Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 589 Go To The Top Of Kunlun

Chapter 591

"Master, let's go, I don't know why, standing in front of the person in front of me, I always feel a little uncomfortable in my heart."

Anya's voice is not loud, but it reaches everyone's ears. Especially those young people who came with Li Yunfei changed their expressions at the time, "Why, our young master has fallen in love with you, it is your blessing. An ordinary person wants to be wild here, and doesn't look at what place it is. "

An Haoran finally got off the plane. When he saw Li Yunfei and others, his expression changed. One thing he didn't tell everyone was that Li Tianlong, the enemy at the time of Anjia, did not die, and he founded the Li family, which is now the Li family in Beijing. He didn't tell this matter, because he was afraid that An's children would seek revenge from the Li's family.

The family migration at the An family was carried out in secret, not to mention that Li Tianlong was also seriously injured at that time, which allowed the descendants of the An family to escape. Now that 80 years have passed, the hatred has long been annihilated in the long river of history, and only An Haoran knows it.

"Prince Li, we settle down and the well water of the Li family doesn’t offend the river. My granddaughter just came here and didn’t offend you, right? Do you need such an excitement? Is this how you big families bully our small families? ?"

An Haoran's voice was so loud that everyone around him could hear it. The face of Li Yunfei, who had been smiling all the time, changed. He didn't expect a third-rate family to dare to question him.

If he changed to another family, An Haoran would certainly not offend, but the Li family was different, and the genocide was not shared.


Li Yunfei gave a cold snort and glanced at some of the young disciples of Anjia, especially Tang Feng, he took another look specially. Turned around and left.

An Haoran's face is not very good-looking, if Li Yunfei went crazy on the spot, he could still have a theory, but the other party chose to forbear, especially the last glance, which was clearly a warning.

"You all pay attention to me, don't walk around, especially those who meet the Li family, try to avoid them."(Read more @

An Haoran frowned as he watched Li Yunfei's disappearing back. What he worries most is not the present, but the competition arena. Once the competition begins, there will always be unpredictable things. He is a little worried that the members of the Li family will fight during the competition. Dead hand.

Tang Feng looked at An Haoran's expression thoughtfully, but did not speak, and gently shook An Ya's hand so that she didn't have to worry.

Although the top of Kunlun is only 20 kilometers away from here, there is no road at all. They are all deep mountains and old forests. If you want to get there, you must set off one day in advance. Fortunately, these people are all warriors. If you change to ordinary people, don’t If you say walking, you will be scared to death even if you are scared.

In the future, it will be the purchase. Anjia has its own private jets. They are all purchased in advance. They will only wait for tomorrow morning to set off. Everyone is carrying a big backpack behind them. Tang Feng also pretends to be not so special. Put on a rucksack.

The improved exercises made An’s children not have to rest at all. They just need to meditate. An Haoran can experience the charm of nature even more. He always felt that something was missing during the process of cultivating until he saw the improved exercises. Only then did he know what he lacked, and that was the feeling of natural forces.

Before Xiantian, the martial artist relied on his own internal strength. The higher the internal strength, the higher the strength. After the Xiantian, the difference is different. The Xiantian has already been able to use some of the power of nature. The higher the use, the higher the strength.

After a night of refurbishment, the children of the An family were all in good spirits, and even Anya was refreshed.

Just last night, Anya was called into the room by Tang Feng. His behavior was weird. He touched and pulsed and made Anya blush. She thought Tang Feng was going to eat her. She was not ready yet. But she did not dare to resist.

Tang Feng is checking Anya's body to see if she has spiritual roots and whether she can practice. The final result is that she can practice.

"Anya, I can give you a qigong. I can't tell anyone what I dare to call you, including your parents and relatives, let alone teach this qigong to others. If you agree, I will teach you."

These days, it has refreshed the world of Anya. The warriors and Feiyanzhaobi on TV actually existed, and even my grandfather is a martial arts master, and my cousins, who turned out to be martial arts masters. .

The worldview has changed, and she also wants to be a female knight, to eliminate violence and Anliang. It is a pity that Anjia's exercises are not suitable for women's practice at all. Even if they are improved by Tang Feng, they are also masculine exercises and are not suitable for women's practice at all.

Now I suddenly heard Tang Feng say that she was going to teach her qigong, how could she not be excited, she would do something extraordinary, hugged Tang Feng’s neck and kissed it. Fortunately, Tang Feng responded quickly and didn’t let her succeed. "Anya, how many times have I told you, I already have a woman."

Disappointed, or disappointed. Fortunately, there is still martial arts to learn, so I laughed, "You know my master, master, don't worry, I will definitely learn."

With the help of Tang Feng, Anya finally began to practice, and she was full of energy all night.

The Kunlun summit of the warrior is not the same as the Kunlun summit of the cultivator. The Kunlun summit of the warrior is at the highest point of Kunlun Mountain, where a ring is built. The Kunlun Peak of the cultivator is a mountain hidden in the formation, and ordinary people can't see it at all, especially if there is a maze around it, even the warrior will be lost there.

In the morning, it was not only the Anjia team that set off. There were also many sects and families around them, especially the mighty Li family. There were a total of forty or fifty people, and Li Yunfei was among them. His eyes were squinted, and his gaze was squinted. It has been on Tang Feng and Anya's body.

Tang Feng has already noticed Li Yunfei's gaze. If he doesn't come to trouble himself, then he is lucky. If he comes to trouble himself, then I'm sorry, and he will never let him live for a month. For now, Tang Feng definitely has dozens of ways to kill him, not only to kill him, but also to hide him.

"Sister, please pay attention. I found that the person was looking at you yesterday. He may be unkind. You can follow along. If you are tired, tell me that I will carry you on my back."

It was the youngest child of Anjia among the six who was talking, the boy who was next to Anbozheng that day. He usually has the best relationship with Anya.

Anya is not a warrior yet, and her perception can't be compared with these warriors. If Tang Feng hadn't been pulling her arm all the time, and a steady stream of spiritual energy would flow into her body, she would have fallen behind. Despite this, both legs are a bit soft.

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