Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 994: : Gold and silver double evil

Hei Peng trembled: "Master, the Qiandao Chamber of Commerce is the most unfathomable force in the Qiandao waters. It has always been neutral and detached. It has never participated in secular struggles. It has existed for years..."

"Do not talk nonsense!"

Lin Hao banged his fist on Hei Peng's head and said, "If I ask, you will answer, and if you talk nonsense, I will tear you up!"

"Yes Yes!"

Hei Peng touched his head and said, "The current strongest of the Qiandao Chamber of Commerce is temporarily unknown, but there was once a Ten Tribulation True Monarch who went to make trouble, but the world evaporated and the body was not seen."

"So the world speculates that the Qiandao Chamber of Commerce should be a third-rate force that has entered the stream."

Hearing these words, Lin Hao had a general idea in his heart.

The standard of the third-rate forces is that there are invincible masters who pass the catastrophe period, and they can barely be considered third-rate if they can't attack under the realm of harmony.

For example, today's Ye clan has several ancestors who sit at the bottom of the third-rate forces.

"This is troublesome. If it is a third-rate force, if you want to rob the auction house from their hands, you have to take a long-term plan." Lin Hao thought secretly.

On the bright side, he definitely won't be able to attack, so he needs some tricks.

Hei Peng was dying in desperation. He didn't even solve his own crisis. He wanted to calculate the Qiandao Chamber of Commerce.

The Lone Star Gang was too ostentatious, and he was sure that within a week, there would be masters asking questions.


The following days were calm and calm.

Lin Hao was not idle either.

He opened the Sanhua Gathering, sprinkled the best spirit stones and self-made formation flags in his chamber, intending to arrange an offensive and defensive formation.

With Lin Hao's current strength, he couldn't deal with a true monarch, but passive defense didn't have any major problems.

A true master of formation does not need to be strong, as long as he has the materials for the formation, as long as he has enough money, he can turn corruption into a miracle.

Although it is impossible to transform the formation method into strength, it is not a big problem to defend one's own home.

The series of actions of the Lone Star Gang will surely disturb the great figures in the Qiandao waters. All Lin Hao needs to do is to wait for someone to come.

After three days of busy work, the formation was initially completed.

The result was that Lin Hao's remaining Thunder Pill was exhausted, and he needed to buy some more materials to come back to refine the pill.

On this day, the sea was calm and the waves were calm, Lin Hao lay leisurely in the chamber, sitting and practicing.


Suddenly, a cold snort came from outside, like a thunder, blowing in everyone's ears.

Everyone on the entire island was shaken to the blood, and many people passed out directly.

Lin Hao woke up from his practice, stood up, looked up at the door.

"Master, the big thing is not good, there is an enemy attack..."

Outside, Hei Peng's anxious voice came.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Hao saw the door burst with a "bang" and Hei Peng was kicked into the door.

Outside, two middle-aged people, one tall and one short, dressed in brocade gowns, one gold and one silver, walked into the chamber.

"Swish swish..."

Patriarch Ning and others also rushed over, standing nervously beside Lin Hao.

These two middle-aged men looked ordinary from the outside but exuded a majestic oppressive force inside, like the sea, pressing on everyone's heart, making everyone pale.

These two people are true monarchs!

The two Jinpao men looked at everyone up and down, and stopped on Lin Hao.

"Huh! Lone Star Gang, it only took less than a month to wipe out the six islands. I thought the leader was a master, but he was a yellow-haired kid." The short man sneered.

The tall man stared at Lin Hao and snorted coldly: "A mere mortal man of Six Tribulations, dare to be a helper! Hurry up, call out the master behind you, and I have something to ask him."

Perhaps in his opinion, Lin Hao was not able to lead the Lone Star Gang at all, and the mastermind behind him was someone else.

"Sorry, you may have misunderstood, I alone have the final say in Lone Star Help, there is no hidden master behind it." Lin Hao smiled.

"what did you say?"

The two men in Jinpao looked at each other, and they both flashed incredible.

"Haha, what a joke! The head of the Black Sea regiment, Patriarch Ning, are all Seven Tribulations real people, how can you deal with them?" The tall man laughed.

"Don't talk nonsense! If the people behind you don't come out, I will flatten this chamber!" the short man scolded angrily.

Lin Hao was immediately happy. He ignored these two people, but looked at Hei Peng and said, "Hei Peng, these two things, how many of us have killed us?"

"Master, when they came in, they destroyed our ten cruise ships and killed more than a hundred of our brothers." Hei Peng trembled.

"oh, I understand now."

Lin Hao smiled slightly, his expression still calm, but a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Hehe, what about the people who killed you? I tell you, the tree attracts the wind, come to the sea of ​​Thousand Islands, if you have no strength, it is better to keep a low profile." The short man laughed.

"The third child, don't talk nonsense, first catch these people, and then torture them slowly." The tall man said.


The short middle-aged man soared into the sky A pair of silver wings appeared behind him, covering the whole body.

"Wait!" Lin Hao said suddenly.

"Why, want to beg for mercy?" The short man squinted.

"Let me speak first, which force are you?" Lin Hao asked.


The two looked at each other and laughed.

Hei Peng hurriedly said: "Master, they are the gold and silver double evil spirits of the Kunpeng Pirate Group. That is the second-ranked pirate group in the Thousand Islands Sea!"

The tall Jin Sha laughed for a long time, and said: "Even if we don't know who we are, we are ignorant, and dare to come to Qiandao waters to be mad!"

"Remember clearly! We are the gold and silver evil spirits of the Kunpeng pirate group. I heard that a Lone Star Gang appeared suddenly, and it seemed to be very public, so we came to try it out, it turned out that it was nothing.

Lin Hao shook his head and let out a long sigh of regret.

"It's good to come and test, but unfortunately, the result of the test is death!"

Lin Hao suddenly clenched his fist and shouted: "A burst!"

Suddenly, under the ground of the entire conference hall, there appeared countless dense lines, criss-crossing, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a giant cage, enclosing the conference hall.

On the lines, purple-black thunder arcs linger, containing strange adsorption power.

"Formation?" The two were stunned, both flashed a look of disdain.

"I felt confident about what I said, because I was here."

"What's the use of this pediatric formation? See if I break your formation!"

The short silver evil spirit flew up, the wings behind it waved, and bursts of fierce wind appeared, sweeping across the square like a sharp sword.

Everyone was far away, and they all felt the dazzling sharp edges and blood stains on their skin, which showed how terrifying the center of the storm was.

"The law of blast?" Lin Hao raised his eyebrows and sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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