
The situation suddenly happened and everyone was shocked! !

what's the situation? ! !

"Brother Hou! Brother Hou?!" The person next to him hurriedly greeted Brother Hou who was screaming.

However, before everyone could think about it, there was another shot of "Boom!" The man who greeted Brother Hou was shot, and he was not so lucky. It was not that he was shot in other parts, but... … Was shot headshot directly! !

Seeing that the head of this product was directly flowered, other people realized the seriousness of the problem. Judging from the sound and trajectory of the gun just now, the location of the shot was not sent from the hotel, but From the bushes! !

Everyone looked at the bushes like a ghost, and it was dark, except for the wind blown by the wind, what sound is there? !

And at this moment, several shots of "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" were shot by several members of Heliansheng again, every shot. Although not all headshots were shots, they were all shots, and judging from the trajectory of this ballistic trajectory, it was not just one person shooting...but... there were many people! !

A hundred or ten people, in a blink of an eye, seventeen or eight were shot by bullets, and they fell to the ground and wailed.

This group of people is not a professionally trained strongman, but the most common ground on the street. The first Hou who was shot is considered a high-level bastard. They are all The attack dissipated. Although there were still some big guys in the car, no one was moved. They all hugged their heads and went to hide in a more concealed position. It was a pity...they were enemies on both sides, so they didn't dare to squat.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...The gunshots were endless, and people next to each other were shot, and they were caught off guard!

In a blink of an eye, another seventeen or eight were knocked down! ——In a blink of an eye, there are only sixty or seventy people left.

Before they woke up, a very sturdy voice suddenly came from the bushes: "If you know that we are great now, then quickly get out of here!! Grandpa will spare you dogs!! "

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, the gangsters turned their heads and wanted to run away.

However, several people climbed up to the driver's seat of the car, but were shot one after another! !

When everyone was shocked, the sturdy voice came again: "Throw your guy into the car. The car is not allowed to drive away. Who the **** is not obedient, just shoot who the hell!!"

The speaker is a fluent northern accent. In the eyes of these Hongkong people, the northern masters speak very rough, coupled with the situation at this time, it really makes them retreat. They are all on the road. No one can guilty of waiting for death if you eat food! If the enemy and your side are facing each other, it’s okay. They don’t necessarily back down, but at this moment they don’t know where the bullet came from, and they don’t know how many are hidden in the bushes. People, in short, from the gunshots that rang out from all directions, there are definitely a lot of people!

Realizing this, no one dared to be disobedient. There were guns and guys, and some guys, and threw a bunch of things into the car and the door. Then there were sixty or seventy people. Run wild! ——Even if they don’t get involved in the underworld from now on, they don’t want to confess here in vain. They don’t even know how many of their opponents are. Such death would be too damned!

Soon these people disappeared into the night.

The members of this group of Heliansheng came and went in a hurry, leaving no cloud behind...

After confirming that the group of Heliansheng people had been thrown away, Amin, who had been hiding in the bushes, suddenly laughed: "Haha! I thought these guys could be so powerful! There is no courage to love. People who use it!"

A Jian smiled: "It's not useless. The situation just now leaves no one with a bottom line. If it is you, there is no place to hide and the opponent cannot see the shadow. You Do you choose to run, or choose to die?"

A Ming grinned: "Hey, this is indeed a truth.-It's Ajian, your voice was really powerful just now. I think all the people in Heliansheng were scared to pee by you! "

"I don't have much abilities. Our little brother Jiadong is really good at it! This hand, the play is so beautiful, we are not a single person, but we have killed more than 30 of them, and I also scared the rest away... Hey, if this group of running guys knew that we were doing this to save bullets... What would they think? Didn't they vomit blood?"

Just now, Lin Jiadong, Ajian and Amin arrived on the balcony for two purposes. The first is to divert the attention of the monitor, and the second is to find a way to jump off the balcony. For the one hundred elite selected by the Jiang Gang, it is very easy to find a way to climb down from the second floor. The only troublesome thing is Lin Jiadong. He is carrying both Ajian and Aming. It just fell to the ground.

