Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation

Vol 8 Chapter 504: Catch the wrong person

With that, Uncle Shui pressed the ON button.

Soon, there was a lazy voice from the police: "Is it the family of the deceased Li Gangsheng? Our police have brought a suspect now, come to the police station to recognize it."

After speaking, the phone was hung up directly by the note over there.

After hanging up the phone, a group of old men nearby looked at Shui Bo with big eyes and small eyes, and asked one after another, "Bo Shui, what did you say?"

"Said it took a suspect, let us recognize it."

As he said, Uncle Shui stood up, and everyone stood up, but Shui Bo waved his hands: "Just keep sitting here. I can go by myself. If we go too much, we old guys might do It's been swept up by the sliver."

A joke made by an old man, don't expect to have such a big laugh, but he said it very truthfully.

Xinji was originally a black society, how can you show off a bunch of people when you go to the police station?

"Uncle Shui, you can't go by yourself, who knows who is the one who killed him? Maybe it was the person from Heliansheng. You are so old and you are alone..." Biao b stood up at this time , Seems to be very concerned about Tao.

Shui Bo smiled and waved his hand: "It's okay, just follow me with garlic."

Before he finished his words, he waved a hand not far away. A short man who had been sitting silently in the distance stood up and walked towards Shui Bo.

This person called "garlic head" is really short, or can no longer be described as short. To be precise, he is a dwarf, only about one and two meters in size. ——However, he exudes a kind of aura that makes people feel a little embarrassed. This is not an aura that an ordinary person can have, let alone a dwarf.

When the old men saw that there was "garlic" following Shui Bo, they were all relieved, and they all wanted to greet Shui Bo, and Shui Bo left Fengyang Tower accompanied by this dwarf "garlic".

…… ……

Perhaps many people think that the reason why garlic is called garlic is because of his short stature.

Actually not.

But... he has a garlic nose, and his nose is even more sensitive than a dog! ——When the police handle a case, they often like to bring a police dog to track the suspect. It relies on the dog's keen sense of smell. Many big cases also rely on the dog's sense of smell to track the perpetrator and successfully solve the crime.

But just imagine, if you were a person with such a sensitive nose, what would it be like?

On the way to the police station, the garlic head kept twitching his sensitive garlic rosacea. This is a habit of him. This is to keep him open and sensitive to the smell at all times.

"Garlic, you said that when you saw Da D's corpse, you smelled the murderer on the deadly dagger on his chest, right?" Shui Bo suddenly asked indifferently.

Garlic did not speak, but nodded.

"What kind of smell is it?"

Garlic seems to be a person who doesn't like to talk very much. After hearing the question of Shui Bo, it took about a minute before he slowly **** with his somewhat sharp and unpleasant voice and said: "Murder...absolutely murderous... …"

"Absolutely murderous?" Shui Bo frowned slightly.

Garlic nodded, and then explained: "There is a trace of violence and killing, and the reason why the dagger can accurately pierce the heart is due to the murderer's perfect control of the projection of the dagger. This requires more than a strong arm. Elbow strength and wrist strength still need... a little bit of internal strength."

"Inner strength?"

Hearing this, Shui Bo understood the meaning of Garlic's words. In other words, this murderer is very likely to be a practitioner or a professional killer. Otherwise, it is impossible to have any so-called "inner strength". ".

Uncle Shui knew that this garlic was a character with inner strength. But in this world, not everyone can develop inner strength, unless they have very powerful skills or masters, they will never have inner strength. And the qigong that the folks say is not at the same level as the so-called "inner strength" in the mouth of Suan Tou. Shui Bo, who has seen the terrifying combat power of garlic with his own eyes, knows very deeply how a person with inner strength will exist!

"I don't know, is the suspect brought by the police really the murderer?" Shui Bo seemed to say to himself. ——A little thought, how can a master who can release his inner strength be taken to the police station by the police casually? Maybe the wrong person was brought.

Garlic on the side heard Shui Bo’s words and immediately said: “It’s okay. When I meet that person, I can tell if it’s him immediately. ——Because I remember the smell on the handle of the knife, that kind of violence and The aura of killing is very rare, even if it is a general inner strength master, it may not be possessed.

Hearing this, Shui Bo nodded.

…… ……

At the same time, Lorraine and Jackie had arrived at the door of the police station.

