Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 947: : Black Goldfish

What Lin Hao said is correct!

The ancestors of the Ye family once heard from the ancestors of the clan that their Ye family's alchemy inheritance was just barely entering the Middle-earth God Territory, which was considered the bottom of the third class.

Really famous alchemy families in mainland China are all second-rate, even first-class alchemy inheritance. Their Ye family used to be a first-class inheritance family in the ancient times, and now they have fallen to this point.

He concluded that Lin Hao has a big background!

In the middle of the yard, Lin Hao controlled nine aura flying dragons and poured into the cauldron. Then the nine dragons lit up flames, and the nine dragons circled, as if the sky was centered on Lin Hao, and it was extremely spectacular.

Everyone was shocked by the air-conditioning.

"The basics of alchemy, fire control, furnace control, and gas control. None of you meet the standards, and you want to learn more than one pill?" Lin Hao looked down, showing disdain.

"When you are like me, you can easily control this great cauldron in your hands, and easily transform your aura into a dragon. When the Nine Dragons are empty, I will teach you the skills of one pill and more success!"

Lin Hao waved his hand and the nine flame dragons dispersed.

The spiritual energy vortex also collapsed, and the surroundings instantly calmed down.

Lin Hao dropped the big tripod, snorted coldly, and walked away.

Everyone still had some ideas, and after carefully savoring what Lin Hao said just now, it felt somewhat reasonable.

"He was right. We pursued alchemy too much, but forgot about the basics." Ye Mo stood up and came to the middle of the big cauldron not far away.

"For example, this great cauldron, Lin Hao can actually use it as an alchemy furnace, and can use this alchemy furnace to summon nine spiritual dragons. These seem shocking, but they are the most basic things, but we can't do it. !" Ye Mo sighed.

Ye Qing'er was not convinced, and rushed towards the big tripod in the middle.

But as soon as she touched the cauldron with her hand, she was backlashed, and she was shocked to vomit blood, and she took a few steps back.

"Qing'er, you can't do it yet, take control of your purple scale furnace! When you master your purple scale furnace, come and touch this great cauldron." Ye Family Patriarch said calmly.

"Asshole! Asshole!" Ye Qing'er flushed and stamped her feet with anger.

Then Ye Xiang tried it too, but he was barely able to touch this great cauldron, using it as an alchemy furnace to gather spiritual energy, but he couldn't do it, let alone condensing nine dragons.

The ancestors of the Ye family also tried it.

He can control this great cauldron, but he can only use the great cauldron to condense two aura flying dragons, which is far less than Lin Hao's nine!

"Hey! Even the old man's alchemy foundation is not as good as Lin Hao!"

"It's no wonder he can use heaven and earth as the furnace, even our sect's town clan **** cauldron can use it at will. This person has already transcended the basic steps of alchemy!" Ye family ancestor sighed.


That night, Ye Mo arranged a room for Lin Hao to stay overnight.

Early the next morning, the Ye family prepared a ferry for Lin Hao.

At the seaside pier, a jet-black ship is docked on the shore. It looks only three meters long. It looks like a flat boat from the outside, but the space inside is very large.

This ship is the best ship of the Ye family, capable of resisting any intensity of shipwreck, and can cross the barren sea to reach the Middle-earth God Realm!

There will be no more than three such ships in the entire Nanfeng Region!

Even the Middle-earth God Realm can cross over and use it to go to the Eastern Profound Realm, which is simply overkill!

"Sea dragon stone, the first-class material for ferry boats, the Ye family is indeed the first family along the coast!" Lin Hao secretly said.

With his eyes, of course, he can see the value of this ship. This ship alone is worth all the assets of a big family, and worth more than the life of the true king!

Ye Zhentian and the ancestors of the Ye family came to the beach to see them off.

Compared with yesterday, Ye Zhentian's attitude has obviously changed. It may be that he heard the news from the Ye Family Pill Refining Group, and he immediately looked at Lin Hao with admiration.

"Moer, although there are no masters in the Eastern Profound Domain, it is better to be careful and act low-key." Ye Zhentian reminded.

"Don't worry, the Eastern Profound Region doesn't even have a few Tribulation Periods, what can I worry about?" Ye Mo smiled.

At this time, Lin Hao said, "Patriarch Ye Family, there is something that I don't know if it should be said or not."

"What's the matter?" Ye Zhentian asked strangely.

"I personally suggest that the Ye family should take precautions recently. Because the coastal families of Nanfeng Region, especially the forces that control the ferry, may be in trouble recently." Lin Hao solemnly said.

Upon hearing this, Ye Zhentian and the ancestors of the Ye family looked at each other, neither of them understood what Lin Hao was referring to.

"What do you say?" Ye Zhentian asked.

"I won't explain the extra, just remember what I said, whether it's good or bad for you." Lin Hao said calmly.

Since Lin Hao didn't explain, they didn't ask much.

But Ye Zhentian still arched his hands and said, "Thank you for your reminder, Fellow Lin, I will pay attention later."

"Well, goodbye." Lin Hao arched his hands.

Then, Lin Hao, Long You and Ye Mo got on the ferry.

"Brother Ye Mo, I want to go too!" At this moment, Ye Qing'er murmured on the bank.

"Little girl film, what are you going to stay at Ye's house." Ye Mo said.

"No! How can Lin Hao, such a pill refining teacher, let you enjoy it alone? I want to go too!" Ye Qing'er exclaimed.

Ye Mo and Lin Hao were speechless.

Yesterday, I even mocked Lin Hao, but after that night, his attitude changed instantly.

"Brother Lin, look at this..." Ye Mo hesitated.

"Ye Qing'er, I'll give you pointers when I come back." Lin Hao said.

Disappointment flashed in Ye Qinger's eyes, and she whispered: "Oh."

Lin Hao didn't know what he would encounter during this trip to the Eastern Profound Domain. He had no intention of protecting a little girl.

"set off!"

Lin Hao waved.

Ye Mo controlled the ferry, cut a long trace on the beach, and sailed into the distance.

Watching the ferry leave, Ye Zhentian sighed and turned to leave.

"Hold on!" Ye Family Patriarch said suddenly.

"What's the ancestor's order?"

"Do you remember what Lin Hao said before he left?" Ye family ancestor said.

"You told me to take precautions, don't worry! Let alone this little Beizhou, the entire Nanfeng region, who would dare to offend our Ye family?" Ye Zhentian said indifferently.

"Bastard! Quickly transfer the outside personnel back and stare at the changes of other coastal families, understand?" Ye family ancestor scolded.

Ye Zhentian was so embarrassed that he nodded his head and agreed.


The barren sea.

The jet-black ship was fast, leaving a white splash of water, and any vortex in the way could not be shaken, even the speed was not reduced.

"Lin Hao, this ship is called the Black Goldfish! In the entire Nanfeng Region, there are two ferries that can sail to Middle-earth God's Domain, all of which are in my Ye family. This Black Goldfish is one of them!" Ye Mo triumphed Tao.

"I know that the value of this ship is more valuable than a true monarch." Lin Hao said.

(End of this chapter)

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