Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 885: : To lose face

Both of these were the elders of the penalty division of the Spider Hall, and according to the rules, they served as the law enforcement officers of the Zongmen Convention, that is, the referee!

"Okay, Lin Hao, how dare you ignore the rules and sneak attack on the same sect brother, so bold!"

When Liu Hu came up, he buckled down a big hat.

The rules in the first round said that one could compete and grab the soul crystal, but it stipulated that no sneak attack was allowed.

Liu Hu didn't care about Lin Hao's sneak attack, so he caught him.

"Elder Liu Hu, Lin Hao has killed Ling Long and Ling Ying before. He adds to the crime. In my opinion, it is better to kill them on the spot, so as not to harm people." Lei Xiao said on the side.

"Okay! But the killing would be exempted. Anyway, if he is a member of my Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, he will be exempted from the qualifications and be imprisoned for a hundred years." Liu Hu said coldly.

"Elder Liu was kind enough to spare this thief."

Lei Xiao said with a smile, as if not killing Lin Hao would be the kindness of heaven.

The reason for not killing is simple, that is, torturing him for a hundred years, making him worse off than death!

As soon as Lin Hao saw the two of them appear, he had already guessed what was going to happen, but the result was not unexpected.

Looking at the Shadow King who had already taken the opportunity to get out of the way, Lin Hao had endless killing intent in his heart.

The opportunity to kill the Shadow King just now was interrupted by these two people, and they were also labeled and shouted to kill.

What a shameless old thief!

"Follow me!" Liu Hu opened his hand and grabbed Lin Hao.

Anyway, he is the law enforcement elder, and no one will say anything if Lin Hao is arrested. This is an old rule, and Lord Guijun will not pay attention to such a small person as Lin Hao!

However, he guessed wrong.

This time, Guijun paid attention to the little person Lin Hao.


Guijun frowned slightly, he and Tianhuang Zhenjun were still betting on an appointment.

Lin Hao and the King of Shadows had not yet decided the winner, but were interrupted by two referees! Moreover, Lin Hao was also charged with an unreasonable charge!

If it were to be forgotten before, he would just treat it as if he hadn't seen it, or even noticed it at all, but now the situation is different.

Under the eyes of outsiders, such an injustice happened, which is simply a joke.

Not only him, but True Lord Tianhuang was also very upset, and True Lord Xing Tian and True Lord Wan Jian who were planning to watch the show also frowned.

"Ghost, what is the daily routine of your sect conference?"

True Monarch Wan Jian had long seen the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect unhappy, and now he found an excuse to open up, he would naturally not let it go, taking the opportunity to mock him.

"Hehe, the law enforcement elder casually labelled the disciples, and if they said they were taken, they would be taken, interrupted the game, and cut off the future of the people. The rules of the ten thousand ghosts are really eye-opening."

Tianhuang Zhenjun also sneered.

The rest of the onlookers sect forces also laughed. The Ten Thousand Ghost Sect is really different from other sects, and there are such weird elders and such weird rules.

Guijun's face was pale immediately, this was in the sect, and they could do whatever they wanted, but being stared at by outsiders, and at such a sensitive moment, he was embarrassed and lost his home.


The ghost snorted and shouted directly at the real person Xiefeng: "Xiefeng, is this the person in charge?"

Of course Xie Feng noticed this scene, his body trembling slightly, and hurriedly said, "I will do it now!"

Liu Huzheng grabbed Lin Hao and bound him with his true essence.

"Haha, Lin Hao, in my hands, you will feel that death is an extravagant hope." Liu Hu sneered.

Suddenly, a roar blasted into his mind: "Stop it!"


Liu Hu spouted blood and flew out, and the Zhenyuan rope that had tied Lin Hao in his hand was also untied.

I saw the evil wind appeared on top of Liu Hu's head, glaring at him.

Liu Hu didn't know the above situation, and said strangely: "Mr Xiefeng, you are..."


With a slap, Liu Hu was slapped away, his face was directly smashed.

Lei Xiao was about to speak, but he saw Liu Hu being beaten into the air, immediately like a duck stuck in his throat, and stopped speaking.

Liu Hu wiped the blood from his lips, and said in surprise, "My lord?"

He never imagined that the real evil wind hit him. You know, the real evil wind also wants to deal with Lin Hao!

"Fuck me away if you don't have enough success!"

Without waiting for Liu Hu's defense, the evil wind grabbed Liu Hu, as if twisting a chicken, and took it away.

Lei Xiao with a bewildered look was left, standing still and shaking.

Upon seeing this, Lin Hao glanced at Lei Xiao and said, "Didn't you just want to catch me? Why did you leave suddenly?"

"Asshole, you are lucky!"

Of course Lei Xiao knew that Lin Hao couldn't catch it and left quickly.

Lin Hao didn't know that this was the case, but the real Monarch Tianhuang above must have recognized him. Maybe Tianhuang was helping in secret, or that the real person Qianzhu was helping?

He shook his head and didn't want to pay attention. The only regret was that he didn't take Lei Xiao with him.

He glanced at the King of Eyeshadow and said lightly: "Do you want to continue?"

"Luck you!"

The Shadow King didn't want to stalemate with Lin Hao, and walked away to hunt down ghosts.

Lin Hao didn't catch up either. The Elegy of Soul Extinguishing and Feng Lei Shun's set of combos just now consumed a lot of his energy, and only then almost solved the Shadow King.

The opportunity is gone, and it is not easy to make it Lin Hao, for a shadow king, does not need to expose more hole cards.

He also flashed away and went to hunt ghosts.

He has fallen behind too much during the delay just now, and when the time comes, he has to get in the top 1,000.

Seeing this scene, the ghost of the sky said to Qin Tianhuang: "If these two people stop fighting, will the bet continue?"

"Nonsense! Of course continue, you arrange an opportunity to let the two of them continue to fight." Tianhuang Zhenjun said.

"Yes." Guijun nodded.

The true monarch ranks very seriously, and no one wants to violate a bet such as this.

Since there is no chance, create an opportunity, anyway, the authentic sect conference is under his control.

The first round was quickly over, and it was the time to count the soul crystals.

There were close to one hundred thousand participants in this round, only one thousand remained, and the elimination rate was ninety-nine percent.

"The first round is over, count the soul crystals!" Real Evil Wind shouted.

In an instant, the ghosts in the field disappeared, leaving many unwilling disciples of the ghosts complaining.

Lin Hao took advantage of the last few minutes to collect a thousand soul crystals, not knowing if it was enough.

"Huh?" Long You heard a surprised voice.

"What the hell, I swallowed all my soul crystals, and I didn't prepare any of them!"

Long You complained.

Lin Hao was speechless for a moment, eating goods is eating goods, holding everything to eat without leaving a bit.

He separated five hundred soul crystals and threw them to Long You.

"I can only give you five hundred. Can you enter the second round and ask for more blessings?" Lin Hao said.

Long You quickly took the soul crystal and took it carefully, never daring to swallow it again.

At this time, many law enforcement elders came down to count one by one, took away the soul crystal, and the count was completed soon.

"Those with more than five hundred soul crystals are promoted." The real evil wind shouted.

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