Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 283 Continuous Knocking

Chapter 284

Bai Yaqing does have this habit, that is, the leaders of various departments must report yesterday's work to herself every day, so that she can grasp all the company's trends and make the most beneficial decision. Because it was just a day’s work, the reporting time was very short, and the report was completed in about 5 minutes. Tang Feng just sat on the side and listened without speaking.

After Team Leader Wang left, the knock on the door rang again within two minutes. This time, a young man in his 30s came in, but he was more handsome than the one just now. His reaction was similar to Team Leader Wang. . It seems that Bai Yaqing is still very demanding in selecting talents, especially in terms of age, neither high nor low.

In this way, more than an hour passed, Bai Yaqing sent away six or seven managers first, and then stopped. Tang Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief, "Sister Yaqing, will no one be here this time?" "

"Guess?" Bai Yaqing blinked her eyes with Tang Feng mischievously, and Tang Feng almost turned into a hungry wolf and jumped on it. Fortunately, she restrained it. If she knocked on the door and remembered it again, she would have to be tortured to death. .

"I guess no one is here." Tang Feng said with a smile.

"Wrong, guess again?" Bai Yaqing blinked again after she finished speaking.

"Isn't someone really coming?" Tang Feng was stunned.

"I'm kidding you, go over there and play on your computer, no one will come." Bai Yaqing looked at Tang Feng's expression and wanted to laugh, then pointed to her seat.

Tang Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Bai Yaqing say this. Chen Bai Yaqing secretly kissed her on the cheek inadvertently, and then flew onto her seat. Bai Yaqing blushed after being attacked by Tang Feng, and then gave Tang Feng a white look, "Little hooligan."

Tang Feng ignored Bai Yaqing's eyes and sat in her seat with a smirk, "Yeah! It's so fragrant."


"Dang'er, Dang'er, Dang'er..." Before Bai Yaqing could say anything, the knock on the door rang again. This time Tang Feng was completely dumbfounded. She didn't expect to be fooled by Bai Yaqing. When will she learn broken.

Facing Tang Feng's eyes, Bai Yaqing was also a little confused. Several supervisors had just reported their work, and they didn't fall for anyone. Why did someone come again? She looked at Tang Feng, saw him stand up from her seat, and then said, "Please come in."

"President Bai, that Xu came three times again." It was Bai Yaqing's secretary Yang Lele who came in, panicking. Tang Feng frowned when he heard the name, and then looked at Bai Yaqing.

At this time, Bai Yaqing's face was not very good when he heard Xu's name three times, "He is now blocked by the security at the door. He has to come to see you, and if he doesn't see you, he will come to the company to make trouble."(Read more @

When Tang Feng heard that he was about to come to the company to make trouble, he became angry, "Secretary Yang, who is Xu three times?"

Yang Lele was shocked when he heard Tang Feng's voice. Bai Yaqing gave him a blank look at the time. Tang Feng found out that he was in a gaffe. The voice was really too loud just now, which may have scared the little secretary.

"Xiao Yang, go down, don't worry about him. If he wants to make trouble, just go and tell the security guard at the door not to let him in." Bai Yaqing sighed helplessly.

"Sister Yaqing, who the hell is Xu San?" After Yang Lele went out, Tang Feng couldn't wait to ask.

"Xu three times is the son of Deputy Mayor Xu. Since meeting me at a banquet, he has been stalking. After being rejected several times, he still didn’t give up. Later, he simply found the company and came there every other time. "Bai Yaqing said helplessly.

The Zhao family did have some strength in Haicheng, and that meant doing business. Although there are some avenues in officialdom, it depends on who you compare. Xu three times is the son of the deputy mayor, and even Zhao Deqiang is helpless.

"Little bastard, dare to snatch Laozi's woman..."

When Bai Yaqing heard Tang Feng say that she was his woman, she blushed at the time and gave him a white look again, "What are you talking about, I will ignore you."

"I know my wife." Tang Feng saw that Bai Yaqing was not angry, so he couldn't make any difference.

"You, you, if you are talking nonsense, I will promise Xu three times below." Bai Yaqing snorted coldly, really a little angry.

"I know my good sister." This time Tang Feng has more rules and is not taking advantage of Bai Yaqing.

Tang Feng saw Bai Yaqing not speaking, and continued: "Sister Yaqing, it's not a solution for you to hide like this. Sooner or later, you have to solve it. Instead of hiding, it is better to solve it all at once."

"How to solve it? Then Xu is a playboy three times. I just ignore him. After a while, he will not come if he feels boring." Bai Yaqing said a little upset.

These days she has indeed been worrying about this matter, and wants to solve this big problem early, so she has also contacted Zhao Deqiang for this. Therefore, Zhao Deqiang also invited Xu to eat and drink three times, but he did not buy his account. He still does whatever he wants every day, coming to the Information Building every three days.

Faced with this problem, Tang Feng thought for a while, and then said: "Our Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd. is now considered a relatively large company in Haicheng. You can ask Deqiang to talk to his father directly. talk"

"Is this all right?" Bai Yaqing looked incredulous.

"How can we know if we don't try it? We can also use some small means, for example, if the investment environment is poor, if there is no guarantee, Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd. is going to move out of Haicheng..." Tang Feng said several times. With this method, Bai Yaqing was stunned to hear, tracking, taking pictures, and even the beauty plan, of course, the beauty plan will definitely not be Bai Yaqing's shot.

Tang Feng stood at Bai Yaqing's window and looked outside, and he saw a young man arguing with the security guard at the door.

"I see, I'm so annoyed, you are still smiling..." Tang Feng, who had always been cold-faced, laughed unexpectedly when he saw Bai Yaqing's expression.

Xu made trouble three times for more than an hour, and it was almost noon. Maybe it was because he felt boring, or something happened. Then Bai Yaqing kept watching the situation below through the window. Seeing Xu left three times, finally With a sigh of relief.

"I'm happy, all I laugh, you won't even deprive me of my right to laugh?" Tang Feng laughed because of Bai Yaqing's attitude towards Xu three times, which shows that she still has her own in her heart, and this is him Happy place.

"Xiaofeng, stop making trouble, are you really going to leave tonight?" Bai Yaqing, who was initially a little angry, suddenly became serious.

"The train tickets have been booked, and the train will be at 8 o'clock tonight." Tang Feng also said seriously.

"I don't know when I can see each other again..." Bai Yaqing felt a little sad about this.

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