Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 908: : Alchemist Guild

Is this still an unknown person?

How can there be an unknown person who would be so praised by Tianhuang Zhenjun and Liu Danhuang?

However, Su Zhiqing's reaction was also extremely fast. She hurried over and said to Lin Hao with a smile: "Young Master Lin, the little girl knows the location of the Alchemist Guild. I am also a member of the Association. I can lead the way!"

In any case, Lin Hao is definitely not an ordinary person, Su Zhiqing intends to approach first to inquire about the truth.

When Liu Danhuang saw Su Zhiqing, he glanced at Tianhuang Zhenjun and raised a deep smile.

"It turns out that Brother Lin Hao has someone to entertain you. Let's say goodbye first, and I won't disturb you!"

Liu Danhuang arched his hands and left with Tianhuang Zhenjun.


Lin Hao yelled, but the two of them ran faster than the rabbits and disappeared in an instant.

Lin Hao couldn't help being speechless, and was misunderstood by these two old things.

"Young Master Lin, let me take you there!"

Su Zhiqing walked up and smiled, like a spring breeze.

Lin Hao glanced at her blankly, and said indifferently: "No need."

After speaking, he ignored Su Zhiqing, and Lin Hao walked in a certain direction.

Lin Hao didn't feel the slightest feeling about Su Zhiqing, she was just a woman who tended to be inflamed, and there was no ill feeling, but there was no need to have a deep friendship.

Su Zhiqing froze immediately.

In Dancheng, Su Zhiqing, no matter her appearance, talent or temperament, is not comparable to ordinary women, even geniuses like Qingyunzi admire her, and men who chase her can line up ten streets.

Asking her to take the initiative to lead a strange young man, letting go of the past, is simply impossible. Unexpectedly, the other party refused!

Su Zhiqing stood there, clenched her fists, and bit her red lips, as if her dignity had been hit.

"Huh! I want to see, where are you holy!"

Su Zhiqing snorted coldly and followed Lin Hao towards the direction of the Alchemist Guild.

The Alchemist Guild is an organization created by Pill City to test the alchemy level of alchemists.

An alchemist, when his alchemy breaks through seven ranks and can refine the elixir of the Tribulation Period, he can be called the Pill Alchemist. The grade is the same as the Tribulation Period, and it is divided into ten calamities!

When you can refine the Five Tribulations Pill, you can get the Pill Emperor title!

When you can refine the Eight Tribulations Pills, even if it is a real entrance to the hall, you can make the Pill Saint!

In the entire Nanfeng Region, the number of Pill Saints will not exceed ten, and more than half of them are in Pill City. Among them, the three giants of Pill City, that is, the three Pill Saint disciples under the seat of Lin Canghai, are the most famous!

On the way, Lin Hao glanced at the movement of the crowd, and he could figure out the location of the Alchemy Master Guild. Such a famous place was not necessary to search for it, and could be found casually.

Ten minutes later, Lin Hao came to a domed building.

This dome is a hundred thousand feet wide, occupying a large area, magnificent and magnificent. It also outlines a mysterious formation, even if the real monarch makes a move, it can't break this building.

On the dome, there is a line of words-Alchemist Guild.

Lin Hao and Long You walked into the guild gate.

Su Zhiqing also entered inside.

There was a square where the eyes were filled with alchemists coming and going. Lin Hao glanced at them. Most of them were quite old and had a cultivation base of one to four calamities. The alchemist has spent his entire life improving his alchemy, and his cultivation is not high.

"Two princes, what's the matter?" A maid walked to Lin Hao and asked with a bow.

"I'm here to test the alchemist." Lin Hao said.

When the maid heard this, it was not surprising that the pill meeting was around the corner recently, and there were many temporary assessments of alchemists.

"I wonder how many tribulation alchemists the son wants to test?" the maid asked with a smile.

Lin Hao couldn't help but stunned, this question really stopped him.

Because he doesn't know what his alchemy is now!

His true alchemy level has no upper limit, even reaching the level of alchemy!

It was just because of the limitation of cultivation base that he was currently unable to refine the pill-level pill, and even he did not know where the current alchemy limit was.

All I know is that the pill that can be used for him can basically be refined!

"Let's start the assessment from the Five Tribulations." Lin Hao said.

"Five Tribulations?" The maid was shocked directly.

You know, the Five Tribulations are the level of the Dan Emperor. In the city of Dan, every Dan Emperor has a prestigious name, and Lin Hao is one of the few who are so young.

Even Qingyunzi is barely able to refine the Five Tribulations Pill.

Su Zhiqing was also stunned. As an alchemy genius who has been rare in the Su family for thousands of years, she is only an alchemist of the Four Tribulations. Lin Hao assesses the Five Tribulations as soon as she comes. Is this a joke?

The maid bowed and said, "Master, the Five Tribulations assessment requires an appointment in advance. Not every Five Tribulations Pill Emperor has time."

According to the rules, assessing alchemists requires the supervision of a corresponding grade alchemist examiner.

"Then how many calamities can be assessed now?" Lin Hao frowned slightly.

"Currently in the guild, there are only five Second Tribulation Examiners, two Third Tribulations Examiner, and One Six Tribulations Examiner. If you have not been tested, it is recommended that you do the Second Tribulation first." The maid suggested Who knows, Lin Hao waved his hand: "The Second Tribulation is too low-level, just six Tribulation."

The audience was silent for a moment.

In the huge hall, whether it was the maid, the passersby, and Su Zhiqing, all fell into a sluggish state.

"I heard that right, is he going to test the Six Tribulations Alchemist?"

"In the entire Pill City, there seems to be only one person in such a young Six Tribulations Pill Emperor!"

"Have you made a mistake?"

Many alchemists who passed by were shocked and couldn't believe it.

Most of them doubted whether Lin Hao was a fool and came to find fault on purpose.

"Hahaha! It's ridiculous!"

Suddenly, there was a chuckle in the distance. This person was dressed in an alchemy robe and looked like a middle-aged person. Looking at that posture, he should be an examiner.

"There are people who don't know how high the sky is and want to test the Six Tribulations Pill Emperor. Let me ask you first, have you come to the test before?" The gray robe examiner looked at Lin Hao and asked with a sneer.

"No!" Lin Hao shook his head.

"That is to say, you have no grade at all. I advise you to start with a catastrophe first. I will be your examiner. This is also for your good." The gray robe examiner laughed.

Lin Hao looked at him and headed away: "I am also doing you good, go and call the Six Tribulations Examiner, you are not qualified to test me."

The gray robe examiner immediately turned pale.

The audience was in an uproar!

The examiner's name was Xiao Hua. Although he was not a master, he still had a certain reputation. A junior pointed to his face and said he was not qualified.

Xiao Hua became angry and shouted: "How dare you say that I am not qualified, then I will challenge you now and compete with fire control, do you dare to fight?"

A golden flame appeared in Xiao Hua's palm, and the temperature of the square rose suddenly.

No hands are allowed in Dan City, but if it is a challenge, it is another matter.


Lin Hao nodded slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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