For Ye Haoran's death, the people of the Ye clan didn't have any pity.

If it wasn't for Ye Wenlong's strong talent, Ye Haoran would have killed him! This kind of Ye family scum must be removed as soon as possible!

For Ye Wuxue and Ye Wulei, although they were instigated by others, they were also extremely guilty, and they wanted to be beaten into the cold palace in the future.

If he even wanted to kill it, Ye Wenlong just said a word.

"Ye Wenlong, the person who dealt with you has been resolved." Ye Xianglong said.

Ye Wenlong took a deep breath and walked to Lin Hao.

In the surprised eyes of many Ye clan members, Ye Wenlong bowed down.

"Master, the disciple is not filial, and can only leave." Tears in Ye Wenlong's eyes rolled.

Lin Hao smiled calmly, and said heartlessly: "Whether you leave, save me trouble."

Ye Wenlong's head hit the ground hard and knocked three heads.

The ancestor Cangqing said in surprise: "Ye Wenlong, what are you doing? How can the blood of the gods kneel down easily and get up quickly!"

"Shut up!" Ye Wenlong scolded fiercely.

The ancestor Cangqing was scolded by a junior, his old face blushed, but he didn't attack.

At this moment, the fate of the Ye clan was in the hands of Ye Wenlong, and none of them dared to offend Ye Wenlong.

Not to mention being yelled at, even if they were punched and kicked, they did not dare to fight back.

"Lin Hao is my master. Without him, there would be no today, let alone my blood awakening! If it weren't for him, I died many years ago. He saved me countless times and gave me a new life."

Next, Ye Wenlong's words made everyone pause.

It turns out that there is still such a relationship between the two.

No wonder Ye Wenlong would willingly follow Lin Hao, because it turned out to be a kind of teacher.

"Lin Hao, I didn't expect you to be Ye Wenlong's master, you have a good vision!" Ye Xianglong said with a smile.

The ancestor Cangqing coldly snorted, "Huh! Master? Don't miss the children, thank God if you delay Ye Wenlong's talent!"

"Cangqing ancestor, even if he lost his talent, Lin Hao saved Ye Wenlong several times!" Ye Xianglong said.

The ancestor Cangqing was speechless, because it was a fact.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but feel a little anxious. The godly bloodline taught an outsider and worshipped an outsider as a teacher. This is not good news! What if there is a sequelae left by practice if a foundation is not strong?

Regarding this, Lin Hao and Ye Wenlong didn't explain anything, and it didn't make any sense.

"Get up." Lin Hao said calmly.

"Yes!" Ye Wenlong stood up.

At this time, Ye Xianglong thought for a while, and said to Lin Hao: "Lin Hao, it's better to be like this. Since you are Ye Wenlong's master, follow us back to the Ye clan. When an alchemy worship, my Ye family's worship treatment is good, and you too Can get very good resources."

"Ye Xianglong, are you crazy? Tell an outsider to Ye's house?" Cangqing ancestor roared.

"What are you anxious about, let Lin Hao go to Ye's house, but also to stabilize Ye Wenlong!" Ye Xianglong quietly transmitted.

When Old Ancestor Cangqing heard this, he felt that there was some truth.

However, if Lin Hao doesn't know what is good and bad, and dares to ask for resources, they have some ways to make him look good!

"Little friend Lin Hao, what do you think?" Ye Xianglong said with a smile.

Lin Hao was thinking about it. He knew the current situation. If he visited Ye's house, he might really make a profit, but it was a little dangerous.

The medicinal materials he retreats are still a little worse, and his aura is not enough. In any case, he should break through to the six-tribulation real person first.

"Alright! But I may return to Nanfeng Region at any time." Lin Hao said.

"Haha! It doesn't matter, our Ye family has never restricted freedom to worship." Ye Xianglong smiled.

The people in Pill City on the sidelines were full of envy, but they had nothing to say, Lin Hao's talent and ability were enough to bear such treatment.

"If that's the case, then it's so set. Give you time to deal with Nanfeng Territory's affairs. Three days later, we will gather in the Ye family and return to the Middle Earth God Territory!" Ye Xianglong said loudly.


The people of the Ye clan scattered in all directions and quickly left Pill City.

Only Ye Xianglong stayed, intending to protect Ye Wenlong's safety.

Lin Hao knew that his trip to Middle-earth God's Domain was only temporary, and that Nanfeng Region and Longchi's affairs had not been dealt with, and he would return sooner or later.

Longchi is about the secrets of the dragon clan, he must go there!

Now, he should go to fulfill Leng Rushuang's last wish.

"I'm going to Dongzhou, a desert city." Lin Hao said.

"Well, I'll take you a ride!"

Ye Xianglong smiled slightly, waved his big hand, and saw a cloud of spiritual energy converging under their feet.

Lin Hao and his party stood on it.

Ye Xianglong waved his hand, the aura cloud disappeared quickly, like a gust of wind, it floated thousands of miles away in an instant, and flew towards Dongzhou.

"Wow! So fast!" Long You exclaimed.

"Haha! Young man, this is the old man's ten-tribulation spirit treasure, called Feixianyun, amazing!" Xianglong ancestor laughed.

"Awesome! The speed is dozens of times faster than me!" Long You was surprised.

On Ye Xianglong’s Flying Fairy Cloud, everyone only spent two hours, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com floated out of Dan City and arrived at Tianhuang City in Dongzhou.

At this speed, it takes only one day to traverse the Nanfeng Region, which is more convenient than the interstate teleportation array.

Real Monarch Tianhuang knew that Lin Hao was coming, and had already greeted him at the gate with Yu Wenjing.

The crowd took the flying fairy cloud and landed on the ground.

"You go in, I won't go." The ancestor Xianglong found a place at the gate of the city and sat down.

Qin Tianhuang smiled and said, "I don't know if Brother Lin comes over, what's your order?"

A year before and after, even the title has been changed, Lin Hao is worthy of his peers.

"It's no big deal, it's just fulfilling a cold and frosty last wish."

Lin Hao exquisitely walked to Yu Wenjing's.

Yuwen lowered her head, and a trace of tension flashed through her delicate face. Although she and Lin Hao were the same generation, they were no longer on the same level.

Lin Hao raised his finger and nodded to Yu Wenjing's forehead.


In an instant, a vast amount of information came into Yu Wenjing's mind.

Among them, there are exercises, mental methods, martial arts, law perceptions, etc. suitable for Yuwenjing's cultivation, and they have completely renovated what Tianhuang Zhenjun taught her.

Yu Wenjing has been under the teacher of Tianhuang Zhenjun for many years, and it is not easy to cultivate to such a level, but with what Lin Hao taught her, the future will be unlimited.

Next, what can be achieved depends on her savvy, perseverance and chance.

It lasted for half a day before and after, and it was not until the evening that Lin Hao had finished teaching.

Yu Wenjing was dizzy by the impact of the vast information.

"Let's go back to Ye's house." Lin Hao said calmly.

"it is good!"

Ye Xianglong took Feixianyun out, and everyone jumped on it.

Yu Wenjing touched his forehead, and bowed to Lin Hao who was in the sky: "Thank you, Senior Lin, for his reinvention!"


(End of this chapter)

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