Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 199 First Met A Rival

Chapter 199

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Tang Feng took Chen Yuhua and Yang Chunxiu and set off on time. The only rare person was Kang Lifeng. The reason was simple. Tang Feng couldn't understand him, so he called for a very stupid reason and sent him away.

"M's, Tang Feng, wait for me. Sooner or later, I will let you kneel in front of me and beg me." Kang Lifeng cursed at Tang Feng's distant back, but Tang Feng could not hear it for a long time.

In the car, due to what happened this morning, the three of them did not speak, especially Tang Feng sitting in the front co-pilot, closing his eyes and resting. It was not until the driver of the car parked the car that he opened his eyes.

Tang Feng is quite familiar with Sequoia Capital, and he has had some contact with him in his previous life. Sequoia Capital was established in 1972 in Silicon Valley, United States. In more than 30 years after its establishment, Sequoia, as the first institutional investor, has invested in many innovative leading trends such as Apple, Sequoia Capital founder Don Valentine, Google, Cisco, Oracle, Yahoo, Linkedin, etc. the company.

In China, the Sequoia Capital China team currently manages approximately US$2 billion in overseas funds and nearly US$4 billion in domestic funds to invest in high-growth companies in China. Sequoia China’s partners and investment team have both international economic development vision and local entrepreneurial experience. Since its establishment in September 2005, it has invested in many representative investments in technology, consumer services, healthcare, and new energy/clean technology. High-growth company.

Sequoia China's investment portfolio includes, Alibaba Group, Tubatu,, Wanxue Education,, VanceInfo, Vipshop, Jumeiyoupin, Douban, Noah Fortune, AutoNavi Software ,, Qihoo 360, Qianzhao Optoelectronics, Focus Technology,,, China Linong Group, Country-based Catering, Skye Network, Bona Film, Kaifeng Pharmaceutical, Qinchuan Machine Tool, Happy Buy, Mengrass Drought Resistance, Peak Sports, Huobi, etc.

As "the entrepreneurs behind the entrepreneurs", the Sequoia China team is helping many Chinese entrepreneurs realize their dreams. Sequoia has just arrived in China in 2003, two years ahead of schedule. This may have something to do with the establishment of YY, which has caused a butterfly effect.

As one of China’s famous websites, was only just getting started in 2003. Alibaba is now operating normally on Taobao and is currently Tang Feng’s biggest competitor. Needless to say, Jingdong Mall operates in Tang Feng. It changed the trajectory of history early next morning.

Today’s October Golden Week has not yet been over, and the traffic in the capital is still very congested. It was an hour after arriving at the airport. Fortunately, it was not late. Tang Feng walked in the forefront. Chen Yuhua and Yang Chunxiu followed closely behind. , The two women have their own style, forming a beautiful landscape, attracting countless rates of turning heads.(Read more @

At 3:15, flight 2438 from United States to China arrived on time. Tang Feng was waiting at the pick-up gate holding the sign that he greeted. There was no way. Two women followed. He must have a gentlemanly demeanor!

About 5 minutes after the plane landed, two men and a woman came here. One of them was a white man, about 40 years old and wearing a gray suit. He looked like a successful businessman from a distance. The other is a Chinese, thin and tall, about 1.8 meters tall, and under 30 years old. Tang Feng looks a bit jealous, comparable to domestic first-class fresh meat, and even has It.

There is also a woman who is very dazzling, blond, blue-eyed, with big waves, dressed in a cheongsam from China, showing her figure vividly, and instantly attracting all the people in the hall. She is a dazzling one. Celebrity.

The woman seemed to enjoy this feeling very much. She even twisted and twisted when she walked. Tang Feng took a breath of air-conditioning. He was really a charming fairy. If it were... he couldn't imagine it.

"Hello, I am Zheng Zihe, the representative of Sequoia China. Are you from Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd.?" Just when Tang Feng was still immersed in the figure of a woman, a young and handsome guy with a splendid The smile directly reached out to Chen Yuhua.

Zheng Zihe? If Leng Yuhan was here, he would call out loudly. Life might be such a coincidence. If Tang Feng knew that the man opposite was Leng Yuhan’s ex-boyfriend or even his current boyfriend, I don’t know what he would think.

"Hello, I am Chen Yuhua of Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd., and I am responsible for picking up the plane today." Chen Yuhua was also a little surprised at the smile of the opposite man, but he adjusted it quickly and barely smiled, but it seemed very ugly. It may be that Chen Yuhua has become cold, and the forced smile is so unnatural.

"Miss Chen, Very beautiful, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." Zheng Zihe's smile was very contagious, and the hand holding Chen Yuhua didn't mean to let go at all. Chen Yuhua couldn't help frowning, "Mr. He is really joking. Compared with the lady behind you, I think it's still a bit worse." As Chen Yuhua said, she cleverly pulled her hand out of Zheng Zihe's hand.

Zheng Zihe did not expect that the other party was such a cold woman, but his face did not change, and he still greeted with a smile, "Beautiful Miss Chen, this is Miss Alice from Sequoia." Zheng Zihe said very politely. Made a gentleman's action.

"Hello, Miss Alice, and welcome to China." Chen Yuhua politely stretched out her little white hand.

"Jack, hat is she talking about?" Alice also stretched out her small slender hand, but looked at Zheng Zihe instead.

At this time, Chen Yuhua realized that Alice could not understand Chinese at all, and was a little embarrassed. Although her English was not bad, her spoken English was not very good, and she was not good at speaking English at ordinary times, so she stood on the sidelines. Tang Feng on the Internet suddenly said, "Beautiful miss Alice I am tang feng, elcome to huaxia."

Tang Feng used to be a top hacker. English is his strong point. Even his spoken language is very fluent, which attracted Zheng Zihe's attention, and he also turned his attention to Chen Yuhua, "Miss Chen, who is this?"

"Mr. He, this is Director Tang of our company. I am currently my boss. He is mainly responsible for this financing." Chen Yuhua has always been meticulous about the work, and did not feel that Tang Feng is her boss. .

Zheng Zihe looked at Tang Feng with a little surprise, and then pointed to the middle-aged white man next to him, "Young Master Tang, this is Mr. Andrew from Sequoia, one of Sequoia’s sensible people." He whispered a few words to Andrew, and then Andrew stretched out his big hand, "Mr. Tang, I'm Andre. Nice to meet you."

After some introductions, several people made a few more polite words before they walked outside...

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