

One thing they overlooked was that the power of soul skills was closely related to the soul power of the caster. Lin Hao's soul power, not counting part of it hidden, reached a terrifying level!

If other people perform the soul-killing elegy, their soul-suppressing clock can still resist, but Lin Hao's, they can't stop it.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Hearing only two loud noises, the soul-suppressing bells that the two played burst, and both of them spewed big mouths of blood, their faces pale.

At this moment, the illusory skull's hair sang, and the final melody will cut off the two!

suddenly! Behind Lin Hao, a thunder light flashed, and it crashed on Lin Hao's body with a thunderous force.


Lin Hao vomited blood and threw it out, the illusory skull on top of his head shattered and turned into nothingness.

It turned out to be Jiu Lei!

The scorpion woman's body shrank and transformed into a human form, also showing a strange expression.

Lin Hao turned his head, looked at Jiuli coldly, and said, "You attacked me?"

"Hahaha! Lin Hao, I wanted to kill you a long time ago. Now that I have a chance, you just wait to die!"

Jiulei laughed, his eyes gloomy.

He felt a strong threat from Lin Hao. When would he not kill at this time?

Lin Hao shook his head. This time he shot, it can be regarded as an indirect rescue of Jiu Lei once. If Jiu Lei surrenders honestly, he might have spared him, but he wants to find his way!

Lin Hao has seen such a despicable person! Sure enough, everyone in the ghost sect is unreasonable!

"Dark snake, scorpion woman, I have a bit of private vengeance with this little thief, the three of us will go up together and kill this person!" Jiu Lei laughed.

The Dark Snake and the Scorpion Woman looked at each other, overjoyed.

"Jiu Lei, I didn't expect you to be quite witty!" Dark Snake said.

"For the sake of your knowledge of current affairs, we will spare you." Scorpion woman smiled.

The two stood up, the flesh and blood on the scorpion woman's severed arm squirmed, a pair of intact hands grew out, and the dark snake's palm turned into five fangs.

Nine Thunders behind him also held a thunder gun, ready to go.

Lin Hao sighed, his soul-killing elegy was interrupted just now, his soul was backlashed, and he suffered a lot, and it was impossible to use his soul skills!

Is it possible to use that trick again?

The Sword of Withered Silence is impossible. In this case, Lin Hao can only rely on supernatural powers!

Lin Hao took out a picture of a black dragon, took it with both palms, and shouted: "Three flowers gather at the top, five spirits are coming!"

Three flowers lit up on Lin Hao's head, gleaming like three bright lights in the dark night.

At this moment, his spirit and spirit have reached the peak, with clear eyes and clear thinking, any martial arts can be completed in an instant!

"What kind of trick is this?"

Jiuli's mood sank. In his information, I don't remember Lin Hao would use this trick.

"Pretend to be a ghost, die!"

The two arms of Dark Snake stretched instantly, growing to several hundred meters, like two giant pythons slamming towards Lin Hao.

"Wind thunder flash!"

Lin Hao flashed past and quickly shuttled between the two giant pythons.

Then, the scorpion venom needle of the scorpion woman came down, like a torrential rain, "swishwww" fell, and was dodged by Lin Hao again.

"This time is so fast, give me a stop! That kind of posture can't be used continuously!" Scorpion woman shouted.

"I know!"

Jiu Lei immediately understood, the thunder gun in his hand was thrown into the sky, his gesture changed, and he shouted.

"Nine Thunder Spear!"

Nine Lei shouted, and nine thunder guns landed in the sky, blocking Lin Hao's forward path. If Lin Hao went forward, he would definitely be hit by the thunder gun.

However, two arms of the Dark Snake stabbed him behind him, which meant he was desperate.

But at this mortal juncture, the wind and thunder rose under Lin Hao's feet, and the speed increased three times again!

"Feng Lei Shun!"

Lin Hao circumvented a big curve with an incredible arc, rushing out of the encirclement of the nine thunder spear ahead of time!

At this moment, the three of them couldn't even see Lin Hao's shadow, because his speed had exceeded the reaction limit of the three, and he had directly rushed out of the envelope of all martial arts!

They guessed right, Lin Hao's wind and thunder flashes, it is indeed impossible to use continuously, but that is in a normal state!

Lin Hao now has three flowers gathered together, and any martial arts can be done at will!

"What speed is this!"

"Even dodged!"

The three were shocked.

Feng Lei flashed, and the three of them could barely capture the way forward to block them, but Feng Lei flashed, even the shadow could not be seen clearly.

The dark snake suddenly felt the sound of breaking wind in front of him, and then all he saw was a cold light.


With the sword rising, Dark Snake's body was cut into two pieces.

"Haha! Want to kill me! It's not that simple!"

The dark snake screamed wildly, and the two severed bodies entangled tightly, turning into two large snakes, binding Lin Hao's body.

"Feng Lei Shun!"

Suddenly, the wind and thunder under Lin Hao's feet flickered again ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ again at an incredible speed, breaking away from the entanglement of the dark snake.

"It's this kind of stance again, how can it be used continuously?!" Dark Snake said in shock.


Now it’s too late to be surprised. I only saw Lin Hao’s annihilation sword light, and countless beautiful sword flowers struck his body, dividing his body that turned into a snake into two, two into four, and eight again. !

"Annihilate the storm!"

The sword light danced in Lin Hao's hand, and in an instant, the blood was shed, and the dark snake was directly divided into countless pieces!

The Dark Snake's body is a ringed viper, like an earthworm, it won't die if it is cut into several pieces, but if it is cut into pieces, the end can be imagined!

"Ah!! Little thief go to death!" Scorpion woman roared.

When Lin Hao chopped up the dark snake, the scorpion woman's poisonous needle had already come.

At this moment, Lin Hao had just finished using the Annihilation Storm, and hadn't raised his breath yet, it was logically impossible to escape!

However, the unthinkable happened.

The thunder and wind flickered under Lin Hao's feet again, and at the end of the annihilation storm, he left instantly and escaped the blow!

"I avoided it again, this is impossible!" Scorpion woman shouted.

This feeling is like when the three of them use one martial arts move, Lin Hao can use three moves alone!

The nine thunders were too shocked.

This kind of martial arts release speed, one move after another, continuous, is his true essence infinite?

"Sanhua Juding has only three opportunities to use it, and you forced me to waste it again. This time, I want you to pay for it!"

Lin Hao gritted his teeth, under the shocked gaze of Jiu Lei and Xie Fu, once again used Feng Lei Shun, and came to the Xie Fu.

The scorpion woman turned into a big scorpion, and countless densely packed poisonous needles fired indiscriminately in all directions, and they would be shot wherever they hid.

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