Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 236 Teacher DoesnT Know You

Chapter 237

The meal was very harmonious. The most important thing is that Ye Tianfeng wants to have a good relationship with Tang Feng. He can see that Tang Feng will soar into the sky in the future. Once he becomes a friend, his future benefits are unimaginable. The position of the future Patriarch will be even easier.

Tang Feng also holds the same attitude. It can be said to be a very beneficial thing to deal with a young man like Ye Tianfeng. Both have the same purpose. Moreover, Ye Tianfeng is still Ye Tianxue’s brother, although Tang Feng's attitude towards Ye Tianxue has never been very good, but it doesn't mean that he hates her. On the contrary, he likes her character very much.

"Brother Ye, today we will drink less, just feel free." With two women at home, Tang Feng really dare not drink too much. Who knows what will happen, he is messy enough now Now, if something unexpected happens, I will be able to live in the days to come.

Some people separated at about 9 o’clock. Ye Tianfeng wanted to send Tang Feng back, but Ye Tianxue refused at that time. She wanted her brother to know that she was with Tang Feng, but Ye Tianxue didn’t even know she was there. From the first day she moved into Tang Feng's rental house, her father knew about it and checked Tang Feng upright.

Ye Tianxue must be a woman from a big family, how could she easily live with a strange man at will. Ye Jianfeng originally just randomly checked Tang Feng, but he didn't expect the final result to surprise him. This is why he hasn't moved him. If he was replaced by another man, someone would have been asked to talk to him, and he would talk to Zheng Zihe back then. same.

The reason why Ye Jianfeng didn’t bother with Tang Feng was that he was also optimistic about his potential. Although the Ye family has a big family in Beijing, it is not unique. Among these big families, they can only be ranked in the middle. These families want to keep themselves. For the current status or to a higher level, fresh blood must be continuously added. The best way is to marry, between family and family, or young people with potential.

The majority of families are married to families, and the latter are few. Those who can really fly into the sky must be a few, very few. Ye Jianfeng found hope. He found that Tang Feng, a young man, was really not easy. Only he knew about this, and he didn't tell anyone. Not only that, he also encrypted Tang Feng's files. If anyone wants to find Tang Feng easily in the future, it will be very difficult.

Tang Feng is still busy as usual, and he doesn't even know that he has a pair of eyes staring at him behind his back, let alone that he protects himself.

The three of them were a little tired after returning to the rental house. They all took a rest after taking a shower. Tang Feng was the last in the line. They turned on the computer while they were taking a shower. First, they visited the post. There was nothing too much. The thing that was of great concern, he quit, and then logged into the QQ game.

After more than a month of development, QQ games have already reached a certain scale. Tang Feng is also lamenting the speed of Tencent’s development. It seems that something should be done. He still remembers that there were many loopholes in QQ games in the past. The most terrible one is Happy beans are given away.

Everyone knows that Happy Beans are a kind of props in QQ games, which have to be consumed every time. Once consumed, they must be purchased if they want to continue the game, or they have to wait until tomorrow.(Read more @

Thinking of this loophole, Tang Feng laughed. The sound of typing on the keyboard spread throughout the living room, and countless characters were displayed on the computer. Tang Feng is writing a kind of program, this kind of program is called Happy Bean Dafeng, once this kind of program is implanted in QQ game, there will be endless Happy Beans, which can be stolen infinitely.

When the last Chen Yuhua came out of the bathroom, Tang Feng was still typing on the keyboard. Chen Yuhua felt very curious and took a look at it, but because of his clothes, he had to dispel the idea and finally walked into his room.

Writing the program was when Tang Feng was most focused. More than three hours had passed before he knew it, and it was midnight in a blink of an eye. During this process, Ye Tianxue and Chen Yuhua came out of their room twice, and Tang Feng didn’t. Noticed that the same two people didn't feel ashamed to bother him when they saw him so focused, they were just a little curious about what he was doing?

Tang Feng stretched his waist, looked at the time, and was stunned. It was already 1 o'clock, and then he quickly kept the program. I wanted to take a bath, but I thought it was too late. It wouldn’t be good if the other two were woken up. In fact, Tang Feng didn’t even know that the two were not asleep at all. He was typing on the keyboard too loudly. , It's weird to be able to fall asleep.

After a simple wash, Tang Feng lay on the sofa with his clothes and fell asleep after a while. No words for a night.

Tang Feng's phone rang as soon as it was light the next day. He picked up the phone in a daze, "Hey! Who."

"Tang Feng, it seems to disturb you to sleep."

Tang Feng immediately became energetic when he heard the voice. Isn't this Mr. Smith? Quickly said: "No, no."

"Tang Feng, let me tell you the good news, the board of directors' funds have arrived, you can check it." Smith said very heartily.

Tang Feng became more energetic when he heard the money arrived in the account, "Okay, I'll check it in a while..."

The two made a few more polite words before they hung up the phone. Tang Feng quickly turned on the computer and checked the account he left with Smith. There really was an extra 30 million dollars in it. It seems that Smith's work efficiency is really fast.

Today, Tang Feng wanted to go to school. He must have been absent from school just after school started. Some were not so good, not to mention that he missed Chen Yuyao a little.

Although the two have established a romantic relationship, Chen Yuyao never took the initiative to contact Tang Feng. Tang Feng has been busy these days, so she has not contacted Chen Yuyao. Now that I think about it, I haven't seen her for more than a week.

After hanging up Smith's phone, Tang Feng didn't have the mood to sleep anymore, knocked on Chen Yuhua's door, "Sister Yuhua, go out with me today." Then he walked to the bathroom.

Chen Yuhua slept very late yesterday, and didn't know what Tang Feng had planned today, so there was no set alarm at all. If Tang Feng knocked on the door, he was still asleep.

Ye Tianxue was different. She had to go to school on time every day. She came out of her room as soon as Tang Feng walked into the bathroom.

"Tang Feng, are you going to class today?" Ye Tianxue was very happy when she saw Tang Feng washing up and thought he was going to school.

"No, there is something wrong with the company, and it may be a few more busy days." Tang Feng said casually.

Ye Tianxue was very disappointed when he heard that Tang Feng hadn’t gone to school for a few days. Her mouth was so high. Fortunately, she didn’t lose her temper. She murmured dissatisfiedly: "You are famous for skipping classes in the class. Now, even the teacher didn’t know that there was you as a student."

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