Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 880: : Double sword fusion?

"You said, Lin Hao and Jiu Lei, who is stronger and who is weaker?"

"I don't know, Lin Hao's speed is too fast, coupled with that terrifying martial arts will, Jiu Lei may not be able to stop it!"

"Not necessarily, Jiu Lei is the 17th in the ghost list. Lin Hao only defeated a 25th. Although it was a one-shot kill, it was still a lot worse!"

In the Spider Hall, some people were discussing how Lin Hao's strength compared to Jiu Lei's, and others went to the Lei Gang to inquire and see what Jiu Lei said.

As a result, Jiu Lei, the leader of the Lei Gang, seemed to have disappeared and never showed up.

Lin Hao had no extra purpose, just to complete the task Leng Rushuang gave him.

With the approach of the Zongmen Annual Meeting, there are fewer and fewer disciples in Guikulin's outer hall, and most of them go back to make preparations, so as not to be seriously injured in the dispute, and it is not good to miss the Zongmen meeting.

Seeing that there was no one, Lin Hao returned to the spider hall.

In the mission hall, Lin Hao saw Leng Rushuang.

Before Lin Hao could speak, Leng Rushuang smiled with satisfaction, apparently knowing Lin Hao's masterpiece.

"Lin Hao, you did a good job, this thing is for you!"

Leng Rushuang handed him a transparent jade in the shape of a sword.

"Sword Soul Jade!"

Lin Hao was shocked, this is a good material to improve the level of the sword soul, Leng Rushuang really got it for him.

You know, if you take this thing out, you may not be able to buy five million of the best spirit stones, mainly because it is too rare, and no one will be willing to sell it.

When the treasure reaches a certain level, the value is not measurable by the best spirit stone, and it is basically bartering.

Originally, Lin Hao only wanted to exchange for a treasure that could allow the sword soul to evolve once and reach the mid-stage of the four-star sword soul. This sword soul jade may evolve the sword soul twice!

"Now your contribution points are cleared, and if you want to redeem, you have to do the task." Leng Rushuang said.

Lin Hao received the sword soul jade and couldn't help asking, "Is there any sword soul jade?"

"You are the Chinese cabbage of Soul Sword Jade. There are as many as there are. This is what I have used a lot of favor and exchanged it from the hand of Ten Thousand Sword Ghost." Leng Rushuang rolled his eyes.

Lin Hao smiled awkwardly: "Thank you, Elder Leng."

"Don't thank me, elder sister still depends on your potential, and then cultivate it, as long as you develop in the future, don't forget elder sister." Leng Rushuangyu held his chin in his hand and blinked at Lin Hao.

Lin Hao just felt numb all over, hugged his fists and left quickly.

"This old fairy, it's no wonder that Real Evil Wind calls her a fox." Lin Hao cursed inwardly.

However, he guessed that Leng Rushuang's popularity in the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect should be good, and the Ten Thousand Sword Ghost General is one of the Tiangang ghost generals, with extraordinary strength, it is not easy to get the Sword Soul Jade from his hands.

In this way, Lin Hao's mission was successfully completed. He looked at the Lei Lei sword in his hand and smiled: "Xiao Lei, you have suffered, let you evolve now!"

"Yes! Master!" Xiao Lei heard an excited voice.

With three days left before the sect meeting, Lin Hao returned to his yard, found a secret room, and immediately entered a closed state.

He took out the time array, and with a tenfold acceleration, he had 30 days to use it, which was more than enough for the sword soul to evolve once.

Xiao Lei is now in the early stage of the Four-Star Soul Sword, which is equivalent to the real person of One Tribulation, and this sword soul jade is not known to what extent he can evolve.

Lin Hao opened the Time Array and threw the Soul of Sword Jade to Xiao Lei, who rushed up and swallowed it.

I only saw the jade-colored luster of the sword soul jade, covering Xiao Lei's whole body, turning into a pure jade color, and the surface of the sword was radiating light and mysterious waves.

"At this rate, it is estimated that the evolution will be completed in five days!" Lin Hao secretly said.

Suddenly, Lin Hao felt that the magic sword in his left arm began to riot.

"Magic sword, what are you going to do again?" Lin Hao asked.

Demon Sword didn't reply, the turbulent demon energy rushed towards Xiao Lei, like a sea wave, surging.

Lin Hao understood in an instant that the demon general also wanted to devour the sword soul jade!

Sword Soul Jade not only allows Xiao Lei to evolve, but also benefits Demon Sword. How can it not be greedy!

"Don't think about it!"

Lin Hao let out a low growl, all the true essence in his body was suppressed on his left arm, and the tumbling magic energy gradually shrank.

However, Demon Sword's reaction became more and more violent, and demon energy continued to escape, as if to break free of Lin Hao's shackles!

I saw the magic light of the magic sword prosperous, surpassing the previous limit, an illusory shadow flew out of Lin Hao's left arm, carrying the monstrous magic energy, and rushed into Xiao Lei's body.

"not good!"

Lin Hao's face changed slightly. The illusory shadow before was the sword soul of Demon Sword!

The sword soul of Demon Sword rushed in and merged into Xiao Lei's body, which was very bad.

He thought that after the magic sword merged with him, there would be no resistance. Who knows, the magic sword knows how to forbearance, and at this most important juncture, it gave a fatal blow!

"Damn beast, I still don't believe it, I can't subdue you!"

Lin Hao waved his hand, and a black slab appeared in his hand.

This black stone slab has complicated lines, and the patterns in it are extremely terrifying, which are exactly the fragments of Lin Hao's Demon Sealing Tablet.

Even though it is just a fragment and its ability to mobilize is very limited, you must know that a complete Demon Sealing Tablet can suppress even Nine Nether Demon Venerable.

A fragment, used to suppress the magic sword, is easy!

"Suppress me!"

Lin Hao roared, the radiance of the enchanting monument was radiant, turning into an illusory mountain, falling from the sky.

After the mountain appeared, it crashed on Xiao Lei and Demon Sword's body, and the tumbling Demon Qi shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if Can Xue encountered boiling oil, and the scream of Demon Sword faintly came.

"Lin Hao, **** Lin Hao, I will never forgive you!" Demon Sword roared angrily.

"Go back to me honestly!" Lin Hao roared, pushing the Demon Sealing Tablet to its limit.


When the illusory mountain fell, all the demonic energy disappeared. Only the illusory shadow of the sword soul was seen, and it gradually retreated from Xiao Lei's body to Lin Hao's left arm.

"Lin Hao, even if I die, I won't make you feel better!"

Suddenly, the Demon Sword roared again, only a black light of blood flew out of Lin Hao's left arm, revealing the demon's figure.

"this is……"

Lin Hao's pupils contracted.

"call out!"

The figure of the Demon Sword rushed to Ben Lei Sword, and the two were mixed with the Soul of the Sword Jade, continuously merging crazily. The three colors of black, purple, and jade reflect each other, circulating endlessly.

Lin Hao was completely stunned, even with his Xianzun's knowledge, he didn't know what was going on.

It seems that there has been an unknown change!

"Suppress me!"

At this moment, all he can do is to constantly urge the Demon Sealing Tablet, and frantically suppress the Demon Sword.

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