The location of the balcony is opposite to the front entrance of the hotel. Lin Jiadong also guessed it correctly—there is no surveillance camera outside the hotel.

Therefore, the fifty elite brothers on the second floor, after jumping out of the hotel, detoured from behind to the bushes directly opposite the main entrance, lurking well. ——And those brothers on the third floor, after receiving the order, according to the plan, one by one appeared "cautiously" and lurked towards the lobby. They hurriedly returned to the hotel until they found a dozen cars had been killed. .

To put it bluntly, these brothers on the third floor are bait. ......And how did you choose to use them as bait? ——What's the joke, is it so simple to jump from the third floor to the downstairs?

All the brothers weighed the pros and cons, their opinions reached an unprecedented agreement, and then they followed the plan. Judging from the current results, they really made the right choice by following Lin Jiadong's instructions!

At this time, Lin Jiadong's original image was not too respected, but instantly became a lot taller. At this critical moment, the person who can take them out of the siege is their commander, their leader, regardless of how young this person is, or whether the legs and feet are sharp...

These are not important.

The important thing is that he has this ability, he stood up when everyone was confused and a little panicked.

…… ……

Lin Jiadong, who had been lying behind the grass at this time, grinned in the dark—hehe, he feels very good now. This kind of feeling that the brothers are fighting for a chance under their own command is really great, and the sense of accomplishment is indescribable.

"Then what...Ajian, Amin, can you talk about it for a while? Could anyone please help me up?"

Ajian and Aming showed a smile, and one after another stepped forward to support Lin Jiadong, and then fixed his electronic wheelchair that was originally folded, and helped him get up. At this time, Ajian and Aming looked at Lin Jiadong in the same eyes, and both regarded him as...their commander. This look seems to tell Lin Jiadong, from now on, what you say, we will do!

The team needs a boss.

Now the elite force of the hundred or ten men needs a resourceful commander.

"Brothers, there are weapons in the car, everyone should act quickly. We'd better get in the car and leave here as soon as possible. This ghost place has already been surrounded. If I guess it is good, the other party should have support soon. It's very difficult to break the siege!"

Hearing Lin Jiadong's call, the hundred and ten brothers of the Jiang Gang screamed one after another and rushed to the cars. Not only the brothers in the grass cheered, but also the brothers who had been hiding in the hotel lobby.

Before, Lin Jiadong said that if they want to escape, they must find a means of transportation. When faced with the question of where to find a means of transportation, Lin Jiadong’s proposal is quite appalling, saying what to “rob”. To "borrow", everyone thought that Lin Jiadong was talking about soldiers on paper, but now, everyone doesn't think so... After a little thought, the other party not only sent more than a dozen vans, but also a lot of guns.

This is undoubtedly a fortune for their poor inventory of firearms! Each of these elites are shooting experts. With this batch of guns, their combat effectiveness will be directly doubled or even more! ! This little brother in the family, regardless of his young age and his handicappedness... But his mind and mind are terribly wise! ! Today, in such an emergency situation, I can quickly lay out a round that at least seems to have no loopholes!

"Hey! This guy is not dead! It was the leader just now, right? It seems to be a little boss?" Suddenly a person stood beside Brother Hou who was lying, and sneered. As he said, he took out a dagger from his back, ready to make up for this Hou brother who had lost his resistance.

"Hey! Wait a minute!"

Lin Jiadong stopped suddenly, and then quickly urged the electric wheelchair to come to this brother Hou.

"Oh! Brother Jiadong, what's your order?" This person thanked and admired Lin Jiadong very much, and immediately said very respectfully.

"Hehe, I want to say... this person, let me solve it." He said, took a swarthy pistol from Aming who was following, and grinned, "I made you laugh, I haven't killed People, I want to try what it feels like."

"Crack." With a crisp sound, the bullet was loaded.

Hearing this terrifying sound, Brother Hou, who was lying on the ground, trembled in his heart. He could hear the resolute and unrelenting expression in the other party's words...as if killing himself, it was just a compulsory course for the other party...this Feeling, made him cold from the soles of his feet to the scalp...

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