Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 502 Hit Someone Again

Chapter 504

In addition to embarrassment or embarrassment, after what happened just now, Bai Yaqing didn’t know what to say. She didn’t speak, and Tang Feng didn’t speak even more. He was like cherishing words like gold. As long as he didn’t ask, he would not answer. Sometimes even if he asked himself, he would not speak. Later, Bai Yaqing didn't find it boring at all, but occasionally looked at him secretly, and also wondered what kind of man he was.

Tang Feng took out an electronic watch from his pocket. This is what he usually uses to check the time in class. After seeing that the time is almost there, he got up from the sofa and said, "Sister Yaqing, I should go now, my classmates. It's almost time to come."

Bai Yaqing wanted to say, "I notified the lobby manager, and your classmates will notify you when they come." But she was too embarrassed to be with Tang Feng. In the end, she didn't say anything, she could only watch him face the door. Go.

"Tang Feng?"

Tang Feng just walked to the top of the stairs and saw a group of people dangling out of the elevator. The leader was Liu Zhengmu. He is a classmate and sports committee member of Tang Feng. He is taller than Tang Feng. Half a head tall.

Tang Feng ignored Liu Zhengmu, but looked at a little fat man behind him. Countless images flashed in his brain.

Zheng Yimu, Tang Feng’s front desk, is about 1.7 meters tall. In the class, he can only be considered a medium figure. He is pure and white. He has one characteristic, that is, his face is round and looks very cute. He looks a little fat, so his classmates call him Fatty. In fact, he is not fat, at most it is more than 130 kilograms.

It was still the scene in the previous life. Facing Zheng Yimu Tang Feng was somewhat agitated. It must have been thousands of years. The memories of thousands of years are too heavy. These memories are stored in the deepest part of his memory. They all burst out until they see the other party. .

"Tang Feng, what do you mean?" Liu Zhengmu originally said hello to Tang Feng, but this guy just looked at himself arrogantly, as if he didn't exist, it was on fire at the time, if not all the classmates were here. , He really wanted to go up and give him two punches.(Read more @

Regarding Liu Zhengmu's words, Tang Feng seemed to have not heard him, staring straight at Zheng Yimu, "Fatty, long time no see." In broad daylight, Tang Feng directly gave Zheng Yimu a bear hug. The men and women who came out of the elevator had their eyes widened in an instant. Only Liu Zhengmu glared his eyes, wishing to eat Tang Feng.

Liu Zhengmu is a member of the sports committee of the class. He often bullies some of his classmates because of his own personality. The classmates dare not say anything, lest they be retaliated by him. The former Tang Feng is not less bullied by him. He is accustomed to bullying, how can he endure such arrogance as Tang Feng.

"Tang Feng, don't think that I can't help you after graduation. Didn't Xiao hurt you when you were in school? Did your skin itch again?" Liu Zhengmu said, clenched his fists back and forth, and said, "Gaba When Zheng Yimu heard the sound of "Gaba", his face became difficult to look instantly, "Liu Zhengmu, what do you want to do? If you don't welcome us, we will leave."

Zheng Yimu looked at Liu Zhengmu with some horror, while Tang Feng was on the side. This matter seemed to have nothing to do with him.

"Isn't this Tang Feng? Why? Did you go to the river to catch the bastard, or catch the turtle?"

Just when the fat man didn't know how to explain to Tang Feng, a group of people walked out of the elevator again. The leader was a white fat man with a size of about 1.75 meters. The gold chain with the thick little finger dangling around his neck, completely. All local tyrants.

The history still overlaps, but this time Tang Feng's speed is relatively fast. Bai Yaqing's car just broke down, and no particular accident occurred, which also changed the relationship between the two. Tang Yurou also changed the relationship. She was caught in the previous life. Frightened, she is very attached to Tang Feng, but this life has changed.

Tang Feng looked away from Zheng Yimu and looked at Wu Yougan. The same countless information came from his brain. He once hated Wu Youqian, but now he doesn't. He is very calm. He has never regarded Wu Youqian as his enemy because he is not qualified. Now Wu Youqian is like a clown in Tang Feng's eyes.

If Tang Feng is just not surprised that Liu Zhengmu is arrogant, but Tang Feng is the same with Wu Youqian, everyone will not understand. Wu Youqian is a real tyrant, and he even managed this treat.

"Tang Feng, you're looking for death." Liu Zhengmu is just an ordinary student, who bullies people only if he is a high-ranking man. This is the best hotel in Haicheng. He has a temper and didn't dare to do it. It was the same. He had money in his family, and he believed that he would be able to settle it. Only then did he punch Tang Feng in the face.

"Stop it." Bai Yaqing didn't come out, so she calmed down. She came out of the private room and saw Tang Feng being beaten as soon as she came out. She shouted out in time, but it was already too late, because Zheng Yimu's fist had already reached Tang Feng's front door, and the timid students closed their eyes in fright.

"Bang!" Those students who closed their eyes didn't need to think about what happened. Liu Zhengmu must have knocked Tang Feng down. Judging from the sound he heard, he knew how heavy the punch was.

"Tang Feng, I am going to kill you."

Just when Liu Zhengmu was about to hit Tang Feng with a punch, he was still proud, but he suddenly realized that he seemed to be hitting the air, and he was still looking for where Tang Feng is. A severe pain came from his stomach, and then He went back a few steps, and then sat down on the ground.

"Why is it like this? Isn't it Tang Feng who was beaten? Why did Liu Zhengmu sit on the ground? Did he deliberately want to cheat him after beating him? That must be the case." Those who just opened their eyes were crazy in their hearts. Understand.

Tang Feng didn't pay attention to Liu Zhengmu's roar at all, but walked to Zheng Yimu's side, "Fatty, don't be afraid of them. With me, they won't do anything to us."

Zheng Yimu looked at Tang Feng with a little horror. He was shocked by Tang Feng. He knew that Tang Feng fought very hard, so who should be divided. That is Zheng Yimu, which is nearly one meter and nine meters taller than Tang Feng. Half a head, it was such a big man who was beaten by Tang Feng and couldn't stand up. It can be seen how heavy Tang Feng's punch was.

What happened just now is too much trouble. Two security guards have already walked over. Especially after seeing Tang Feng, they took a breath. Their captain, Wang Ergou, is still lying in the hospital. What the little boy in front of him did, it took a long time for someone to be beaten by him again.

The two security guards knew that Tang Feng and his boss knew each other, so they simply stood aside and watched what they did with each other.

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