Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 915: : City Lord's Mansion, Law Enforcement Team


Suddenly, the black shadow man's body burned, and his whole person burned into a fire man, and his aura soared!

The Fifth Tribulation, the True Origin Tribulation!

This is the power of True Yuan Jie! It can burn true yuan and consume it at ten times the speed. At the same time, its strength explodes ten times!

That's why, the gap between the fifth and fourth calamities is like a moat! The gap is much larger than the previous few catastrophes!

Lin Hao was able to leapfrog the fourth calamity, but he was still helpless against the fifth calamity!

Unless you use the Yanyan Star Stone, you will lose!

"I admit that you are the most enchanting person I have ever dealt with, but you must die!"

The black shadow man burned the true essence, the cost was very high, it would cause serious sequelae, and the true essence might be exhausted! But it also means it is over.


The black shadow man rushed over in a flash and raided Lin Hao, more than three times faster than before!

"Feng Lei Shun!"

Lin Hao swallowed a pill that replenished the true essence, used the wind and thunder instant, and then staggered again, avoiding it dangerously and dangerously.

However, after using this trick, Lin Hao's true essence was completely exhausted.


The shadow man naturally discovered Lin Hao's situation, grinned cruelly, and drew his dagger at Lin Hao.

Suddenly, a cold arrow shot from a distance and hit the black shadow man's dagger accurately.


The dagger exploded, and after receiving the cold arrow, the remaining strength was not reduced, and it pierced the black shadow man's throat, piercing his throat.

After the Lengjian shot, it quickly blessed a seal. As the aura in the black shadow figure flew around, even the meridians were blocked and couldn't work! Falling softly to the ground!

Lin Hao saw that three law enforcement officers wearing brocade robes descended from a distance, came to this courtyard, and surrounded the dark shadows.

The first person is a cold and slender woman, wearing a black dress, majestic and heroic hair, quite a bit of a female hero.

She shot the cold arrow just now!

"Say! Who are you!" the glamorous woman shouted.


The blasting charm inside the black shadow man was spurred, exploded into blood mist, and there was no corpse left.

The cold woman's face was gloomy.

"Pill meeting is imminent, but there is such an assassination accident in Pill City, it is really unreasonable!" The cold girl said angrily.

Lin Hao stood up, clasped his fist and said, "Thank you for your help!"

If it weren't for this woman, Lin Hao could only use the Flame Star Stone!

But he had a large piece of the Flame Star Stone left. Once used, the flames would probably spread half of the Pill City and burn many innocent people to death.

"You don't have to be polite, but our Dan City's poor control has caused you to be infringed." The cold girl arched her hands.

At this time, another law enforcement officer came in the distance and said: "Captain Qiu, the restaurant guests are fine, but the killer has not been found."

"Got it!" The Leng Yan woman nodded.

She turned to look at Lin Hao, and said calmly: "Do you mind if you come with me to the City Lord's Mansion?"

Lin Hao stood up and said, "Let's go with you."

"Good!" The cold woman nodded.


The City Lord’s Mansion of Dan City, located in the east of the inner city of Dan City, is responsible for protecting the safety of Dan City.

When Lin Hao arrived, he saw that Long You was also coming by law enforcement officers, and his face was a bit unpleasant.

"Lin Hao, I was calculated just now! He actually poisoned the wine!" Long You shouted.

"What then?" Lin Hao asked.

"Then...I was wiped off my neck. Fortunately, I have the schizophrenic power, otherwise I will be dead." Long You said bitterly.

The two were taken into the building in the middle of the City Lord's Mansion.

The next step is to be questioned by the law enforcement team to tell what happened.

Lin Hao and Long You sat on the chairs and talked from beginning to end.

Lin Hao also met on the way. This glamorous woman was the captain of the law enforcement team. Her name was Qiu Xueyan. She was as light as a swallow and she was like her name.

"Talk about it, you offended those people." Qiu Xueyan said.

Lin Hao thought for a while and said, "Is it useful to say it?"

"Of course it is useful, dare to assassinate in Dan City, especially at the important moment of the Dan Hui. This is simply a provocation to our City Lord's Mansion! We must seize the master behind the scenes!" Qiu Xueyan said coldly.

Lin Hao smiled and said, "What if I said that I offended Qingyunzi?"

Lin Hao didn't mention the extra person, only Qingyunzi.

Su Xiang was seriously injured by Fenyansan, and he has not been healed yet. Wan Guizong has not yet known his whereabouts and can basically be ruled out.

Combined with Qingyunzi's character, there is only him.

After hearing this, even Qiu Xueyan's face sank.

Qing Yunzi is a direct disciple of Pill Sage Mo Yun, let alone arrest, even if he is investigated, he has to be afraid of three points.

Lin Hao also knew the other party’s difficulties, did not say much, smiled frankly, stood up and said, "Thank you Captain Qiu for your help. If there is nothing else, I will leave!"

Qiu Xueyan thought for a while and waved: "Let's go!"

Lin Hao arched his hands and left the city lord mansion together with Long You.

He didn't feel that there was anything wrong. The City Lord's Mansion was already doing his best to do this. As for Qingyunzi's hatred, it is enough for him to solve Qiu Xueyan touched her forehead and sighed: " This Qingyunzi...Oh!"

"Why, Qing Yunzi committed another crime?"

There was a full-hearted voice beside him, the City Lord of Pill City.

"No investigation yet." Qiu Xueyan spread his hands.

"There is no need to check, even if the evidence is conclusive and convicted, I dare not do anything to him and waste hard work." The city lord of Pill City smiled bitterly.


On the other side, in Qingyunzi's pavilion.


Qing Yunzi slammed the table top and smashed it to pieces.

"What are you talking about? One assassination failed! One was killed by the law enforcement team?" Qing Yunzi stood up, her eyes widened in disbelief.

"It's true, Master! Neither of these two people is easy to provoke! I heard from the people in the restaurant that the one named Long You can pick it up if his head drops..."

The servant below was talking, was kicked by Qing Yunzi and kicked him flying.

"Asshole! There are not enough successes and more than failures!" Qing Yunzi scolded.

The servant shrank and shivered in the corner.

"What about the other one? It stands to reason that it will take at least five minutes for the law enforcement team to rush over. A Five Tribulations real person can't kill a Second Tribulation real person in five minutes?" Qing Yunzi shouted angrily.

"This... the villain got news from the city lord's mansion. That Lin Hao seemed to have a lot of means. He dealt with it for a long time before the law enforcement team arrived, and finally forced the other party to explode!" The servant trembled.

Qingyunzi was so angry that Qiqiao made smoke, and clenched his fists.

"Bastard! What a bastard! When did Qing Yunzi have suffered such a big loss!"

Qingyunzi's face was pale.

After he pondered for a long time, he waved his hand and said, "Check it out! Don't let go of Nanzhou, Dongzhou, Beizhou, Xizhou. Check this one called Lin Hao, I don't believe he has no background!"

"Yes!" The servant retired respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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