Rebirth of the Strongest Tycoon

Chapter 650: Abolish Nintendo and Nangong Dream

"Huaxia Square"

When Hayao Nakamura opened the first page and saw the title at the head, he couldn't help but frown.

This game has such an obvious country name, which is the first time in the history of the game.

But I have to say that the name is rather unique, at least he remembered it after reading it once.

Then, he reserved his opinion and continued to look down. Unconsciously, the more he read, the more devoted he became.

The other nine executives performed similarly.

Xia Yu leaned on the chair, drank tea leisurely, and watched the constantly changing expressions of Nakamura Hayao and others.

There are a total of five game plans this time, namely Huaxia Square, Super Mario, Donkey Kong, Pac-Man and Tank War.

Needless to say, Huaxia Square is made by Xia Yu imitating the classic polar bear square. This casual game will take five years to develop. After the fire, Nintendo won the final agency and implanted it into Nintendo's first generation portable game console, a great success.

The final battlefield of Huaxia Cube must be in the handheld, but it is only in 1979. Due to hardware factors, players have not experienced the baptism of fierce fighting games such as Double Dragon, Dinosaur Kombat and King of Fighters, so Huaxia Cube is made of There will also be a small market for arcade machines.

Not to mention, Super Mario is also a masterpiece of Nintendo. From its production in 1981 to more than 30 years later, it has created a huge commercial profit of more than 35 billion US dollars for Nintendo. If this game Xia Yu did not copy, Isn't it waiting for two years to be abused by Nintendo?

Donkey Kong game, also launched by Nintendo, is a little later than Super Mario. It will not be launched until 1983. It is also a classic game. Until the 21st century, Nintendo is still publishing this series, making money for Nintendo. billions of dollars.

Pac-Man is also a classic arcade game in the history of video games, but it was produced by Nangong Dream Company and released in mid-1980. It should not have been produced yet. This game is one of the most classic arcade games in the 1980s. Nangong Meng's powerful weapon for sieging the city was now destroyed by Xia Yu, and he directly destroyed another opponent.

Not to mention the last tank battle, it is also a fist game from Nangong Meng, but it was released in 1985. This game is not only popular on arcades, but also on handhelds.

These five games were brought over by Xia Yu, and Nintendo and Nangong Meng were only stepped on by Xia Yu. Now Taidong Company, which has a great reputation, can never resist only relying on a space invader.

The later game giant Sony has not officially entered the game field at this time. According to the original history, there are still several years, so there is no need to pay special attention for the time being.

As for the other second- and third-rate video game companies, Xia Yu didn't even look at them, and he didn't threaten them at all.

As long as these five games are launched, the world of arcades will change.

Although Hayao Nakamura is the president of Sega, he is also the head of the game development and design department of Sega. He has his own unique experience in games. He is a giant of the island country's video game industry and the true founder of the island country Sega. In the 19 years he was in office in the previous life, classic games of Sega Company emerged one after another.

Although these five games are still hanging around on paper, and no physical game consoles have been made, but with his eyesight, he has already seen part of the essence of each game.

Just seeing those things made him excited. These five games definitely have the potential to become classics.

"Compared with these five games, the company's original games are garbage"

Hayao Nakamura had to admit that even though his face was a little hot, his intuition and reason told him that it was so.

After reading it, Hayao Nakamura raised his head and looked at Xia Yu with fiery eyes. He asked excitedly, "Boss, who are the designers of these five games, he is definitely a master of the game industry, if you can ask him It will be the honor of my life to ask for advice.”

Seeing Hayao Nakamura become so fanatical, Xia Yu smiled lightly, realizing that Hayao Nakamura has the essence of a technical madman, and thinking about it, without this essence, he would not shout "I live to make Nintendo uncomfortable", It can't always lead the company to fight against Nintendo, which is like a hang-up.

The others had almost finished reading it at this time, and when they heard Hayao Nakamura's question, they all looked at Xia Yu expectantly.

However, as a big boss, Xia Yu's self-promotion is too low.

Sony Huo Jianning stood up intimately and proudly said to everyone, "These five games are all designed by the boss himself."


Hayao Nakamura's eyes widened in disbelief.

These five classic games turned out to be designed by a new boss, and the new boss is a master of game design

Seeing the indifferent smile of the new boss Xia Yu, and Huo Jianning's nodding affirmation, Hayao Nakamura had to believe, and only believed.

He suddenly had the feeling that he was alive to a dog.

But when I thought about it, I was excited.

The boss Xia Yu is so powerful, the time has come for Sega to rise again. As long as these five games are produced, Taidong's dominance will collapse instantly.

"Boss, please give me more advice in the future"

Hayao Nakamura stood up, bowed deeply to Xia Yu, and said solemnly.

Xia Yu smiled and raised his hand to signal him to sit down, "Sit down first, there will be opportunities later."

"Let's get down to business now"

"You have read the plans of these five games. The parent company Tiangong Electronics will authorize the company to produce and sell them. Your task is to go all out to make prototypes of these five games."

"There may be differences in the chips required for each game. It is up to you to choose which chips are more cost-effective."

"Do you have confidence?"

At the end, Xia Yu's face turned straight, and his voice suddenly increased a few degrees.


Hayao Nakamura and the others raised their heads and answered loudly.

They have all seen the planning of these five games, and they do not need top-level chips, and mid-to-low-end chips are enough.

Sega has a production line for arcade machines. It is very difficult to assemble the chips after purchasing the chips and the motherboard.

With the game design ready, Hayao Nakamura has set a timeline for himself, that is, he will go all out to make all five arcade machines enter the mass production stage within a month.

Xia Yu nodded with satisfaction, and instructed Hayao Nakamura, "Hayao Nakamura, according to the company's situation, do a good job in recruiting and supplementing personnel at the same time."


"Boss, I have some questions to ask you"

After that, several senior executives from the technical department headed by Nakamura Hayao gathered around Xia Yu for advice.

With Xia Yu's knowledge and background, it was easy to solve the puzzles for Hayao Nakamura and others.

After asking for some advice, Xia Yu clearly felt that Hayao Nakamura and the others completely respected him.

The hearts of the people have been received, and the overall situation of Sega has been determined

When leaving, Xia Yu told Huo Jianning, "Jianning, recruit people from Xiangjiang as soon as possible, and then send them to Sega for study and training, and bring back the technology. Our roots are in Xiangjiang after all."

Huo Jianning nodded heavily and replied, "Chairman, I remember."

It is precisely because Tiangong Electronics is still in the construction from scratch, there is a shortage of people at any technical level, and the hardware is also lacking. It is a long way to go to make these five games.

Therefore, in order to put it into production earlier, it will be authorized to Sega for production.

However, this is only a transitional stage. When Tiangong Electronics Co., Ltd. has the ability, the primary and secondary relationship with Sega will no longer be limited in name only.

Thinking of this, Huo Jianning secretly made up his mind to speed up the construction again after returning.

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