Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 342 What The Future Looks Like

Chapter 344

"Why not? Sister Zhao Li, online sales are just a new model. Now is just the beginning. Earning money is always the first to make money. It will be too late for you to follow the trend when others make money." Tang Feng thought After a few years, online shopping began to become popular.

"Tang Feng, you are right, but I have never contacted online shopping at all. There is no such way, and I don't understand. I am afraid..." Zhao Li looked at Tang Feng with some worry.

"Sister Zhao Li, I don't know if you have heard of Jingdong Mall?" Tang Feng saw that Zhao Li seemed to have a willingness in that respect before continuing.

"Jingdong Mall, do you mean it is the Jingdong Mall that has become a mess recently?" Jingdong Mall Zhao Li really knows that she has also participated in a one-yuan purchase, but she was not so lucky. She did not win the prize after participating several times, and finally lost interest.

"Yes, it is the Jingdong Mall. I know their President Liu. I will introduce you to you when I have time. He may be able to help you in this regard."

Chen Yuyao has not spoken, but she can't understand Tang Feng more and more. She doesn't know how many secrets Tang Feng has to keep from her. She knows that her cousin works in Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd., and she doesn't even know Tang Feng. It was the executive inside, she only knew about this later, and now he actually knows Boss Liu from Jingdong Mall.

Zhao Li is also becoming more and more interested in Tang Feng. What kind of person is he and what kind of ability he has. When he refused to join him at the beginning, it means that he is not short of money at all. Now it is more confirmed that he is not easy. .

"Tang Feng, are you familiar with that boss Liu?" Zhao Zhe, who has not spoken this time, became curious.

"Brother-in-law, Boss Liu and I are good friends, very good friends, you can rest assured that I can use my words." Although Tang Feng did not say that he is the real boss of Jingdong Mall, he also stated that To understand the relationship between himself and Boss Liu.(Read more @

"Tang Feng, I do not hide it from you. Some time ago in our colleagues, it was rumored that Boss Liu had asked questions about clothing, but he looked down on small wholesalers like me, and they all negotiated directly with the manufacturers." Although Zhe thinks that Tang Feng and Boss Liu are very familiar, but the business must be business, he still feels a little worried.

After listening to her husband’s words, Zhao Li looked at Tang Feng with some worry. Tang Feng certainly understood their feelings at this time. What surprised Tang Feng was that Boss Liu already had the intention of making daily necessities, and he deserves to be the former boss of Jingdong Mall. It is also the reason why he was able to develop Jingdong Mall to such a scale.

"Sister Zhao Li, don't worry about this. As long as there is no problem with your goods and sources, this is not a problem."

"We have been in business for many years, and there must be no problem with the source and quality of the clothes." Zhao Zhe did not speak this time, but Zhao Li said.

Tang Feng felt that it was almost done, so he simply picked up the phone and dialed the phone through Zhao Li and Zhao Zhe, "Hey! Brother Liu, what are you up to? I have a friend here who wants to get to know you. If you have time, arrange it."

"No problem, your Tang Feng's friend is my old Liu's friend. Any time is okay. You can set the time. If you set it, let me know. I can arrange the time." Tang Feng turned the phone on the hands-free, Zhao Li and Zhao Li Zhao Zhe heard clearly, especially Zhao Zhe was a little excited. He only met Tang Feng for the first time. He didn't know Tang Feng very well, let alone Zhao Li's vision. He thought Tang Feng was bragging. Tang Feng and Boss Liu really met when they came to, and the relationship is not shallow.

"Boss Liu, I am Zhao Li. I am glad to meet you. We have time at all times. You are very busy. I really disturb you. You can arrange the time!" Zhao Li glanced at Tang Feng, this Said to the phone.

Boss Liu wanted to complain to Tang Feng. He didn't expect a woman's voice from the other side to know that Tang Feng had switched on hands-free. He had to swallow his grievances back into his stomach, and then said, "Let's do it! Tomorrow morning I happen to have time, so you can come to the headquarters of Jingdong Mall to find me."

Zhao Li laughed as soon as she heard it. She didn't expect Boss Liu to be so happy and glanced at Tang Feng with her eyes. That style is unique to a woman of her age.

"Tang Feng, do you think online shopping is really good now?" The matter has been finalized. After Tang Feng hangs up, Zhao Li still looks at Tang Feng with some worry.

"Sister Zhao Li, online shopping is just a new model. It's just the beginning and it's still in the exploratory stage. But you can rest assured that in three years, online shopping will be popular all over the country, and then it will be the time when online shopping takes off, like Small wholesalers like you will also be impacted by online shopping. Not only will you, and all the real economy in the country, will be impacted by online shopping, you have only two ways to change your career, and the other is to adapt to this model. Become one of them. Online shopping is just a start. The society is developing and human beings are progressing. In the near future, it will become a cashless city. You can pay online by car, pay online in supermarkets, and even go to the vegetable market to buy food. Online payment, as long as you use a mobile phone, you can do what you say..."

Tang Feng listened to the people present like a myth. He remembered that Alipay, WeChat, and smartphones of later generations have been integrated into human life. Maybe now because of his arrival, things can happen earlier in the previous life. happened.

"Tang Feng, can all these things you say can really be achieved?" Chen Yuyao asked this time. She is a student of economics and has never heard of such a statement. This is completely different from what the teacher said in the textbook. She couldn't understand Tang Feng more and more. How could he know so much when he didn't go to school, but he said so truthfully, as if this thing would definitely come true.

"Yes, it will happen soon. In the near future, you will be able to see, maybe 10 years, maybe 20 years, and then you will be amazed at how fast the world is developing."

"Tang Feng, I believe what you said, but I am a little curious how did you know?" Everyone is thinking about what Tang Feng just said, but Zhao Li is different from the others, thinking about the starting point of the problem. It's not the same, so she looks at the problem from a different perspective. She values ​​Tang Feng more than the problem he said.

Tang Feng couldn’t answer Zhao Li’s question. Could it be that she told her that she was born again in 2017? Even if she said that, she might not believe it, not to mention that this is her biggest secret and she won’t tell anything at all. People, including their closest women.

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