Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 990: : The power of a gun!

"Master, this Ning family's island has a defense formation. If the formation is not broken, I am afraid that we will not be able to enter." Hei Peng proposed.

Lin Hao smiled slightly and said, "Bring up the cannon of the Baihe."

"Master, our cannons are used to fight boats, and it may not be effective to deal with the Ning family's defensive formation." Hei Peng said.

When Lin Hao heard the words, he slapped Hei Peng with a nosebleed.

"Dare to question my decision in the future and throw you into the sea to feed the fish." Lin Hao shouted angrily.


Hei Peng trembled, never daring to violate Lin Hao's meaning again.

He returned to the cabin, brought out a giant black cannon, and placed it on the deck.

There are ten shells in total, all in the box.

Lin Hao glanced slightly, and the power of these ten shells was reasonable, and it was fine to attack the real person of Six Tribulations, but it was difficult to deal with the real person of Seven Tribulations.

"Haha, make a little change."

Lin Hao took out a Minglei Pill, played the magic formula, turned into a brilliance and rushed into the two shells.

The shells didn't respond at first, and then gradually covered with a layer of purple and black thunder, like thunderballs.


The crackling sound of thunder and lightning resounded on the deck, emitting a heart-palpitating light.

"This, this is..."

Hei Peng swallowed, and felt trembling at this supreme power.

"The power of the law?" Hei Peng said in shock.

The thunder arc on the surface of this thunderball is clearly the power of the law of thunder and lightning!

The law, that is the power that only True Monarch of Eight Tribulations can control!

How could Lin Hao be in control?

Lin Hao smiled unpredictably, without explaining anything, and stuffed the cannonball into the barrel.

The Baihe continued to move forward, seeing Ning’s distance getting closer and closer, and faintly, a light mask loomed, like a translucent pot cover, covering Ning’s Island.

"Watch me smash your turtle shell!"

Lin Hao pulled the bolt.


"call out!!!"

In the barrel, a billowing purple-black cannon was launched, carrying a dazzling black lightning, like a meteor, rushing towards Ningjia Island.


At this moment, Ningjia Island.

"Patriarch, the big thing is not good!"

The guard outside rushed in in a hurry and knelt on the ground.

"What is all the fuss about?" Family Master Ning said coldly.

"Baihe Village... the pirates of Baihe Village have come in! The third elders went to stop them and were killed by a single sword. Now, the pirate ship of Baihe Village has rushed to the beach!"

The guard paled.

"What are you talking about?" Patriarch Ning's eyes grew colder, and said, "The third child was killed?!"

"It's true that there were only two pirates this time, Hei Peng and a strange white-clothed youth. The white-clothed youth killed the three elders with a single sword just like the murderer!" The guard said in horror.

Patriarch Ning felt that the matter was not trivial, and hurriedly walked out of the door.

The strength of the three elders reaches the Six Tribulations real person, even the master of Baihe Village, it is impossible to kill him with a single sword! That young man in white may not be easy!

It just so happened that the moment he walked out of the door, he saw a cannonball shining with thunder, flying from a distance, making a sharp whistling sound.

Patriarch Ning couldn't help being stunned.

When he was stunned, he saw the thunderball cannonball cross a bright parabola in the sky, carrying a terrifying thunder, and crashing on the formation mask on Ningjia Island.


The meteor fell, the sky broke and the earth broke, and the entire Ningjia Island was shocked, and everyone was awakened.

In the next moment, the Ning family master saw that the defensive formation arranged by their Ning family had been blasted to pieces with a "bang".

"What, the formation was broken like this!" Patriarch Ning's face changed drastically.

This is not over yet, the thunder and lightning cannon that broke the formation, like a bomb that destroys everything, crashed to the ground.


At this moment, an indescribable destructive force, centered on the point of falling, spread crazily in all directions, and quickly spread here.

Family Master Ning was immediately shocked by the huge force, and the blood spurted wildly and flew out.

The guard who had come to report before was directly shattered to pieces, and died of blood in Qiqiao.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

The buildings on Ningjia Island collapsed one by one, and one-fifth of the people died in an instant, as if an unprecedented earthquake broke out. Even the barren sea was shaken out by huge waves of a thousand feet high, which slapped on the islands, and poured heavy rain.

Patriarch Ning jumped into the air in shock, and saw that a huge deep pit appeared in front of him. The inside of the pit was densely covered with lightning, which was caused by the shot just now.

"This is... the cannon of the White River? How could it be so strong?!" Patriarch Ning was trapped.

At this moment, a series of high-level elders and second elders of the Ning family all flew over.

They looked at the deep pit full of thunder and lightning, all with violent eyes and silent.

This kind of devastating cannonball, if it is done again, it will be worth it!

"The Ning family! The Ning family! You are already Put down your weapons and surrender obediently, I will forgive you not to die!"

At this time, Hei Peng's voice came from the White River on the far sea.

Everyone in the Ning family looked and saw Hei Peng holding a big clock and yelling at Ning Family Island.

"It's the beast Hei Peng!" Elder Ning's face was pale.

"I will kill him!" The second elder was about to rush over.

"Wait, don't act rashly!" Patriarch Ning scolded.

"Give you one stick of incense, within one stick of incense, self-defeating, self-defeating, surrendering, and forgiving you not to die!" Hei Peng's shout continued.

Everyone in the Ning family looked ugly.

For Lin Hao's shot, Hei Peng was completely convinced.

The power of the law of thunder and lightning destroyed the Ning family's island protection formation in one shot, and also lifted the Ning family upright.

Worthy of being the power of law!

The young man in front of him is a monster at all!

Hei Peng was also very proud of following such an existence. If he had used his ten courage before, he would not dare to show off in front of Ningjia Island.

"Patriarch, it's better to let us go together, I don't believe it, there can be a second shell out of that kind of shell." The elder suggested.

"Huh! This kind of cannon hits at most a dozen immovable targets, can't it deal with us?" The second elder was also very disdainful.

With a cannon like this, it's okay to hit boats and battle formations, but you can't hit people at all, so don't worry at all.

Family Master Ning fell into silence.

"Why not, let's pretend to surrender first, and when we get closer, we will take them down!" Ning Patriarch proposed.

"Okay! The young man in white must have a big secret, we must take him down!" said the elder.

But at this moment, Hei Peng's shout suddenly came from a distance: "It's time for a stick of incense, prepare to die!"

(End of this chapter)

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