Rebirth of the Super Banking System

Chapter 1893: We have to pay again

Sixteen floors.

news department.

Off work.

"see you tomorrow!"

After the day's work, Lin Jiaxue is ready to go home.

"Wait for me."

Liu Yue chased him up and thought: This intern is really a little bit different. When everyone else arrives at the new company, they are all trying to integrate into the environment. Of course, Lin Jiaxue also did it.

-Help pour water.

-Print documents.

-Eat lunch together.

-Team building.


For some more ‘intimate’ behaviors, there are few, such as girls discussing some clothes, cosmetics, jewelry, gossip, or going to the toilet together.

Another example is the invitation to go shopping.


Not even.

All intimacy seems to stop in the ‘private life’. She invited Lin Jiaxue to go shopping and where to go out on weekends several times, but was refused with inconvenience. What's the inconvenience? But did not say.


It is estimated that the personality is like this, the quiet work style, the calm smile on the face, the very decent speech, every move, revealing everyone's ladylike temperament, full of goddess.

Let Liu Yue as a woman.

Don't consciously want to get close.

She hopes.

There is one more girl like this in my girlfriend's circle.

"Jia Xue, have you bought it yet?"


"Group stock."


"Then you have to hurry up, our group will definitely follow a higher level in the future..." Liu Yue continued to recommend this ‘newcomer’, so there would be one more common topic.


A weirdness flashed across the beautiful face.

"What do you think?" Liu Yue asked.

"Well, buy."

. . .

Back to the villa.

"Jia Xue."

A woman holding her baby greeted her.

"Sister Zhan."

Zhan Xi is here.

"Where is Brother Chai?"

"Study, talk to Tang Qing." Zhan Xi smiled and looked at the woman in front of him. Although love is priceless, in the eyes of outsiders, Lin Jiaxue's luck is almost beyond the horizon.

Encountered such a good man.

Four years.

Richest man.

If it weren't for the first place, Bill Gates and Buffett were tied together, and even the latter one was counted, and the worth was only one-third of Tang Qing's worth. This is incredible.


It is still growing rapidly.

"Rushing to Six Trillion"

She watched.

I feel a little underestimated, because those evaluations are mostly based on the present. Over the years, Tang Qing's style of doing things is not step-by-step, but very leap, making it impossible to predict accurately.

Step by step.

Still safe.

to date.

Nothing is wrong.


It is also difficult to estimate, because Tang Qing’s enterprise is not managed by a single person, but thousands or tens of thousands of elite think tanks and professionals monitor and guide its enterprises to move forward correctly.

The foundation is solid.

Equity struggle?


Tang Qing's core industry is almost absolutely controlled.

and so.

Tang Qing will not encounter most of the risks that a company may fail. Very fast skipping the fortune period, no one can covet Tang Qing's industry, and the road ahead is Mapingchuan.

Its power.

It is also growing steadily.

Take a look.

If you don't make a move.

One shot.

It is a large amount of hundreds of billions. This is the second thing. The most amazing thing is that, according to the investigation of the Chai family, those partners are all hidden predators who can control a country's policies.


. . .



"This world is getting more and more incomprehensible." Chai Ren smiled bitterly and looked at Tang Qing, not surprised at Tang Qing's wealth, but surprised at the content reported in the afternoon news in Myanmar.

The content is not complicated.

The Myanmar-Asia Environmental Technology Company released a new product.

---Water purifying agent.



Just listen to the name to know what it is. It is said that it is an upgraded product developed based on the ‘filter solution’ that has the effect of purifying various complex water quality. Leveraged.


Many experiments have been done on TV.

-domestic sewage.

-Chemical sewage.

-Mixed sewage.

In short.

Sprinkle it down.

Soon it was clear, and the water droplets were all black.

The picture reveals a strong taste of ‘fraud’, and it feels like deja vu. If you don’t label it, the people of the country will definitely give a contemptuous look: still playing this routine.


Affix the label of the Myanmar-Asia Environmental Technology Company.


They are all very different. None of their products have disappointed the world. If they just allow various substances in the water to settle, it would not surprise him, because it is not impossible for others to do it.


People sprinkle it.

Drink directly.

According to the standard.

Even in Western countries, the drinking water level is adjustable, minerals and microorganisms that are not harmful to the human body can be treated differently and oriented modulation.

Hold the grass!

At that time, Chai Ren didn't want to talk anymore. This effect was too unreasonable. The most important thing was that the chemical substance could be recycled by special equipment. This was of great significance.

Most people don't need it.


It does not mean that there are few application scenarios.


-Chemical sewage.

-Life sewage.

-Pollution of rivers.

Many scenes can be used. Imagine a stinky water ditch, sprinkled these things, and quickly becomes clear, the odor disappears, and the pollutants can be recycled. How useful this is.


It's as magical as it said.


There will be one more competitive product, because it will further change the world. The filter solution almost solves the harmful gas emission. This water purifier seems to solve the sewage problem.


The Myanmar Bank Group is really a conscientious enterprise. Although it is a bit "black-hearted", it makes people speechless. The transcription of the original liquid charges very little money, and most of the other products are environmentally related.


It's really unpleasant.

"Used to it."

Tang Qing smiled.

Water purifier.

The project, which was established very early, mainly solves the sewage problem. Last year, Burma built ten sewage treatment plants of various sizes. This month, all of them were put into operation and started to promote.

This business.

Very big.

The water purifier is a consumable, like the filter solution, and can be cracked, but like the filter solution, you can shout to others: crack it casually. If the cost is lower than me, I lose.

Its sales targets, mainly governments and state-owned enterprises, are not suitable for ordinary people's water purification scenarios, because water purifiers are not universal and have different requirements and different ratios.

Under calculation.

There are more than 40 basic scenes Derivative scenes multiplied by ten, such as a pool, which is swimming, drinking, fish breeding, and turtle breeding. . . In other words, the purified water quality can be customized.

Quite powerful.

Its market.

After maturity, hundreds of billions less will be said a year.

"We have to pay again." Chai Ren smiled bitterly.

Pollution first.


This principle has been changing recently. Once you are willing, you will definitely spend a lot of money to buy it. Burmese is also quite a thief. If it is released after the Oasis, it is estimated that some of the funds may buy water purification services.

right now.

The most important thing is that unlike deserts, the demand for clean water is not entirely at the national level. Therefore, when each province and city has this good thing, it is estimated that there will be a pile of application reports.


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