Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 247 Help Dewey

Chapter 248

Tang Feng didn't even know that the personnel of these big families were very strict, especially before they entered the society, the monthly living expenses were limited, but it was higher than ordinary personnel, but not so high. It is outrageous. Take Ye Tianxue as an example. The monthly living expenses are only 3,000 yuan. She usually buys some clothes and there is almost nothing left. It is normal that there is no money in her bank card.

"Tianxue, how much do you have in your card?" There are more and more onlookers now. This will be detrimental to his own side. Tang Feng wants to settle and leave here as soon as possible.

"2000 yuan." Ye Tianxue said in a low voice, and lowered her head after she finished speaking. She had never felt so embarrassed before, but now there is no way, the matter must be caused by herself, and she can only bear it.

The previous 10,000 yuan plus Chen Yuhua and Ye Tianxue’s 7,000 yuan, now it’s 18,000 yuan, and it’s still 2,000 yuan. At that time, he was a little big head and looked at Xu Zhiliang, "Friend, you have also seen it, we only If I can get 18,000 yuan, can I give you the 2,000 yuan tomorrow?"

When Xu Zhiliang saw Tang Feng’s embarrassed expression, he also knew that he could not force the other party to be too anxious, otherwise they would really fall out, maybe the money would be ruined, and he also showed an embarrassed expression, "Yes, but you must stay. Give me a contact method, and the 2,000 yuan must be given to me tomorrow."

Tang Feng saw that the other party had agreed, and finally heaved a sigh of relief, "Okay, there is no problem." After speaking, he signaled Xu Zhiliang to follow him to withdraw money. Tang Feng originally wanted Chen Yuhua and Ye Tianxue to go home first, but now it seems to be impossible. Can he always ask the other party's bank card? Just like this, a group of four people walked far away. Fortunately, there is a bank nearby, and it won't be long before they can get there.

After Tang Feng left, all those who watched the excitement also left. After a while, the supermarket door returned to normal again.

The three people quickly withdrew the money. Chen Yuhua and Ye Tianxue also handed the money to Tang Feng. Tang Feng turned around and faced Xu Zhiliang, "This is 18,000. If you don’t have it, Questions, please write us a receipt."

After Tang Feng finished speaking, he passed the money in his hand to Xu Zhiliang's hand, while still holding a pen and a small notebook in his hand. Now Ye Tianxue understands why Tang Feng just went to the supermarket to buy a pen and a notebook. When she came back, she thought that Tang Feng was going to class tomorrow, she was still a little happy, but now it seems that she had misunderstood it.(Read more @

Xu Zhiliang saw how the few people withdrew money just now, and didn’t count them, so he put it in his pocket, then took Tang Feng’s notebook and pen, and began to write. In a few minutes, he put the notebook and pen back into Tang Feng's hand, "I have finished writing the receipt. Is it time for you to write the IOU?"

Xu Zhiliang was still thinking about how to make Tang Feng pay back the money, but now it doesn't seem to be necessary. The other party asked him to write a receipt, so I just asked the other party to write an IOU.

Tang Feng didn't rush to write the IOU, but looked at the receipt seriously. When he saw the final payment, he was taken aback by "Xu Zhiliang"? Only then did he look up at the other party, only to realize that he was a little familiar, the more he looked, the more he looked like Xu Zhiqiang, but he didn't ask much.

"Mr. Xu, wait a minute, I remembered that there is a fellow near me, and see if he has any money." Tang Feng picked up the phone and called Weizi, "Hey! Weizi , Do you have 2,000 yuan there? Borrow me first, I'll use it urgently."

Xu Zhiliang was even more happy when he heard that Tang Feng is now borrowing money. He didn't know what the other party said. After Tang Feng hung up the phone, he looked at him expectantly.

"Mr. Xu, we might as well wait a while, my fellow is a bit far away from here." After Tang Feng finished speaking, he turned to look at Chen Yuhua and Ye Tianxue, "You two should go back first. I'll wait here for a while. , I'll go back soon."

Ye Tianxue and Chen Yuhua also knew the severity, nodded one after another, and walked away. Ye Tianxue also secretly looked back at Tang Feng, her eyes were a bit complicated, but her behavior did not escape Chen Yuhua’s light, and at the same time He sighed inwardly, "He is getting better and better."

After receiving Tang Feng’s call, Dewey hurriedly rushed from the school. The two schools were not too far apart. In about a quarter of an hour, he arrived at the place agreed by Tang Feng, from a taxi. After going up and down, he directly stuffed 2,000 yuan into Tang Feng's hands.

Xu Zhiliang was very happy after receiving the money from Tang Feng, and then wrote a 2,000 yuan receipt to Tang Feng and left in a hurry.

After Xu Zhiliang left, Dewey asked curiously, "Mad, what's going on."

Regarding Dewey's question, Tang Feng smiled bitterly, "Nothing, one of my classmates caused a little trouble."

Dewey understood Tang Feng's meaning as soon as he heard it, and showed an unusual smile, "Is it a sister-in-law?"

Tang Feng shook his head quickly, "No, it's just an ordinary classmate." If Dewey knows about it and doesn't laugh to death, maybe everyone in the school will know it, and there will be no good days in the future.

The more Tang Feng is like this, the more Dewey smiles. He originally wanted to leave him for a meal, but now it seems to be forgotten. If he were to keep it simple, Ye Tianxue and Chen Yuhua would not know what they would think.

"Tang Feng, don't you take me to meet my little sister-in-law?" Dewey showed a lascivious smile. Tang Feng wanted to go up and kick him, and shook his head quickly, "Go back! It's dark now."

"It's not interesting enough. Seeing your stingy look, you really forget your friends and kick after you run out of front feet." After Dewey finished speaking, in order to prevent Tang Feng from retaliating, he waved his hand and left. After walking away, he turned his head and revealed a weirdness. Smile.

Tang Feng saw Dewey getting in a taxi and left. It was already dark at this time. He wandered alone in the night of the capital. He couldn't help but recalled his previous life again, and then returned to the rental house without knowing it. At that time, neither Chen Yuhua nor Ye Tianxue was there, so that he could hear the sound of the kitchen. It seemed that it was Sister Yuhua who was cooking, and he had no intention to go in and watch it. Once again, he sat down in front of the laptop and started coding.

After about 10 minutes, Ye Tianxue came out of the kitchen with a dish. Tang Feng was still a little curious, why was she in the kitchen? Could it be that she is cooking? But he quickly denied it, because he heard the kitchen still sound.

Ye Tianxue did not leave after putting the vegetables on the table, but looked a little bit twisted, "Tang, Tang Feng, thank you for today's affairs, you can rest assured that I will pay you back the money." After speaking, she fled. Ran to the kitchen.

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