Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 400 Meet Chen Kang

Chapter 402

It was time for dinner. Tang Feng even postponed the dinner in order to wait for Chen Kang's call. Tang Feng knows that Chen Kang is from Shenzhen, and he just lacks helpers. He is here now. Maybe this is his luck.

Tang Feng never believed this before, but now he believes, unknowingly rebirth, mysterious caves, magical exercises, and even space bracelets that can be stored, these are things that technology can't explain.

"Husband, who did the call just now?" Leng Yuqing is different from Chen Yuhua. She likes to ask if she has anything, she won't hold it in her stomach.

"My boss." Tang Feng only said 4 words.

Although Leng Yuqing is with Tang Feng, she doesn’t know anything about Tang Feng and never asks it actively. She only knows that Tang Feng is a student at Renmin University and has nothing to do with other things. Known.

"Your boss? Husband, aren't you in school?" Leng Yuqing opened her mouth wide in surprise.

"Yeah, who said that you can't work when you go to school? Do you think that the money I spend is from the family like you? I'm different from you, I earned it myself." Tang Feng said to Leng Yuqing I don’t agree with the consumption view, but I have never said it.

Leng Yuqing and Leng Yuhan are sisters, but their personalities are completely opposite. Leng Yuhan likes to be self-sufficient, but Leng Yuqing is different. He spends a lot of money, drives sports cars, wears famous brands, and they are all high-end products. It's not that Tang Feng is not allowed to use these, but he can only earn it by himself.

Leng Yuqing was a little embarrassed by Tang Feng's words, and said angrily: "Who made me such a capable husband? I only care about being beautiful, and having a husband to support me is fine."

Tang Feng was also a little helpless for Leng Yuqing, and shook his head, "Okay, I will support you." Since Tang Feng has the ability in this area, he doesn't care too much. Who caused the two people to have a relationship that shouldn't happen.

"Husband, you are so kind." Leng Yuqing said and kissed Tang Feng on the face again. At this moment, Tang Feng’s cell phone rang, Tang Feng knew it was Chen Kang without even looking at it. Picking up the mobile phone turned out to be an unfamiliar number.(Read more @

"Hey! Are you Director Chen?" After Tang Feng answered the call, he asked before the other party could speak.

"Hello, hello, this is Chen Kang, and you are Director Tang?" Chen Kang was a little excited thinking about Bai Yaqing calling herself personally, but what surprised him was that he didn't talk about work, but let him I contacted Director Tang who had met several times.

Chen Kang was a little disappointed at the time, but think about it, he is a member of Tencent, or a high-level person, it was a shameful thing to change his job privately, but who can know the suffering in his heart. Disappointment is disappointment, or dialed the number given by Bai Yaqing.

"Director Chen, I'm in Shenzhen right now. I don't know if I have time to come out and talk?" Tang Feng didn't have too much nonsense and went directly to the topic.

"Zhen?" Chen Kang was a little surprised, but Tang Feng on the opposite side couldn't see it at all. At the same time, Chen Kang was thinking about Tang Feng's purpose in coming to Shenzhen. The more he thought about it, the less he dared to think about it, and finally said carefully: "No. Question, I don’t know where Director Tang is, I have time to pass at any time."

"Director Chen, I booked a banquet in..." Tang Feng reported his address directly to Chen Kang.

This was originally time to eat. The meal was eaten earlier, and it may have been eaten, but Chen Kang, like Tang Feng, is a person who has not eaten.

Since Chen Kang found out about Mr. Ma, he has been ostracized everywhere, and he is no longer the celebrity in front of him, but has become a black man. Unsuccessful work made him very distressed, and brought his emotions back home, very cold towards his wife.

Chen Kang's wife is not a reasonable person, very irrational, so the two people continue to have conflicts, work is not going well, and the family does not stop. Her wife even suspects that he has a woman outside. It is not a big quarrel every day. It was a big riot, and now it has reached the point of divorce.

After a long time, Chen Kang finally couldn't hold on, and the marriage of the two people came to an end. Just a week ago, the two divorced. Similarly, the work came to an end. Finally, he had no choice but to submit a resignation report.

With Chen Kang's ability, he could find a good job in Shenzhen, but he wanted to leave this sad place. He invested his resume in Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd. yesterday, and that's what happened before.

By the time Chen Kang arrived, it was already more than one in the afternoon, but Tang Feng did not eat in advance and was waiting for him. Leng Yuqing had already put on her clothes and came out with Tang Feng.

At this time, Tang Feng was a little surprised after seeing Chen Kang. He was affected and looked a little haggard. He was looking around at the door of the hall, looking for something.

"Director Chen, long time no see." Tang Feng greeted him with a smile, and stretched out his right hand.

"Are you?" Chen Kang looked at Tang Feng curiously, but shook him politely.

"Director Chen, I am Tang Feng. I forgot to tell you. I had a disease some time ago, and it became like this after I got better." Tang Feng made up a story about his appearance, otherwise There is simply no way to explain.

"Director Tang, I’m sorry, I’ll take a call outside." In Chen Kang’s impression, Tang Feng is a black student. Now it looks like a big difference. It’s not that he doesn’t trust Tang Feng, but that he must confirm. , And then walked outside to call Bai Yaqing on the grounds of answering the phone.

"Hey! President Bai, I have a question to ask you. I called Director Tang according to your instructions. The two of us met together, but what I saw was a strange man, but he said yes. I am Tang Feng, and I want to ask you to verify it."

Chen Kang is very careful, and he treats his work in the same way. He has always been meticulous and does not allow any mistakes. Tang Feng has been staring at the direction in which Chen Kang made the call and nodded in satisfaction.

"Husband, what are you laughing at?" Leng Yuqing looked at Chen Kang in the distance, then looked at Tang Feng, and asked somewhat puzzledly.

"Assistant Leng, I am your leader now. You are my assistant, don't you understand? Don't call my husband and spank you after going back carefully." Tang Feng's words in front are very serious, but the words in the back are very fluent. Xiao, Leng Yuqing blushed after hearing it, "It's my supervisor."

Tang Feng didn’t want to let Leng Yuqing come, because he and Chen Kang had something to talk about, which might be inconvenient, but how can Leng Yuqing who is clingy feel relieved? In the end Tang Feng had no choice but to let her follow, but Tang Feng had an agreement that the two of them could not appear as boy and girl friends, and finally Leng Yuqing agreed, and then followed.

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