Jackie was about to get out of the car when the lawyer showed up outside the car door. However, Lorraine gently stopped Jackie from getting out of the car: "Brother Jackie, you should wait in the car. As a public figure, it is best not to enter and leave the police station at will, in case you get caught by some paparazzi. If it is taken, it will be very troublesome. Let me do it for you. As for the related matters, I can directly ask the lawyer, there should be no problem."

Jackie, who heard Lorraine’s words, couldn’t help warming his heart. Lorraine was so empathetic. He nodded with satisfaction: “Well, Brother Luo, I’ll trouble you. I’ll wait for you in the car. come out."


Nodding, Lorraine got out of the car, put on his sunglasses, and then walked into the police station with the Queen's lawyer invited by Jackie.

…… ……

"Sir, how many times do you want me to say it before you believe it? I said, the deceased was not killed by me at all, and my life is very happy now. I have no grievances with the deceased. Why do you want to do murder? ?"

In the interrogation room, Hei Zi was helplessly defending himself.

It is very strange that before being brought by the police, he still felt very nervous in his heart. But sitting in the interrogation room of the police station, I felt relieved instead. This kind of psychology, on the contrary to the real suspect, is so relieved because he knows that he is innocent.

"Huang Jiasheng, don’t quibble. An eyewitness said that evening, he had spoken to you a few seconds before his death. ——Say, what are you talking about? Did his words anger you, You can't help but hurt the killer?"

"A sir, when I talk to him, do I have to kill him? I can't confess the wrong person?" Hei Zai can survive on the road where dragons and snakes are mixed, so he can't be a normal person. By comparison, he knows that he must know how to play Tai Chi when faced with such unnecessarily interrogation like Tiao Zi.

The policeman had questioned the black boy in the interrogation room for more than 20 minutes, but he was stunned that he did not make a mistake.

In fact, no matter where it is, there are many unjust cases, mostly because the people being interrogated couldn't stand the kind of strong psychological pressure, and they confessed crimes they shouldn't bear. This kind of interrogation method, which is similar to extorting a confession, is a double-edged sword. Obviously, many stubborn suspects have also been defeated by this kind of interrogation.

"You!... I warn you, don't play tricks, if we find conclusive evidence, then the conviction for you will be even more serious!" The note saw that Hei Zai is hard and soft, and there is no way. Then threatened.

Heizi laughed at this kind of scare, but he was also very puzzled in his heart... Why did the police department care about the death of Big D? It stands to reason that the underworld matters, let the underworld solve it by themselves, what does the police worry about? This will only break the balance between night and day.

At the moment, since the police have intervened in this matter, it is certain that black conflicts will definitely occur in the near future. The police must have received information in this regard, so they have begun to pay close attention to the underworld.

"Boom boom boom."

Just then, the door of the interrogation room was knocked.

"Come in."

Before the words were over, a female police officer with a ponytail walked in, and then whispered a few words in the ear of the interrogating police officer, who showed a slight smile.

Then, he pointed at Hei Zai and said, "Huh, make your mouth hard! Now the family of the deceased has come to the police station, and walk with me honestly. If you are recognized, you can pray to God quickly. !"

Heizi frowned slightly, the family of the deceased? People who come here recognize? ——Don’t be the person who specially installed the note in order to settle the case faster? Don't let yourself carry this black pot!

Feeling anxious, he followed the police into a hut. On the front of the hut, there was a large piece of glass. It was just that you could not see the outside from the house, but from the outside, you could clearly see the situation in the hut. .

"Stand up!" The note snorted coldly, and Hei Zai reluctantly stood against the wall.

At the same time, on the other side of the big glass, an old man and a short dwarf were standing together, and beside them, there was a chief Asir.

"How? Is it him?"

Chief Tiaozi asked.

Shui Bo turned his gaze to the garlic head beside him, while the garlic head frowned slightly, squinted at the black boy in the room for a while, sighed slightly, and shook his head: "It's not him, he is not the murderer."

"Are you sure?" the note asked.

"OK." Garlic nodded.

"Tsk... I caught the wrong person..." Officer Tiaozi sighed helplessly. For their police, the impact of arresting the wrong person was not very good.

"Not necessarily, maybe this person has a certain relationship with the murderer."

"Oh, that said, it seems that he will be shut down for a while."

However, just before the official voice of this note, two men walked up from the side, and one of the men with great temperament said with a smile but a smile:

"Haha, is this the way your Hongkong police handles the case?-Since the catch is wrong, why not let anyone go?"

ps: Recommend a book, "Ability Bodyguard", link:

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