Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 230 See You Again

Chapter 230

"I said Leng Meimei, which one of your eyes sees me nothing? Is this place opened by your house? Ye Tianfeng can come, why can't I come, you can go out, you can also invite him out." Xu Zhiqiang is a pair What a rogue looks like, where is the look of a rich man.

Speaking of the Xu family, it can be regarded as a legend. Starting from the grassroots, now it can be equal to the Ye family, and even has the ability to transcend. It is a new family. Xu Zhiqiang has not been ranked among the six sons of the capital. For this reason I have been brooding about it all the time.

"Brother Ye, let's go. Since someone doesn't welcome us, we have to leave." Tang Feng said like Leng Yuhan winked, and then walked outside the meeting room.

Ye Tianfeng was stunned by Tang Feng's Ye Ge, but he quickly reacted, "Well, that Tang Feng, you slow down, today I will be the host, and you can pick all the hotels in Beijing." Ye Tianfeng hurriedly pursued. Got out.

Tang Feng left, Chen Yuhua must be leaving too. As soon as Chen Yuhua left, Leng Yuhan then glared at Xu Zhiqiang and followed behind. Only Xu Zhiqiang was stupid. What kind of routine is this? I still don't know what's going on until now.

"Damn, Lao Zi was actually fooled." When Xu Zhiqiang reacted, there were no figures of people and began to curse.

"Tang Feng, I really have you. I have never seen Xu Sanpang who have eaten Karma. Today I have a long vision." Ye Tianfeng laughed when he saw Tang Feng who was waiting for him downstairs.

"I can't compare with you. You are both young and old in the capital. I can't afford to offend, so I had to avoid it." Tang Feng looked innocent. The reason why he did this was entirely to vent Leng Yuhan. Maybe only Leng Yuhan and Chen Yuhua know the reason!

"Tang Feng, I..." Leng Yuhan felt a little guilty about today's affairs. First he invited Ye Tianfeng and then Xu Zhiqiang. There is another reason for Tang Feng's departure, which is that it is not safe at all. There are too many eyes and ears. Now there is Ye Tianfeng, then Xu Zhiqiang, and maybe there will be another prince in a while. He really can't help.

A strong dragon can't beat a local snake, not to mention that Tang Feng is not a strong dragon, at most it is a carp. After jumping over the dragon gate, he can be regarded as a real dragon.

"Sister Yu Han, you don't need to explain, I understand, let's go to eat, and today someone treats you, not eating white or not." Tang Feng smiled at Ye Tianfeng when he finished speaking, no matter how Ye Tianfeng looked at Tang Feng, his eyes revealed evil. Already prepared to be slaughtered.(Read more @

"Yu Han!" Tang Feng was thinking about how to kill Ye Tianfeng, another discordant voice came from a distance. After he heard this voice, his face became a little ugly, especially the huge bouquet in his hand. There are a total of 99 flowers.

"Zihe, what are you doing?" Leng Yuhan's eyes when facing Zheng Zihe were different from anyone else, and they were full of tenderness, which Tang Feng couldn't get.

Zheng Zihe felt that Leng Yuhan really changed recently. He waited early downstairs where she was working. He just saw her come out of the car and got out of the car. Only a few people just said what he said. Hearing in the ears.

"Brother Ye, long time no see, do you remember me?" Zheng Zihe did not answer Leng Yuhan's words, but turned his gaze to Ye Tianfeng beside him. Ye Tianfeng looked at Zheng Zihe up and down, and said with some uncertainty: "Are you Zheng Zihe?"

The reason why Ye Tianfeng knew Zheng Zihe was because Zheng Zihe was also considered a man in the school back then. Leng Yuhan was one of the school's flowers, but he was soaked by him. Can he not be famous? So Ye Tianfeng knew him, but he was a little unsure, because this kid had changed so much, with a faint smile and handsome face, Ye Tianfeng was a little jealous when he saw it, he thought he was a handsome guy, but standing with this kid, there was something Ashamed.

"Yes, I am Zheng Zihe." Zheng Zihe is very happy that Ye Tianfeng can know him. The circle he wants to enter the most is this circle, but he has never had this opportunity, especially because of the ability of Leng Yuhan's father that year. Fear, then leave without saying goodbye.

"Are you here to find Leng Yuhan? We are going to eat, do you want to..."


Ye Tianfeng didn't know that Tang Feng was related to Zheng Zihe. Just when he was about to invite him to dinner, he must be Leng Yuhan's boyfriend, but he was interrupted by a cough.

"Tang Feng, what's the matter with you? Have you caught a cold?" Ye Tianfeng asked inexplicably.

"No, I'm just a little allergic to pollen. I don't see this red thing the most." Tang Feng pointed to the rose bouquet in Zheng Zihe's hand.

"Director Tang, I heard that you have started school, how can you still see you here? You are not skipping class, are you? This is not good, and it will be difficult to explain when you fail your course. How do you say that you are also the director of a large company? "Zheng Zihe originally planned to care about Tang Feng, and this kid must have been useless. Now that the financing is left to Kang Lifeng, he will not have the final say at that time.

"Oh! It turns out that Mr. Zheng cares about me so much. He even knew that I was in school. It wouldn't be..." Tang Feng took a step back as he said, not to mention how exaggerated he was, and then said, "Mr. Zheng , I don't want to do the foundation, or you can ask this buddy, maybe he does the foundation." Tang Feng pointed to Ye Tianfeng across from Zheng Zihe.

Ye Tianfeng felt so innocent. He was shot while lying down, but he couldn't help Tang Feng. He could tell that Tang Feng must have an enemy with Zheng Zihe, and he took an exaggerated step back. "I don't engage in basics either."

"Hahaha..." Ye Tianfeng, you actually got into trouble, it's no wonder people in the capital say that you don't like women. While everyone was talking, Xu Zhiqiang also walked downstairs, just when he heard Ye Tianfeng's troubles, he laughed as he walked.

After Tang Feng's spoof, the most ugly face was Zheng Zihe. The smile on his face disappeared, "Tang Feng, I respect you, but please don't overdo it, please pay attention to your identity." Zheng Zihe was talking. At the same time, he also glanced at Leng Yuhan.

Leng Yuhan also had a cold face. He did not expect to meet Zheng Zihe here. She had seen Tang Feng's unrelenting face a long time ago. The left hand is also meat, and the right hand is also meat. She wanted to help Zheng Zihe, but I am afraid that Tang Feng will go too far. At this point, she hates Tang Feng's behavior, and she thinks it is not bright.

Seeing that Leng Yuhan didn't say anything, Zheng Zihe quickly handed the flowers to the front, "Yu Han, this is for you."

Zheng Zihe looked at Leng Yuhan with a sincere look, and Tang Feng also kept staring at Leng Yuhan’s hand. Leng Yuhan still secretly glanced at Tang Feng, and finally...

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