Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 942: : Eavesdropper


Lin Hao locked in a corner of Xizhou, deep underground, there was a huge karst cave with a shielding array.

Such a shielding formation can be concealed by the true monarch, but it can be seen in the eyes of Lin Hao of the soul of Xianzun!

In the cave, the 108 ghost generals of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect are all here!

The dead ghost general found a substitute, and the ghost sat in the front.

It's just that they sit quietly, everyone's eyes are closed, and they don't know what they are doing.

"Bone Bones!" Lin Hao also saw Bones.

Unlike the rotten old man in the rumors, the real bone bone is a strange white-clothed boy, Lin Hao learned his identity because of the ghost token token on his chest.

Lin Hao secretly remembered his characteristics.

"I remember this place!" Lin Hao took down the position.

Lin Hao's divine consciousness continued to explore, and he saw all the secrets of the sect. Some sects have hippie smiles on weekdays, but they actually hide evil intentions, and some sects secretly engage in conscientious transactions, and Lin Hao has a full view.

He also discovered the secret of Tingfeng Restaurant.

In the Tingfeng Restaurant, there is a true monarch of Ten Tribulations hidden unexpectedly, that is the peerless power among the true monarchs, and it is a person in the Middle-earth God's Domain.

No wonder Tingfeng Restaurant can uncover so many secrets.

He swept all the corners of Nanfeng Region, but did not find the Hedao Realm.

But at this time, he suddenly discovered a strange place!

It was a certain place under the ground in Xizhou of Nanfeng Region, and there was a dragon-shaped valley with a black hole entrance in the middle of the valley, which seemed to lead to a different world.

Only at this moment, the black hole was in a closed state, and Lin Hao didn't know what was inside.

"This is the legendary Longchi." Lin Hao secretly said.

According to rumors, Longchi is in a different space, with countless opportunities, and it will be nine years before the next opening!


Lin Hao was suddenly shocked. He discovered that there was a group of birds hidden in the gap between the space near Longchi. The feathers were colorful and the strength was extremely powerful. It was definitely not a force in the Nanfeng region.

He was familiar with one of the birds, and it was the Qing Ling who had sealed him!

"It's that group of miscellaneous birds!" Lin Hao said in surprise.

In addition to Qing Ling, there are many masters, including three of the true monarch level.

It seemed that the ancient Tianfeng clan had also come, probably to deal with him.

The reputation is too big, it really is not a good thing.

Only at this moment, this group of birds seems to be attracted by Longchi.

Lin Hao magnified his spiritual consciousness and began to listen to their conversation.

"Unexpectedly, we came to Nanfeng to deal with Lin Hao, and we also discovered a big secret!" A Phoenix-tailed goose of the true monarch level smiled.

"According to the news received by Tingfeng Restaurant, this is the bone-burrowing ground of the dragons, called Longchi. There are many hidden treasures and magical powers. They will only be unlocked after nine years of sealing. Moreover, you must hold the Dragon Pond to enter. Otherwise, Will be repelled by the Secret Realm."

Another true monarch ghost magic road.

"Long Chi Ling? How to get it?" Qing Ling asked.

"There is only one way for now, grab it!"

Ghost Demon said: "I have to choose one from the people who have the Dragon Pond Order. At present, there are the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect White Bone Reality, Pill City Haoran True Monarch, Ye Family Chief Ye Zhentian, Daoist Qing Cangdao people, the three giants of Pill City Qingyou Pill Saint, Pill City Free Crane Pill Saint, and..."

The ghost eagle paused, with a haze in his eyes: "No. 1 in this year's alchemy, Lin Hao."

The birds glanced at each other.

To grab the Dragon Pond Order from this group of people will undoubtedly choose the best deal.

So, besides Lin Hao, who else can?

"Haha, what a coincidence." Qing Ling sneered.

Just as they were going to deal with Lin Hao, Lin Hao had a Dragon Chi Order.

"After taking Longchi Ling this time, we must humiliate him well and break his Dao heart. In this way, our eldest lady can take care of her. After all, it is the bloodline of the gods of our race that is rare in millions of years. We must be cautious. Treat." Ghost Demon Buzzard said coldly.

"Understood!" the birds said in unison.

But they didn't know that Lin Hao could see everything they did at this moment.

"So, Lin Hao is hiding now, how can I lead the snake out of the cave?" Qing Ling asked.

They looked at the black crow who had been silent for a long time. This person was called the true monarch of black crow and was the think tank among them.

True Monarch Black Crow pretended to be a high-profile posture, and said in deep thought: "I have investigated the identity of Lin Hao. He is from the Eastern Profound Realm, is good at thunder system exercises, loves flying swords, and has strong spirit power. Mark Sword Sect, but doesn't value it."

After a pause, he went on to say: "Let’s release the news first, saying that there has been a major change in the Eastern Profound Region, demons are rampant, creatures are overrun, and there are major opportunities to appear, which are related to the Thunder Element, Flying Sword, and Soul Power! Go to the Eastern Profound Realm."

"In order to save time, he will definitely take the deserted sea ferry. We only need to control all the coastal families who own the ferry and wait for Lin Hao to take the bait." True Monarch Black Crow said lightly.

Qing Ling thought for a while, flapped her wings and said, "Wonderful! Wonderful!"

"Haha! It's really You can't kill him this time, but you can break his Dao heart, what's the difference with the useless!" Fengwei Yan also laughed.

The bird tribes present all praised this strategy, and True Monarch Black Crow narrowed his eyes with pride.


At this time, True Monarch Black Crow suddenly threw his hand, and a black feather flew out, hitting a corner.


A homing pigeon was stabbed and flew out.

This homing pigeon is Xiaoyue's confidant. She has been eavesdropping in the dark, preparing to report to Lin Hao, but was discovered.

Lin Hao couldn't help but was taken aback. He thought at first that this homing pigeon and this group of birds are together, who knows, not an accomplice.

After seeing the homing pigeon, the birds glanced at each other, and Qing Ling said, "I remember, this is the homing pigeon by Miss's side!"

"What?" The birds' expressions changed slightly.

True Monarch Black Crow transformed into a human form, rushed to grab the homing pigeon by the throat, and lifted it up.

"Boy, do you want to inform that ant?" True Monarch Black Crow said coldly.

"I didn't hear anything!" Axin shook his head anxiously.

It's just that her eyes are very flustered, no way can she hide True Monarch Black Crow.

"Huh! A servant dare to lie in front of me and die!" True Monarch Black Crow's eyes grew colder, and his hands suddenly used force.

Suddenly, a huge and boundless divine consciousness sounded through their minds.

"Stop it!"

This sound resembled thunder, blasted in the minds of all the birds, startled them to fly.


Everyone looked up at the ceiling, completely stunned, even Ashin looked blank.

"You dare to kill people in my territory, and you can't find death!"

That voice continued, like a voice coming from nine days away, that kind of vast soul power made their souls tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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