That group of birds had already reached its limit, and five were killed, leaving only four seriously wounded true monarchs and five seven-caliber true men.

The physical body of the real white bone was also completely shattered, leaving only an illusory soul body still floating.

At their level, even if the body is destroyed, as long as the soul is not dead, it can still be reborn.

"Holy Bone, you are done, dare to kill our Tianfeng people, we will chase you to death!" True Monarch Black Crow scolded angrily.

"Chasing? Do you know me?" Real White Bone said coldly.

True Monarch Black Crow is speechless.

Facts have proved that this is not a real man with white bones at all, but an old monster that did not know where it came out.

This time it's a real man with bones, and maybe another identity next time, how can it be pursued.

"A group of beasts want to fight against me too! Tianfeng Clan, right? I remember, I will see you kill them once in the future."

Real White Bone roared a few words, and the soul body went into the ground and disappeared in an instant.

True Monarch Black Crow and others were anxious and angry, but there was nothing to do.

For such an opponent of unknown strength, the Tianfeng Clan did not choose to chase it up, and they were unable to chase it.

"Damn it! This **** has ruined our ruins, and we have to bite back! I knew he was uneasy!" the ghost vulture cursed.

True Monarch Black Crow wondered, what the **** is this true white bone man going crazy!

Why did you come to fight with them again if you clearly said good cooperation? Isn't this unnecessary?

"Fine, we were seriously injured, and even the power of the bloodline was used. If we keep it, we are looking for death. First go back and report to the Nine Highness, and recharge before coming out." Black Crow Zhenjun said.

"It can only be so!" said the ghost magic eagle.

At this moment, they suddenly raised their heads and saw a group of people appearing on all sides.

Tianhuang Zhenjun, Wanjian Zhenjun, Liuhe Zhenjun, etc., total 25 people.

Finally, Lin Hao's figure appeared.

"You..." True Monarch Black Crow immediately constricted his pupils.

"Haha, bird races, don't come unharmed!" Lin Haolang smiled.

The moment he saw Lin Hao, True Monarch Black Crow understood that this was Lin Hao's trap?

"True Monarch Black Crow, it really surprised me, you actually fought with Madam White Bone, isn't it really cool?" Lin Hao sneered.

True Monarch Black Crow roared: "Lin Hao, is this your trick?"

"Haha, I'm not telling you, I brought in the real bones to go to the ruins. He thought you wanted to deal with him, so he demolished the ruins. It's that simple!" Lin Hao smiled.

Hearing this, the faces of all the birds turned black.

They wanted to calculate Lin Hao, after a long time, they were calculated by Lin Hao!

"Impossible! How do you know that we have cooperated with the real white bone, and why did he enter the ruins!" The black crow roared.

Lin Hao shook his head: "You don't need to know this!"

True Monarch Black Crow just felt his brain blank.

It was as if from beginning to end, all their plans and a series of actions were well understood by Lin Hao.

From the beginning of the Eastern Profound Region change, to the later Bone Reality seeks cooperation.

From the beginning to the end, Lin Hao had seen everything through, and he was able to make perfect countermeasures to fight against the general and caught them off guard.

what is this? Is Lin Hao a prophet?

"How is it possible? How did you do it!" True Monarch Black Crow was full of disbelief, and he didn't believe that there was such a godlike person in the world.

"When you die, I will tell you!"

Lin Hao waved his hand and said, "Kill this group of miscellaneous birds."

"We are the Tianfeng clan, do you dare to kill me?" True Monarch Black Crow exploded immediately and roared.

"Haha, remember, it was not I who killed you, but the real man of bone killed you!" Lin Hao smiled.

At this time, True Monarch Black Crow's face finally changed.

If this kills them, and then lays blame on the real man, nobody really knows.


A group of true monarchs rushed up, each performing their unique skills, and hit the body of the group of birds with the strongest attack.

The Tianfeng Clan was seriously injured and dying, and used the power of his bloodline, and was no longer an opponent of Lin Hao's army.

"Do not!!!"


Only in an instant, the people of the Tianfeng tribe were completely killed, all of them disappeared, and there was no soul left.

Yesterday, Lin Hao's clone used the Breath-Containing Pearl, adjusted his aura to the true monarch's cultivation base, and then used the invisible form, disguised as a Tianfeng tribe.

This easily fooled the real bones.

However, the prerequisite for all of this is that Lin Hao's original immortal divine consciousness, after seeing all the tactics thoroughly, will there be a series of subsequent developments.

Otherwise, Lin Hao didn't even know the arrival of the Heavenly Phoenix Clan, and had mental arithmetic and unintentional, and he might really suffer a lot.

I am afraid that Madam White Bone didn't expect Lin Hao to discover his appearance by accident.

With such a combination of the real bones and the Tianfeng clan, Lin Hao really had nothing to do. He couldn't beat them, and he could only rely on these tricks.

Nowadays, the body of the White Bone is destroyed, the soul is far away, and the troops of the Tianfeng tribe are dead, but Lin Hao's side has not lost even a single soldier. is perfect!

Here, only the carcasses of a group of birds were left, lying in various directions.

"Lin Hao, these corpses are worth a lot of money, do you want to take them away?" Tianhuang Zhenjun laughed.

Lin Hao shook his head. He stepped forward and came to a bird corpse. This was the ghost vulture, and it should be the bird that caught Ye Wenlong.

I saw Lin Hao's palm sticking out and clasping it on the head of the ghost vulture corpse.

"Soul Search!"

Lin Hao Fa Jue urged him to search for the memory of the ghost eagle.

Soul-searching, with Lin Hao's current level, can only search the memory of the last week, but it is barely enough, it should be possible to find Ye Wenlong's position.

After a while--

Lin Hao opened his eyes.

"True Monarch Chiyan, please destroy these corpses, don't leave any traces." Lin Hao pointed to the corpses.

"Haha, wrap it on me!"

True Monarch Chiyan waved his hand, and the flames flew down, burning all the corpses that Lin Hao pointed to, including the ghost vulture, completely destroying the corpses.

However, there were still five corpses left. These five corpses were those killed by Real White Bone before Lin Hao appeared.

"In this way, it should be perfect." Lin Hao secretly said.

He turned around and fisted at the crowd.

"You guys, I still hope that today's matter will not be revealed. This group of birds is not small. If it is known by outsiders, it may bring you a killing." Lin Hao arched his hands.

"Haha! Don't worry, we will never reveal anything!"

"Lin Dansheng rest assured, we dare not make fun of our own life."

Everyone held their fists politely.

They all saw that Lin Hao had great potential, and he had no worries about the future if he embraced this big tree!

"Okay, leave quickly, disguise as passers-by, and return to Nanfeng Region in batches." Lin Hao waved.

(End of this chapter)

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