Chapter 213

"Yu Han, listen to me, didn't I come back?"

"Don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen..."

"Yu Han, it was my fault for me to leave without saying goodbye, but you have to listen to me to explain."

"Listen to you. You have been away for three years. Have you thought about me? Have you thought about how I feel?"

"It's not what you think, you listen to me to explain, I have difficulties."

"You have difficulties. Okay, I'll just listen to you explain. Get out of here as soon as you finish. I don't want to see you anymore."

"Yu Han, back then, you also knew that your father always opposed the two of us together. It would be impossible if we two were forcibly together. Do you know that he threatened me behind his back. I was just an ordinary college student. I didn’t even dare to tell you where I could fight him. I could only take it silently. Later, he threatened me with my family. You know, I couldn’t resist at all, so I had to compromise. Then he gave me one. A sum of money sent me out of the country..."

"You liar, why didn't you tell me? Why? If you tell me then, I will definitely go with you. I don't care about money at all. I just want to be with you, but what about you?"

"You don’t care, I care, if I don’t have money, what do I use to support you, how do we live? Do you know that one piece of clothing at the time was enough for my one year's living expenses, what can I do? Just look at you I can't do it with me."

"Zheng Zihe, I used to know you the most in this world. It turns out that you are not. It was because I was too stupid at the time. How could I fall in love with you."

"Yu Han, I know I was wrong back then, can you forgive me? We can start all over again."(Read more @

"It's late, it's impossible, I can't go back at all." Leng Yuhan thought of the relationship between himself and Tang Feng that night, and tears flowed out uncontrollably.

"It's not too late, it's not too late. I am now the representative of Sequoia Capital, and I will soon become the president of Sequoia China. I have enough ability to bring you happiness." Zheng Zihe held Leng Yuhan tightly. The arm just refused to let go.

In fact, when Leng Yuhan asked Zheng Zihe to explain, he had basically forgiven him, but he didn't vent his anger, and he didn't want to admit this fact. She has longed for the scene of two people meeting countless times...All of this was broken by the appearance of Tang Feng.

"Zihe, can you give me some time? I'm very confused now, don't force me anymore, okay?" Zheng Zihe was really overjoyed when he realized that Leng Yuhan actually called him by his nickname.

"Mr. Zheng, so you are here too, who is this young lady?" Chen Yuhua stepped forward and looked at Leng Yuhan for a moment. It turned out to be magnificent, and then turned his gaze to Zheng Zihe.

Chen Yuhua is very confident of her beauty, but she is a little unconfident when standing in front of Leng Yuhan. The only woman she had ever met who could be compared with her was Bai Yaqing, both of whom had their own merits.

This was the first time Chen Yuhua saw Leng Yuhan. When Zheng Zihe called her name, she concluded that the woman on the phone that day was this woman. Both the voice and the name were correct. She was also thinking about her. What is the relationship with Tang Feng, is it as simple as Tang Feng said?

While Chen Yuhua was looking at herself, Leng Yuhan was also looking at Chen Yuhua at the same time. A woman who was so cold could feel the temperature drop even standing near her.

The most embarrassing thing at this time was Zheng Zihe. He didn't expect to meet Chen Yuhua here, so he trained abroad... and soon showed a bright smile, "Miss Chen, it's a coincidence that he didn't expect to meet you here. "Zheng Zihe is also thinking about why Chen Yuhua appeared here? Could it be that he was in contact with Defengjie's people, and his expression was a little unnatural when he thought of this.

Chen Yuhua's heart is very contradictory now. She wants to go back and tell Tang Feng about this, but she doesn't want to. She is really afraid that two people are related, it will be embarrassing. She is even more worried that Tang Feng has done something sorry for Bai Yaqing. Her eyes are straight. Staring at the place where Zheng Zihe was holding Leng Yuhan's hand.

"Brother Kang, you drink first, I'll go to the bathroom." After so long, Chen Yuhua hasn't come back. Tang Feng was a little worried, afraid that something might happen, so he planned to go out and have a look, just found an excuse and stood up.

"Brother, come back quickly, sister is still waiting for you to drink..." After Tang Feng came out of the private room, his dangling body immediately stood up straight, and strode towards the bathroom in a stride.

Tang Feng didn't drink too much. He had been paying attention to his alcohol volume. Instead of drinking, he had been staring at Chen Yuhua and didn't drink much at all. When he approached the bathroom, he was stunned, his brain buzzed, and something that shouldn't have happened happened.

While Leng Yuhan was looking at Chen Yuhua, he suddenly saw the figure behind him, his face turned pale at the time, and her hand that was originally held by Zheng Zihe was also thrown away by her. Zheng Zihe was also a little surprised when his hand was suddenly thrown away. Following Leng Yuhan's gaze, his eyes were a little strange.

"Mr. Zheng, we met again. It's a coincidence. This is your girlfriend? It's so beautiful. What a blessing." Tang Feng only paused for a while before striding towards Zheng Zihe and Leng Yuhan, but that Everyone can hear the tone of speech...

Zheng Zihe didn't care either. He thought Leng Yuhan was a little embarrassed to see the stranger, and Chen Yuhua was also relieved. It turns out that the two people are not related, but she still has a bad feeling that the relationship between the two people is very close. It's unusual, especially from Leng Yuhan's eyes, it can be seen that the two people know each other. Why does Tang Feng pretend not to know each other?

"Director Tang, it's a coincidence. Today, we are also considered destined. Why don't we sit and drink two glasses together?" Zheng Zihe didn't notice that Leng Yuhan's expression was unnatural. He was thinking about financing. , Even if he speaks, he is testing who Tang Feng is with.

"It doesn't matter if you drink two glasses, what do the two big men have to drink, but if this beautiful lady is willing to buy me a drink, I am willing." Tang Feng did not look at Zheng Zihe, but turned his gaze to cold. Yu Han, at the same time, a murderous aura attacked him, even if he turned his back to it, he could feel it.

"Yu Han, do you know?" Zheng Zihe also felt Leng Yuhan's unnaturalness, and through various performances he discovered that the two were abnormal.

"I was willing to buy this gentleman for a drink, but I don't know if your girlfriend agrees." Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua were both stunned by Leng Yuhan's words, especially Chen Yuhua, she did not expect Leng Yuhan Regarding herself as Tang Feng's girlfriend, she just wanted to explain, she suddenly changed her mind, "It doesn't matter, as long as Mr. Zheng doesn't mind."

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