Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 984: : Encountered in the mist

"Catch me!"

Without hesitation, Ying Jiu followed the trajectory of space and chased Lin Hao's direction.

Seeing this, the other birds had no choice but to follow Yingjiu to chase people.

Ye Wenlong clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said, "My master helped us steer away the enemy! Why don't you leave?"


Ye Xianglong hurriedly hit the imprisonment formation with a punch, spurring the Jiaolong with all his strength, cutting through the ocean, and rushing towards the Middle-earth God Realm.

The Jiaolong drove at full speed, and disappeared into the vast sea after just a few breaths.

On the Jiaolong, everyone felt a little heavy.

"It turns out that Lin Hao's formation was to attract the Tianfeng Clan! It solved the trouble for us invisibly, it is really great wisdom!" Ye Xianglong was deeply moved.

The people on the deck were amazed, Lin Hao expected things like a god, no one could see the whole ship, but he could.

"Unfortunately, Lin Hao is afraid it will be difficult to come back." An elder of the Ye family said sadly.

"Huh! Tianfeng clan was also caused by him, and of course he has to solve the trouble he has caused himself!" Ye Cangqing snorted coldly.

"Ye Cangqing, if it wasn't for Lin Hao to sacrifice himself and entice the Tianfeng clan, we would be done! You still said he wasn't?" Ye Xianglong said angrily.

Ye Cangqing snorted and said, "What's the matter? It's fine if I die, the province will cause trouble to the Ye family in the future!"

"Enough!" Ye Wenlong roared.

The whole ship is silent.

"If you dare to be disrespectful to my master, I will kill you after I succeed in my cultivation!" Ye Wenlong stared at Ye Cangqing, his eyes red, and said fiercely.

Seeing this look, Ye Cangqing shrank his neck and stopped talking.

From the beginning, he wore colored glasses. No matter what happened, he thought it was Lin Hao's fault, which also caused Ye Wenlong's outbreak!

But in the future, Ye Cangqing will not dare to criticize any more, he has no doubt that Ye Wenlong can really do it.


At this moment, the barren sea.

Lin Hao stepped on the surface of the sea, pedaling countless steps, moving fast on the sea surface.

He knew that after he used the teleportation array, the end coordinates of the teleportation would be discovered soon, and he must move away from that location as soon as possible, so as to reduce the chance of being discovered.

The barren sea is full of crises, and taking a ferry can reduce the crises to a minimum.

But if there is no ferry, it is equivalent to a living target on the sea. If there is a shipwreck, Lin Hao will be over.

"I hope I won't get into any trouble."

Lin Hao secretly said, and at the same time the thunder flashed under his feet, and the thunder and wind flashed to the limit, like a violent wind and lightning, galloping towards the distance.

Although he still has a ferry, the speed of the non-transition ship is too slow and will definitely be overtaken. He can only use the wind and thunder flash with all his strength to get rid of the danger at the fastest speed!

the other side.

After about two sticks of incense, Yingjiu and others followed the space trajectory and found the coordinates of the end point of the teleportation array.

After observing the sea, Ying Jiu said sharply: "About two sticks of incense, Lin Hao left from here, now, with this as the center of the circle, a radius of 500,000 li, give me a search inch by inch! Nowhere Let it go!"


Many birds scattered in all directions, searching for the distance.


Half an hour has passed since Lin Hao escaped.

Ying Jiu made a wrong calculation. With a radius of 500,000 li, there was no shadow of Lin Hao at all. Lin Hao's speed far exceeded their imagination!

After searching, Yingjiu stood on a rock, looking at the endless gray sea in the distance, and said in anger: "Really let him run?"

"His Royal Highness, even if Lin Hao ran away, he would die forever. Even if we can't guarantee the danger of this barren sea, let alone a real person of the Four Tribulations."

Said a vulture with a pocky face.

Ying Jiu pondered for a moment, and said: "It's fine, even if he is really dead, the young lady won't say anything, after all, he is looking for death by himself."

"You have searched this barren sea for a few days. If you can't find it after a week, you will close the team." Ying Jiu said calmly.

"Yes!" said many birds.


In the vast sea.

On a rock, Lin Hao sat cross-legged on it, quietly swallowing.

As far as he knew, the Tianfeng clan had been left far away by him. It was so difficult to find someone in the vast sea. It should be safe.

Then, Lin Hao should find the right direction and head to Middle-earth God's Domain. It just so happens that he still has a ship in his body-the Black Goldfish!

He had borrowed the Black Goldfish from the Ye Family at the beginning, and now it just happens to come in handy.

Lin Hao took out the Black Goldfish and placed it on the sea, walked into it, and adjusted its general direction.


Lin Hao urged the Black Goldfish, and the ship sailed away from the wind and waves.

Lin Hao was already exhausted after using the wind and thunder flash in succession, so he adjusted his breath in the cabin.

After a few hours, it was dark.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew outside, shaking the ship.

Lin Hao frowned slightly and came to the deck to take a look, only to notice that the Black Goldfish was in a thick fog.

This thick fog was dim yellow and filled the entire ocean, and you could not see your fingers.

"It's bad, it's barren fog!" Lin Hao said heavily ~ ~ Barren fog is a kind of shipwreck. Although it is not fatal, it can disorient ships and even drift in the deserted sea forever. No way out.

But people who wander forever hardly exist, and will eventually be swallowed by a more powerful shipwreck and fall into the ocean.

In the desolate mist, unless you get out of it with a powerful cultivation base, you can only resign yourself to fate!

Lin Hao did not sit still, and immediately urged the Black Goldfish with all his strength to rush out of the mist.

The further forward, the thicker the fog.

As the fog grew thicker, Lin Hao knew that he couldn't escape.

In the end, Lin Hao stood on the deck, unable to see the deck under his feet, as if stepping on the clouds, not even his own hands.

It can only be known by feeling that he is still on board.

After driving for a day, Lin Hao still didn't leave the foggy area, and Lin Hao even wondered if he was making a circle on the spot.

"Forget it, do everything, and obey the fate."

Lin Hao's mentality is very good, sitting cross-legged on the deck, hesitating and sucking.

His true essence was already full, and he could overcome the catastrophe at any time, but because of the delay of various things, there was no chance.

However, if you cross the robbery now, a sky thunder can knock down the ship and capsize the ship.

Although the mist is tricky, it is also a blessing in misfortune. It is better than a space shipwreck. It will not kill anyone!

Days pass by.

In an instant, a week passed.

Lin Hao was still in a dense fog in all directions, not knowing when he was a head.

During this period, his spiritual consciousness also worked at full force, observing the surrounding movement at any time, as long as there was a little foggy place, he would drive there.

Huang Tian paid his attention, and after another week passed——


Lin Hao suddenly noticed a gap in the thick fog ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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