Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 303 Start The Development Team

Chapter 304

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Tang Feng walked into the meeting room on time. Most of the employees only knew of his existence and never met him at all.

Since there were a lot of people attending the meeting, everyone simply sat on the ground with books or newspapers. Fortunately, the heating system in the whole building was good, and it was not cold even when sitting on the ground.

Tang Feng took a look around, including dozens of small leaders, team leaders, etc. In order to show respect to everyone, Tang Feng also asked Yang Chunxiu to find a few books and sit with these technicians. On the ground.

"Hello everyone, some may know me, some may not know me, I will introduce myself again, my name is Tang Feng, you can also call me Director Tang, of course, you can also directly call my name, in terms of age , You are all my big brothers. However, work is work and life is life. We have to distinguish clearly. I am your leader at work." Tang Feng looked at everyone after he finished speaking, especially the last sentence The words are very heavy.

"Director Tang, what do you call all of us here? Isn't it just trying to give us a bit of prestige?" Not long after Tang Feng had just finished speaking, I didn't know who was yelling below.

Yang Chunxiu frowned at that time. She knew Tang Feng’s temper very well, and she was not a good waiter. But this time she guessed wrong. Tang Feng didn’t get angry, but smiled. Yes, but are you scared? No, so it's not a distraction."

"Everyone, be serious. This is a meeting. It's not your usual. The company pays you salaries. It's not for you to come here to make jokes. See what you look like now?" Tang Feng didn't get angry, but Yang Chunxiu, as the supervisor, couldn't help but say what.

"Okay, please be quiet, everyone. Now we have a formal meeting, joking and joking. The meeting is to have a meeting. I don't want what happened just now. If you like to chat, we can talk in private." Tang Feng said After that, I stopped and looked at Chen Yuhua, "Director Chen, first tell me the purpose of this meeting!"

Chen Yuhua was a little surprised. She didn't expect Tang Feng to mention herself, but she knew more or less Tang Feng's purpose this time. She glanced down with her eyes, and the bottom was instantly cold, much higher than Tang Feng’s prestige. . The bottom is very quiet, and then he said: "Everyone here is a technician. What does a technician do? We are an Internet company, so we should look like the Internet. Everyone has rested for more than a month without letting you Vacation, but to allow you to run in with each other, we recruit you here for the purpose of developing games, and the specific development direction will be notified to everyone after the meeting."(Read more @

After Chen Yuhua finished speaking, the bottom immediately became lively, everyone began to mumble, they were just the bottom technicians, and they were most concerned about their positioning and future salary.

"Director Chen, can I ask what kind of game we plan to develop?" Suddenly a technician stood up and asked respectfully.

In fact, everyone wants to know this question, just because of the fear of Chen Yuhua, without the courage of this person, and also worried for him.

"I will answer this question." Tang Feng suddenly accepted the words of the technician who stood up, and at the same time stood up from the ground, "There are many kinds of games, and there are only two kinds of games that are more popular now. One is to upgrade monsters. PK type, such as the relatively popular "Legend"; the other is entertainment and leisure, such as Tencent’s QQ game. We are also focusing on the development of entertainment and leisure this time. This is just the first step. In the future, we will It will involve all aspects."

"Director Tang, the casual game you said is not about letting us follow Tencent's footsteps? As far as I know, Tencent's QQ game business is not very good." With the first one, there is the second. Another technician stood up. He was from Tencent. He heard that the salary here is better than Tencent, so he jumped over.

"Do you only think that you have this technology? Rely on plagiarizing others to survive? I tell you, there is no in Yadri, we only have innovation. Here I will give you all the information. The game we are going to develop is different from QQ. Games have nothing to do with cards, chess, etc."

After Tang Feng finished speaking, he showed a mysterious smile. Even Chen Yuhua and Yang Chunxiu were curious about what kind of game Tang Feng plans to develop.

"Director Tang, can you give me a specific introduction?" Another technician stood up. Originally, they didn't recognize Tang Feng very much. They must look too young. Every technician is arrogant. , But now he is curious about what kind of game he intends to develop.

"This is a secret of the company. Before the development is completed, we should know what we should ask and what should not be asked. After tomorrow, you will each receive a copy of the material with your details. Work, and development direction."

These are just employees who have just joined the company, and their loyalty to the company is not very high. Although Tang Feng is not afraid of them leaking out, but he doesn't want to be troublesome. For the sake of safety, he can only keep it confidential.

The technicians just now knew they were talking too much, so they stopped asking and just sat down.

"Well, do you have any questions? Just ask, as long as you don't violate the principle, I will answer them one by one." Tang Feng saw that no one was speaking below, and then continued.

After a while, no one asked any more questions. He turned his gaze to Yang Chunxiu, "Manager Yang, you will host the next meeting!"

Tang Feng left the meeting room alone, but Chen Yuhua did not leave. He stood beside Yang Chunxiu, his eyes kept sweeping on the floor, making the entire meeting room a lot more serious.

Regarding some Yang Chunxiu didn't understand, he only talked about some disciplinary issues, and it took more than half an hour to announce the adjournment of the meeting.

Tang Feng didn't leave, but went to Chen Yuhua's temporary office. He wanted to write the game's framework, but felt that it was not convenient to use Chen Yuhua's computer. In the end, he simply played Doudizhu.

"Tang Feng, can you do something serious?" After Chen Yuhua came in, he was a little unhappy when he saw Tang Feng using his computer to play Fighting Landlords again.

"Sister Yuhua, this is your office, look at you, what are you doing so serious?" Tang Feng said so, but he didn't idle his hands and withdrew the game.

When Chen Yuhua saw Tang Feng shut down the game interface, there was some expression on his face, "Tang Feng, you are the leader now, so you should look cold."

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