Rebirth of the Super Banking System

Vol 2 Chapter 2051: Laughing from ear to ear!


   The Internet is boiling!

   "What did I see? All sold out? Come and tell me, this is an illusion! Also, in the last hour, why did it fall so fast?"


   "Unreasonable, could Shengtang cheat on the data?"



   Many questioned.


   There are still people who understand.

   "Because everyone got up, and the sun came out, many people were basking in the sun and then being exposed to the circle of friends, which had a chemical effect."


   "Impulse shopping."


   You are right, it makes sense.

   about this.

   Everyone did not discuss too much. They still trust Tang Qing's enterprise. There is no need to fool investors, and no need to worry about company stock prices.

   There is no need to whitewash the data.

   for this.

   can't commit.

   Tang Qing can't afford to lose that person either.

   "Haha, I suddenly feel very good. Some people who haven't bought it can only wait for August. Suddenly, I feel a little bit cooler."

   "That said, so am I, but fortunately, I started early."


   "You are good or bad."

   "Suddenly I understand a truth, happiness, it really comes out. Big summer, I have a thermostat, you don't have one, this is happiness!"

   "Happiness +1."

   "Happiness +1."


   One time.

   The inexplicable superiority of human beings is spontaneously brought about by the rhythm, and the distressed feeling of just spending a lot of money is immediately relieved.



  . . .



   Qi Yan and colleagues far away from the group's headquarters opened a champagne celebration together. Through remote video, all the subsidiaries of Shengtang became lively.


   "I couldn't believe it, it was sold out in one day."



   "The Tang Dynasty! The Tang Dynasty! The Tang Dynasty!"

   "Long live Tang Dong!"





   chanted, "Tang Dong is mighty! ’There is no way to make this money, and there is a relationship with them. But it's really not big, it's mainly technology.

  The days without technology, they lived for four years. In those days, looking back, although not poor, haha, but it is far from the point of lavishness.

right now.

   Once flying to the sky, it was entirely due to Tang Qing's foresight.

  . . .


   Each gate store.


   They put a salute barrel.

at the same time.

   There is also melodious music in the store.

   "Long live!"


   "Today's group dinner, walk up in the hotel tonight!" The shop manager said loudly.



   The shop assistants were smiling.

sold out.

   means that the company is rich.

   In this way, you can look forward to the next year-end award. Although it is currently online shopping, it has nothing to do with in-store sales, but in-store sales will begin in August.

  The unit price is high.

Good sales.

   The end of the year.

   With Tang Qing's generosity, he will definitely pack a big red envelope. Before the Tang Dynasty, he could only envy the annual awards of Microcrystalline Technology, Qingyuan Technology, and Comet Group.

right now.

   I can look forward to it too!


   Also yesterday afternoon, everyone posted new work clothes, all of which added thermostatic materials. The feeling of wearing them made them believe:

  ---The Tang Dynasty will flourish.

  . . .


   The major media are also crazy.

   "A record! 30 million pieces of clothing sold out in one day!"

   "The miracle reappears!"

   "Tang Qing! Once again proved his vision with facts!"

   "Tang Tang! Great victory!"

   "Eight billion sales! The spring of the Tang Dynasty is here."


  The reporters were also shocked.

one day.

   Eight billion.

   This is a number that many large companies can only look up to. With the high profits of apparel companies, this time, Shengtang Group made less than 2 billion.


  4 billion, they all dare to think about it.


   This technology is not under the name of the Tang Dynasty. In the end, how much the Tang Dynasty earned is unknown, but it can be known that Tang Qing, the big boss of the two companies.

   Earn blood!

   "Shengtang Group is expected to become one of the most profitable companies under Tang Qing."

   This is the consensus of everyone.

   "It is inevitable to rush into the top three."


   is obviously the Comet Group. Although it has made a lot of money by relying on film and television entertainment, etc., the cost is also huge. It saves tens of billions of dollars every year.


  Microcrystalline Technology.

the first.

   Qingyuan Technology.

   If they follow the thermostatic clothing market, they have reason to believe that Shengtang might even be the first. Thinking of this, the reporters are speechless.

   a few days ago.

   No one is optimistic about the prosperous Tang Dynasty, thinking that it will be salty fish until the sky is old.

   a few days later.

   8 billion sales, laying the foundation for its soaring sky.

  The world.

   really changed! I haven't seen you for three days, so I'm impressed!

Do not.

   I have to wear sunglasses to see, because it is too dazzling, I can't stand it!

  . . .

   Europe and America.


   My colleagues are already speechless. I calculated it before, 30 million sold out, sales will exceed 1 billion U.S. dollars, which is too envious.

present day.

   The scary news came.

---sold out!


   Today is not April Fool's Day. How much they hope, this is false news, but reason tells them that it is true, and they sell one billion a day.


   They are so jealous that they are almost separated!

   "When can I arrive?" the president shouted.


   They bought a lot in the name of their employees in China. Since they are doing experiments, of course they have to have enough materials. For this, they have contributed a lot of sales.

   Once I got it.

   Just ask someone to fly and bring it back.


   "You must crack it for me."



The number    deeply stimulated them. An opponent who had never faced him squarely before, just one night later, they turned into a local tyrant.

   How can I stand it!

  . . .


   Thermostatic clothing has become the focus of the world, selling billions of dollars a day, no matter what, this number is as shocking as the American president's face was beaten.



   is joy.

   "Where is it for sale? I want to buy it."

   "At present, only Huaxia sells, and the quantity is limited. Even in the Huaxia market, there will be a large number of new products on the market after August."

"so long."

   "Can't wait, is there any other way?"



   "Online shopping ~ Some multinational purchasing agents are available online, but the price has risen by 200%, and the quantity is small. It's better to go faster or it will be gone."

"go immediately."




   Regardless of national boundaries, even people in many areas are hot all year round. A warm and comfortable clothing is extremely attractive to them.

   float up 200%.

  Count it out.

   is three times the original price. For people in many countries, this number is too high. However, never underestimate the high-income groups in this world.

right now.

   is only sold in China, not in foreign countries, so there is no choice. Anyway, it was bought and sold by others without being crossed. This is nothing unacceptable.




   This surprised some scalpers. Last night, they worked overtime. Many people used various means to make hundreds, or even thousands, of orders, not too many.


   This is hundreds of thousands.

   What material.

   This is less than a day, and it's almost sold out, that regret! Of course, there are also powerful scalpers who have made tens of thousands of orders with a gamble mentality.

right now.

   laughed from ear to ear.

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