Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 333 Unexpected Surprise

Chapter 334

Today is Tuesday. Tang Feng is different from usual. He got up late and finally got awake by Ye Tianxue pinching his nose. The reason was that he slept very late yesterday. In order to make the data more accurate and accurate, Tang Feng was very busy last night. After two o'clock, I fell asleep with a tired body.

"Lazy pig, get up." Ye Tianxue saw that Tang Feng woke up and wanted to pull him up from the sofa.

"Let me sleep again." Tang Feng said in a daze, the body that was pulled up by Ye Tianxue fell down again.

"Tianxue, let him sleep together!" Chen Yuhua, who was doing early work in the kitchen, suddenly poked her head out. After so many days of calming down, she forgave Tang Feng, especially what she said yesterday. The estrangement between individuals, I got up early this morning to make breakfast.

"Sister Yuhua, you are up." Ye Tianxue has been doing early these days. Chen Yuhua's sudden appearance surprised her, but she said hello very politely.

"He went to bed too late yesterday, so don't disturb him." Although Chen Yuhua didn't know when Tang Feng went to bed, she only knew it was late. She had come out once when she was almost 12 years old, and Tang Feng was still While busy, she quietly closed the door without interrupting.

Tang Feng was slouched that day, and almost slept during class. The professor who was teaching above could only shook his head helplessly. He didn't have any energy until all the courses in the afternoon were finished, and he hurried to Dewey's school quickly.

Too many students participated in this free supplementary class, there were hundreds of people. In order to solve this problem, Dewey temporarily found the school leader and asked to borrow a few more classrooms. Finally, each classroom was rented at a price of 100 yuan per day. It was given to Dewey to solve the problem of overcrowding.

When Tang Feng arrived at Dewey School, he was dumbfounded at the time. It was really crowded. There were more parents than students, and there were even reporters.

"Hello, this parent, are you here to participate in this free supplementary lesson? I don't know what you think about this event?" A young female reporter in her 20s faced a middle-aged woman in her 30s. Asked.

"I listened to my child telling me that all his classmates had participated in the free supplementary lesson activities. Originally I didn’t want to come, but the child had to come. If he didn’t come, he wouldn’t learn it. There was no way. I can only take a look."

It seems that this parent is reluctant to come, but Tang Feng heard clearly, so he quietly walked over, "Auntie, I don’t think you have to worry about it. Since you are all here, you should calm down, just in case you Of children like the teachers here, maybe they will work harder in the future."

"We hired professional gold medal teachers. Are these students comparable? Fortunately, it is only three days, otherwise I really don't know how to spend it." The middle-aged woman said proudly.(Read more @

Tang Feng saw that the middle-aged woman in front of him was not dressed so conspicuously, and he realized that she was not the kind of particularly wealthy person, she was completely dissatisfied with half a bottle, and he didn't like this kind of person at all. If you have money but you don’t have money, if you say that you can live better than ordinary people without money, you look down on this and look down on that. Since you don't like it, you can only leave, because talking to such a person is nonsense, and there is no reason at all.

"Tang Feng, Tang Feng..." Tang Feng was about to walk into the school when he heard someone calling him, so he turned his head and looked at the source of the sound.

"Sister Zhao Li, hello, I didn't expect that you really came here." Tang Feng wanted to be called Auntie, but felt a little inappropriate. Don't look at Zhao Li in her early 30s this year, but she actually looks only in her 20s, so she changed it to I missed my sister and walked over with a smile.

"What you promised you will definitely come to cheer, not to mention that I have brought you a lot of people. Come, let me introduce you..." Zhao Li pointed to the group of people beside her and said.

Through the last conversation, Tang Feng knew that Zhao Li’s family had children, and that she had hired a tutor. He did not expect that she would bring her children to the large class.

"This is Sister Wang..."

"This is Sister Zhang..."

"This is Sister Liu..."


Tang Feng was stunned when he heard Zhao Li's introduction. There were more than 20 in total. This was really a group, and he nodded his head to say hello.

"This is one of the founders of the website that I told you." After Zhao Li introduced, everyone began to introduce Tang Feng.

"Xiao Zhao, if you don’t tell me, I don’t even know there is such a platform. You don’t know that my son will be happy after listening to it. He also said that there is no need to look at the cold face of the teacher. ." The speaker was a middle-aged woman who seemed to be older.

"Auntie, you are right here. We are not much older than your children. It is more convenient to communicate with each other. If there is something we don’t understand, we will not be cautious. This way we will learn more hard, especially these part-time students are high-achieving students. , A prestigious university, this is a role model that will make your children more motivated.” Tang Feng quickly became a group of middle-aged women with a smile on his face.

"The young man is really good at talking, just because your platform is not for profit. Auntie also supports you."

"Auntie, you'd better find a place to rest for a while, school is still early, and I have to go in and have a look." Tang Feng checked the time, it was not early, and could not be delayed here, only to leave.

"Tang Feng, go, let's chat here, you don't have to worry about us." Zhao Li said with a smile.

When Tang Feng walked inside, he saw a line of neatly arranged students walking inside. The one who walked in the front was a college student, that is, a part-time student. They all asked for leave in advance and came here just to get acquainted. location.

Tang Feng is very satisfied with Dewey's arrangement. Each part-time student leads 10 people and leaves as long as the number is enough, so that there will be no crowding, and parents can rest assured that their children will be handed over to these college students.

"Hey! Tang Feng, where are you?" Tang Feng received a call from Dewey when he was walking to the teaching building.

"I'm here now. You just need to host it. You don't have to wait for me." Before Tang Feng came, Dewey told him to hold a simple opening ceremony. The time should not be too long, so it was set for 10 minutes. All the students It was almost there, but Tang Feng, the protagonist, did not come. He was also a little anxious, so he called.

"Crazy man, you are the boss, why do you have to show up? At least let these part-time students know you." This brief ceremony is to facilitate everyone to get to know you, so that you can better communicate in the future. Otherwise, Tang Feng would think he was a soy sauce maker when he stood in the crowd. Who knew him?

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