Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 894: : The terrifying power of the ghost king

Suddenly, Long You saw a black hole exactly like him.


When the two black holes collided, Long You immediately spewed blood and exited the black hole state.

"Illusions, these are all illusions!"

Long You gritted his teeth, looking at the scene of **** on all sides, he was stunned for a while, not knowing what to do next.


In the hell, the ghosts cried and screamed, and strange sound waves vibrated past and passed into Long You's mind, causing Long You to lose consciousness.


Then, Long You's blood spurted out and flew into the sky, like a sledgehammer hitting his body, hitting him by invisible power.

"Swallow the storm!"

Long You gathered towards the black hole in the palm of his hand, and countless small black holes flung out in all directions and fell into hell.

However, it was like falling into the ocean, without turning over a wave.

This feeling of punching in the air gave Long You a sense of powerlessness.

At this moment, another transparent claw appeared and grabbed Long You's head.


Long You screamed, and his soul seemed to be pulled out by his claws.

"Go away!"

Long You screamed violently, and a whirlpool appeared above his head, swallowing the transparent claws, and then he took a breath.

The ghost king is gone, completely invisible to the naked eye!

Long You knew that the Ghost King was the soul skill master of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, and what he was not good at was the soul skill. He was targeted by the opponent with soul power, and he really didn't know what to do.

Even the illusion **** can't be broken, how to fight this, lose!

The onlookers outside only saw the ring turned into a scarlet, shrouded in a red mist, and did not know what was going on inside.

However, the screams from the ring can be heard, Long You must have fallen into the wind, and the lesson was extremely miserable.

"Haha, the ghost king will let you know that death is a luxury." The real evil wind sneered. He could clearly see the illusion on the ring and be killed by spirit skills. How would it feel?

At this moment, Long You was completely in a passive state, and he didn't know where the attack would come from.

Several times in a row, he has been traumatized! If this continues, we will undoubtedly lose!

Suddenly, a voice appeared in Long You's mind.

"Long You, two seconds later, incarnate into a black hole, and walk away to the left!"

That is Lin Hao's voice!

Long You's pupils contracted and looked around, unable to see Lin Hao's figure, it should have been from the audience.

"It doesn't matter, try it first." Long You gritted his teeth.

At the end of two seconds, Long You quickly turned into a **** hole and flew towards the left.

"call out!"

Suddenly, an illusory shadow appeared from the left and was about to kill Long You, but as soon as it appeared, he was hit by Long You's black hole.


There was a muffled hum from the ring, and the illusory shadow disappeared.

Long You darkly breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Ghost King should have been hit by him just now.

"Long You, after a second, attack directly above!"

Lin Hao's voice appeared in Long You's mind again.

Can not tolerate thinking, only one second of reaction time.

Long You quickly made a judgment, a **** hole appeared in his palm, and he slapped it towards the sky.


Right above it was empty, but Long You seemed to hit an entity, making a violent shock, and the whole **** was shaking.


There is blood oozing from the sky.

"What's the matter? How could you see through my route?" In the hell, the ghost king's voice echoed slowly.

"Because your soul skills are so bad!" Long You sneered.

"This is impossible!"

The ghost king roared.

Long You was about to continue taunting, Lin Hao's voice suddenly appeared again: "Long You, use your strongest killer move to slap the ground directly below, just now!"

Lin Hao spoke quickly, and Long You's reaction was also faster.

At the moment, the true essence of Long You's whole body was gathered on his right palm, and the horrible swallowing will gathered at one point, and the aura between heaven and earth became chaotic in an instant.

The **** shook, the heaven and the earth screamed.

I only saw that a huge black hole with a width of one hundred meters appeared in Long You's palm, which was bigger than the last time I used it on Lin Hao in Guikulin!

"Swallow God's Palm!"

Long You roared, carrying the palm of the giant black hole, suddenly photographed, and crashed to the ground.


Hearing only a shocking explosion, the **** shook wildly, shrinking towards Long You's palm, and the **** illusion collapsed in an instant.


Like broken glass, the illusion of **** created by the ghost king, completely shattered and turned into nothingness. A scene of a ring appeared outside the field, and the red mist completely dispersed.

The ghost king's figure also appeared at one end of the ring, but his face was very ugly.

His eyes were round and he couldn't believe it.

"This is impossible! My Asura **** is broken!" The ghost king has a weak breath, and he makes a painful cry from his hair. Even the Four Tribulations real person, few can break, even some deacons of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, who are not opponents of the Ghost King, were broken by Long You, which subverted his imagination.

The crowd on the sidelines was also shocked, the ghost king's spirit skills seemed to be unable to use Longyou?

He is number one on the ghost list!

The king of ghosts is the first, so you want to give it away?

Long You sneered, but fortunately Lin Hao helped him, otherwise he would really suffer.

"Long You, be careful!"

At this time, before Long You had time to be happy, he heard Lin Hao's hastily shouting.

"Shoo, hoo..."

Suddenly, under the ring, numerous blade storms emerged, showing a strangling posture, cutting towards Long You's body.

Too fast, too soon to come!

Even Lin Hao on the side of the ring was shocked. He unexpectedly didn't expect that the Ghost King had hidden this afterthought!

Long You turned into a black hole like a conditioned reflex. But at the same moment, behind the ghost king, an illusory skull appeared, it was the Elegy of Soul Destruction!


The chant of destruction spread, Long You immediately spewed blood, the black hole was interrupted, the human form also faded, and it directly became the body of the snake.


In the next moment, the blade storm cut on Long You's huge body and shuttled back and forth.

Blood was sprinkled, and the blade was constantly cutting crazily. Within a second, it cut countless times back and forth!

Long You's body is divided into ten, ten is divided into one hundred, and one hundred is divided into thousand!

I saw that the sword light on the ring continued, and Long You was cut into countless small pieces by the ghost king's blade storm.

The flesh and blood spattered and fell on the ring, turning into a rain of blood!

The whole scene fell into a dead silence.

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