"You nonsense! What's wrong with my father!" Bai Qiushui said angrily.

"Hehe, the lord's protection was not adequate, the injured Ye Wenlong was arrested, and Zhuge Guiyuan was seriously injured and dying. This is his fault! Now the lord has been closed by me and kept in the dungeon for thought."

Elder Gu laughed, without a trace of grief in his eyes, with a snicker.

Bai Qiushui was so angry that he didn't know what to say. In that situation, why didn't Elder Gu come out to protect him, and shifted all the responsibility to Bai Wushuang.

Moreover, they joined hands to close Bai Wushuang's cultivation base!

All such rebellious things have been done!

"No, I'm going to see my father!" Bai Qiushui walked inside regardless of everyone.

Elder Gu hurriedly waved his hand, and Zhen Yuan turned into a wall, blocking Bai Qiushui.

"Qiu Shui, while the lord is thinking about it, it is better not to meet people. The old man has appointed Elder Qiu as the acting lord to deal with the affairs of the Tianhen Sword Sect." Elder Gu laughed.

Elder Qiu, who is also a representative of the rebel faction, is both a real person, and his strength is a bit stronger than that of Elder Gu.

"This important event! Have you discussed it with us?" Bai Qiushui said angrily.

"Qiu Shui, the current situation is urgent. The revival of the sect is the number one thing. Although the old site of our Tianhen Sword Sect is destroyed, our personnel are basically complete. This is how the old man took the order. You should thank me."

At this time, a middle-aged man in a gray robe suddenly appeared in the yard and said with a smile that it was Elder Qiu.

"You, you... so shameless!" Bai Qiushui cursed.

Elder Qiu was not at all angry. He stared at Bai Qiushui and smiled: "Qiu Shui, I think you are not too young anymore. It just so happens that my son just joined the Tianhen Sword Sect and became the core disciple. It's better to marry you. Get married and share the worries for the old master!"

At this time, a gray-robed youth walked out with a wicked smile on his face.

This person is Qiu Feng, the son of Elder Qiu. He is a person who is easy to work and has a romantic personality. He has forcibly piled up his cultivation base by relying on pills and spirit treasures. He had always wanted to join the Tianshen Sword Sect before, but Bai Wushuang was turned away.

Now that Bai Wushuang’s cultivation base has been sealed, and Zhuge Guiyuan and Ye Wenlong’s two masters have been damaged, Elder Qiu has a crooked mind. He wants to take advantage of this great opportunity to first make his son a core disciple, and then take down Bai Qiushui. Cook mature rice with raw rice.

In this way, the people of the old faction were controlled by them, and the Heavenly Scar Sword Sect was in their pocket.

"Qiu Shui, I have been fond of you for a long time, and I advise you to come over obediently, I don't want to be rough." The corner of Qiu Feng's mouth raised lightly with a wicked smile.

Bai Qiushui was almost mad, and it took only three days for the sect to change his sect, and he had planned to such a point!

She looked at the other people in the courtyard with expectation. There were many veterans of the Skyscar Sword Sect, but found that everyone was silent.

——They were all bought and surrendered to the rebels!

"Hehe, what a shameless person, I am an eye-opener today!"

At this time, an unsuitable sarcasm passed through the gate of the courtyard.

Elder Qiu and Elder Gu immediately looked over, locked on Ye Mo, and smiled.

"Almost forgot, Miss Qiu Shui also moved the rescuer, did you call these three yellow-haired boys here to cheer for you?" Qiu Feng looked at Bai Qiushui and sneered.

"Who are you! I dare to insult my Skyscarred Sword Sect, and I won't be able to find death!"

Elder Gu stepped forward and looked straight at Ye Mo.

"A long-distance passerby, just passing by occasionally, come and take a look." Ye Mo smiled calmly.

"Haha, I should be a big man, it turned out to be here to play!" Elder Gu laughed.

"Since you are a passer-by, get out, or die!" Elder Qiu shouted coldly.

Ye Mo glanced at Lin Hao and said, "Brother Lin Hao, do you want me to take action?"

Lin Hao shook his head: "No need, this is the personal affair of my Skyscarred Sword Sect, it is better for me to do it myself!"

"Alright." Ye Mo nodded.

Seeing this conversation, everyone in the yard was silent.

Private matter? This young man is also a member of the Skyscarred Sword Sect, how come he has never seen it before?

Especially those veterans, when they heard the word "Lin Hao", their pupils suddenly shrank, always feeling a little familiar.

I saw Lin Hao stepping out, staring at Elder Qiu and Elder Gu, and said, "Who else are you rebels?"

"Humph! You speak carefully, what is a rebel!" Elder Gu coldly shouted.

"I don't care what you are. I will give you ten minutes to gather all the power you can mobilize. I'm in a hurry." Lin Hao clapped his hands and said calmly.

At this moment, everyone was shocked.

Where did this come from, so mad!

Elder Gu and Elder Qiu were frightened and angry, and the reason they didn't do it was because they couldn't understand Lin Hao's depth.

But how strong can a young man be? There is only one monster like Ye Wenlong in the Eastern Profound Region, and it is impossible to have a second one.

"Liu Song, come on! Take down this thief!" Elder Qiu ordered.

"it is good!"

Liu Song stepped out and rushed to Lin Hao like lightning~www.wuxiaspot.com~! ! ! "

Then there was a long scream.

Before Liu Song took two steps, he saw a cloud of black mist appearing on his body. Liu Song's body quickly decomposed and disappeared, leaving no corpse residue.

Lin Hao said, "This is not enough, too weak!"

The whole audience fell into silence.

This young man is not a cat or a dog. Liu Song is at least the elder of Dongxu Peak, so he was easily solved.

Elder Qiu trembled all over, then his face was completely gloomy.

"Okay! You wait!"

Elder Qiu took out a transmission token and cast a magic trick against it.

"Swish swish..."

Many figures came in from the outside and landed in the courtyard, all of them the team gathered by Elder Qiu secretly.

When it was shocking, many of the people in it were from other sects.

"Elder Qiu, you have fornicated foreign thief!" Bai Qiushui said in anger.

"Little girl, you can't talk nonsense, we just take money to do things and solve some troubles for our elder Qiu!" a white-bearded man with a big knife laughed.

"Hehe, I can't be called Elder Qiu anymore, I should be called Sect Master Qiu." The other person also laughed.

Elder Qiu raised a triumphant smile.

"Haha, I dare not be it! Now our master sister has fornicated foreign thieves and killed our elders. Everyone will take the three of them." Elder Qiu waved.

"A bunch of little ghosts, I can kill it alone!"

The white-bearded broadsword man showed disdain, and saw him jump up, slashing towards Lin Hao's forehead.

At this time, Lin Hao stood still.

However, his magic thunder sword has been out of its sheath!


The sky thunder struck, the sword light flashed, and the white beard man was directly cut into nothingness.

"Dead?" At this time, Elder Qiu was momentarily sluggish.

(End of this chapter)

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