Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 949: : Return to the Eastern Profound Realm

"Brother Ye!"

"Senior Brother Ye is out!"

"So powerful!"

The senior officials of Tianhen Sword Sect cheered, Ye Wenlong was able to stop this mysterious powerhouse from unknown origin.

Ye Wenlong's expression didn't relax at all, and said solemnly: "This person is too tough, I can only delay for a while, you find a chance to leave."

"Even Senior Brother Ye is not an opponent?"

Zhuge Guiyuan was surprised, but he deeply understood Ye Wenlong's strength, and it broke out completely. No one knew where his limit was.

The old man Ying Hook nose kept staring at the rune on Ye Wenlong's forehead, his face sank, and said, "You are from the Ye family in the Middle-earth God Realm, why are you here?"

"Middle-earth God Domain Ye Family?" Ye Wenlong looked blank.

The old man Ying Hou nose said: "This has nothing to do with your Ye family, so leave quickly, otherwise I don't mind to clean up with your Ye family."

Ye Wenlong didn't understand what he was talking about, and said in a deep voice, "You should be the one who should leave!"

"Hehe, a declining family who dares to intervene in the affairs of my Tianfeng clan is not afraid to bring disaster to your Ye family?" The old man Ying Hook nose sneered.

"I don't know what you are talking about, what Ye family, what Tianfeng clan, it has nothing to do with me." Ye Wenlong frowned.

The old man with Hook nose couldn't help but stared at the rune on Ye Wenlong's forehead, his eyes getting cold.

"Huh! Ye Family's supernatural bloodline, you don't even know Ye Family, it's really nonsense!"

The old man Ying Hou nose said, "Today, I will teach the Ye Family a lesson to you, a junior who doesn't know the heights!"

The old man with eagle nose rushed out violently, his body swelled instantly, and he turned into a black vulture on the way.

It is his own ghost, the vulture.

"Ghost Wraith!"

The wings of the ghost vulture danced, and countless feathers were shot out, burning up in the middle, forming a black fire rain, and falling down.

"Rewind! I'll stop him!" Ye Wenlong shouted loudly.

The senior officials of the Tianshen Sword Sect hurriedly retreated, and Ye Wenlong and the ghost eagle fought a battle in the sky.

The two faced each other with five hundred moves, and the ghost magic eagle was not in a hurry to defeat Ye Wenlong, holding the mentality of seeing the hunt, slowly delaying time.

Finally, after half an hour, the rune mark on Ye Wenlong's forehead disappeared, and the time limit for the secret method was up, and he finally lost the battle.

"Haha, it seems that the Ye Family hasn't been born with a god-ranked bloodline for 100,000 years. I don't know if the Ye Family will die of pain after I capture you."

The ghost vulture smiled coldly, a pair of claws grabbed Ye Wenlong and flew away.


In the days that followed, the plan of the Tianfeng clan unfolded in an orderly manner.

First, several large sects in the Eastern Profound Region were secretly destroyed, and there were rumors that ruins appeared in the world and demons made chaos.

There is even a ruin of a true monarch!

The relics of True Monarch Hao Lei in those days caused many competitions, and were eventually occupied by the Skyscar Sword Sect, which directly led to the rise of the Skyscar Sword Sect!

The ruins of the true monarch this time are said to be related to flying swords. There are many kinds of flying swords in the ruins, and the law of lightning is involved! It is a good place for sword repair and thunder cultivators!

Under the impetus of many forces, the rumors spread quickly, spreading through the streets of Donglingzhou in just three days.

The neighboring Cape State also got news, and many people rushed there!

After all, the Ruins of True Monarch are already the top ruins in the Eastern Profound Realm, and they are a great opportunity for everyone to enter the tribulation period!


Unconsciously, the Black Goldfish has been traveling for a week.

The journey was calm and calm. I originally met two groups of pirates, but I didn't dare to do anything when I saw the Ye family's logo.

A week later, the Black Goldfish arrived in the Eastern Profound Region.

After Lin Hao and his party went ashore, they put away the Black Goldfish.

The big state in the Eastern Profound Region that faces the sea is called Haijiao State, not far from Dongling State. At the beginning, Lin Hao relied on the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce to take a ferry.

After Lin Hao went ashore, he immediately flew towards Donglingzhou without disturbing anyone.

However, on the way, Lin Hao found that many of the top masters of the Eastern Profound Domain were all rushing in the direction of Donglingzhou, as if something had happened.

Lin Hao stopped and stopped a group of people.

There are eight people in this group, and the strongest is Dongxu Peak.

"Is there a problem?"

The leader stared at Lin Hao, secretly vigilant.

"Don't be nervous, I just ask, what are you going to do in Donglingzhou?" Lin Hao asked.

Seeing that Lin Hao's aura is strong and uncomfortable, the group said honestly: "Now, all the masters of the Eastern Profound Domain are rushing there. It is said that there has been a ruin of a true monarch.

Lin Hao couldn't help asking, "Is it related to Jian Xiu and Thunder Element?"

"Yes, you know it!" The headed humanity.

Lin Hao nodded, and as expected, the plan of the Tianfeng clan had already begun.

What he didn't expect was that the opponent's movements were so fast. It took only a week from Lin Hao's hearing of the plan to its implementation.

If unsurprisingly, Nanfengyu has also started to act, and it is estimated that the coastal families will suffer.

"Humph! Recently, in the Tangling State turmoil, demons have been at Several large sects have been slaughtered, and even the first Skyscar Sword Sect has been forced to disband, without any strength, it is better not to go there. "The man sneered.

Lin Hao had expected it earlier, and he arched his hands: "Thank you! Goodbye!"

He had no expression, and left with Long You and Ye Mo, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Just as he had heard the plan, as expected, the news would soon reach Nan Fengyu's ears.

Although Tianhen Jianzong was a dispensable sect to Lin Hao, it was from him after all, and there was his disciple Ye Wenlong inside.

If they were destroyed by the Tianfeng Clan, they would have to pay the price anyway.


It only took Lin Hao for half a day to arrive at the site of the Tianhen Sword Sect in Dongling Prefecture.

This is a ring-shaped valley with the guardian formation left by Lin Hao.

Only at this moment, the buildings inside were completely destroyed, only the ruins were left, no one was left.

You can vaguely see that there was a big battle here three days ago!

"The Tianhen Sword Sect is gone, this is too..." Long You said dullly.

"Lin Hao, is this sect related to you?" Ye Mo asked.

"Well, this sect was established by me in those years. The strength is very weak, but after all, it is my own hand, so I must investigate it clearly." Lin Hao said calmly.

"Okay, I just have nothing to do, just see what happened to Donglingzhou."

Ye Mo smiled and didn't pay attention to this mess.

Lin Hao didn't reveal too much to Ye Mo, and secretly listed the group of miscellaneous birds as the target to kill!

"Are you... Master Lin?"

Suddenly, a surprised voice came from the ruins of the Heavenly Scar Sword Sect.

Lin Hao looked around, and saw a girl in white clothes appearing below, with a familiar appearance, Bai Wushuang's daughter Bai Qiushui.

(End of this chapter)

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