Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 201 Corporate Bonds

Chapter 201 Corporate Bonds

At 5.15 pm, there was still some time before get off work, Tang Feng left alone without notifying anyone, stopped a taxi and headed to the place agreed by the two people.

Old Han Duck Head Restaurant, this is just a very inconspicuous place. Tang Feng likes it very much. In his previous life, he did not come here. It is quiet, with fewer people, and the food is more delicious, especially the duck head, which is also considered a place in Beijing. Absolutely.

"Lao Han, let's get a secret old hen, and find a small private room by the way." Before the sound of people came in, Lao Han, who was busy in the kitchen, was taken aback. Don't look at this as the duck head restaurant, in fact, Lao Han's best is the secret old hen. These old hens are all old-aged native chickens, just because the number is limited, most people simply don't know.

"Brother, regular customer?" Old Han walked out of the kitchen after shaking his hands, dripping with water.

"Lao Han, I am Xiao Tang. I used to be a frequent visitor here. I may not have been here for a while." Tang Feng said with a smile.

Old Han thought for a while, but still didn’t remember who this Xiao Tang was. If he knew that Tang Feng was talking about his past life, he really didn’t know what he would think, but he was not a caring person, come to him. There are more people here, and I can remember wherever the time goes.

"Brother, stewed or stewed?" Lao Han's old hens are divided into two methods. One is stewed, which is suitable for strengthening the body, especially pregnant women. The other is boiled. This is very time-consuming, and the time and heat are very particular. The broth in the pot is boiled until it is golden brown and slightly viscous, and then it is finished. The chicken that is boiled is fragrant, and it is even more fragrant when you bite it. However, this method of boiling is very time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the price is also low. Philippines.

Tang Feng thought for a while. Anyway, it’s not too late today. I haven’t eaten it for a long time. I just drool after thinking about it. Tang Feng said that he stuffed 500 yuan into Old Han's hands, and Old Han put it away without being polite, "There is no problem with my little brother, we will cook a secret chicken."............. .. ..................................................................................................B..

Why does Tang Feng give money first? This is the rule here. Anyone who eats chicken pays first, and only regular customers know. If you don’t know this, you just want to eat but you can’t eat it, he won’t do it. You did it.

Seeing Lao Han walked into the kitchen, Tang Feng walked outside. At the same time, he picked up the phone and called Leng Yuhan, "Yu Han, where have you been?"

Today, Leng Yuhan did not go to work and took a shift rest. After agreeing to Tang Feng’s request, he even dressed up specially, especially after hearing Tang Feng’s talk about going to the old Han Duck Head Restaurant, he was very satisfied, but just wanted to find this. The place was a bit big at the time. What the hell is this place? I haven't even heard of a taxi, and finally stopped at the door under the command of Tang Feng.(Read more @

When Leng Yuhan saw Tang Feng's first glance, he was a little uncomfortable, especially his straight eyes, which made himself ashamed and angry. Tang Feng didn't care about her feelings, and directly stepped forward and took her hand.

"Tang Feng, you loosen it, if you are like this, I can leave." Leng Yuhan wanted to shake Tang Feng's hand away, but he didn't shake it off after two swings. At that time, he was a little angry.

"Yu Han, we are all old husbands and old wives, and you still see it like this." Tang Feng didn't know whether it was a joke or intentional. After speaking, he kept observing her expression, and it really became angry, "You let me go. "As I said, I went back.

"Okay, okay, my wife is wrong, you see outsiders are watching, I will definitely not say it next time." Tang Feng said that she half hugged Leng Yuhan in her arms, she was ashamed and angry , I really want to go away. Now I regret meeting Tang Feng a little bit, but everyone on the side of the road is looking here, so I had to bear it and was brought into the Laohan Duck Head Restaurant half-pushed by Tang Feng. Inside.

From the outside, it seems that the Old Han Duck Head Restaurant is very ordinary, but the decoration inside is very authentic. Leng Yuhan is a person who has seen the world. From the moment he walked in, he felt that it was not easy here, and he forgot that he was still in Tang. Feng's arms. Waiting for two people to enter the small private room Leng Yuhan only reacted.

"Tang Feng, you let me go, I said it, it's just the past, the previous things have not happened, and don't call me Yu Han in the future, please call my name." Leng Yuhan said. Throwing away Tang Feng angrily sat on the side.

"Sister Yu Han, this time I am not calling you to talk about these things. I mainly want to ask you for some things. Have you heard of Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd.?" Leng Yuhan shook his head, Tang Feng was also speechless. Then he said: "It's YY."

"Tang Feng, what do you want to say, just say it! If I can help you, I will try my best to help you." Leng Yuhan can't erase the relationship between the two people anyway. . Her mood was a bit complicated at this time, especially after seeing Tang Feng, it became even more complicated. She didn't know how to face him.

Tang Feng was very happy after hearing Leng Yuhan’s words, smiled and said: “There is nothing too big, that is, Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd. has developed to a bottleneck and is now financing, but no venture capital company can At a satisfactory price, you can see if you can..."

"I'm sorry Tang Feng, I can't help you with this matter. The loan is a matter of the country, and I can't do it personally." Before Tang Feng finished speaking, Leng Yuhan interrupted. Tang Feng was not angry, still smiling.

"Sister Yu Han, you got it wrong, I didn't want to take a loan."

"That is?"

There is still a certain understanding of YY Leng Yuhan, because she reuses it, and also knows that YY has been busy with financing issues recently.

"Sister Yu Han, I want to issue bonds in the name of YY." Tang Feng was so shocking that Leng Yuhan was stunned at the time, "What?"

"I want to issue bonds in the name of the company." Tang Feng said it again.

In 2003, all bonds were state-owned bonds. Treasury bonds, also known as public bonds, were debts raised by the government. Specifically, it refers to the national debt formed by the government issuing bonds at home and abroad or borrowing from foreign governments and banks. It is an important part of the entire social debt. It is not possible to issue privately, but there were no relevant regulations at that time. Tang Feng may have exploited this loophole.

National debt is a special fiscal category. It is first of all a kind of fiscal revenue. The state’s issuance of bonds or borrowing is actually to raise funds, thus, it has the three major functions of making up the fiscal deficit, raising construction funds, and regulating the economy. The issuance of treasury bonds must follow the credit principle of borrowing and repaying. When bonds or loans are due, not only the principal must be repaid, but a certain amount of interest must also be paid.

Now YY is in need of money. If it is issued in the name of the company alone, it is simply impossible. It can only be done through the bank. Leng Yuhan, the bank’s deputy governor, will definitely be able to help him.

Treasury bonds are voluntarily subscribed. Except for a very small number of compulsory treasury bonds, people deny the purchase and how much to subscribe, which is entirely up to them.

According to different standards, treasury bonds can be divided into different types: taking the form of national debt as a standard, treasury bonds can be divided into national loans and issuance of bonds. Taking the maturity of financing and issuance as the standard, treasury bonds can be divided into long-term treasury bonds, short-term treasury bonds and medium-term treasury bonds.

Tang Feng is in the name of the company. This is equivalent to raising funds. There is a big risk. Only by finding a bank to cooperate, will people buy it.

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