Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation

Vol 10 Chapter 671: Absolutely strong!


Realizing that his attack was stopped, Lorraine was shocked!

He was mentally prepared just now, and he knew that the expert beside Marei would definitely do it! However, Lorraine had already thought of a post-action, thinking about how to deal with this master if he suddenly started his hand. (Win q coins,)


This powerful master didn't even give Lorraine a chance to react.

His attack was so easily resolved! !

In astonishment, Lorraine tried to break free! But... when he tried to pull out his arm forcefully, he was shocked to find that... his wrist couldn't move at all! Well, it can be moved more or less, but this small range is absolutely useless! !

Lorraine showed an expression of jealousy and horror for the first time!

A pair of eyes looked at the man who was holding his wrist, his heartbeat was strong-what level of strength does this guy in front of him have? ! ! Although due to a leg injury, his strength can only be less than 70% to 80%, but his current strength has been greatly improved, even if he has not broken through the bottleneck for a long time, the increase in strength is beyond doubt! !

This guy can even stifle his rapid attack? !

In other words, he is at least twice stronger than me? ! !

Just as Lorraine was horrified, the Armstrong who strangled Lorraine's wrist narrowed his eyes and looked at something similar to a wristwatch on the hand he was holding Lorraine's wrist.

"Dididi——" a burst of electronic data sounds, this strange thing that is similar to an electronic watch but is more than ten times more detailed than the assembly parts of an electronic watch "Beep!" After a beep, another string of numbers It flashed on the shining tiny screen. ——It is a three-digit number, [959].

"Oh?" Seeing this number, Armstrong's eyes flashed with a look similar to surprise, "Nine hundred fifty-nine? Great.-But unfortunately, the injury to your leg prevents you from taking all the power of this peak. Play it out."


Just when Armstrong was distracted, Lorrain gritted his teeth and circulated another yin and yang breath buried deep in his body, and sent it to his arm. After that, he immediately broke free from Armstrong's restraint!

"Pattern!" Lorraine stepped back several steps, and finally stopped in a position he thought was safer.

"..." Lorraine looked at Armstrong with a shocked face. For the first time since he was reborn, he had a faint retreat.

Yes, retreat.

The person in front of him is too strong. When facing himself, he is completely at ease. Lorraine knew that if this person wanted his own life just now, the chance of success was definitely over 80%!

Of course, the retreat in Lorraine's heart is not to give up completely, he just wants to find a perfect solution to deal with this guy! There is no doubt that the other party is a peerless master!

It's just... some behavior of the other party made him a little confused.

Lorraine looked ugly, frowning, suspiciousness in his heart.

What did this man say just now? —Nine hundred fifty-nine? What do you mean? What is the action code?

And the thing on his wrist that resembles an electronic watch, what is it? It looked like a high-tech electronic product... but with Lorraine's knowledge, I couldn't think of what it was. No one on the market had seen it.

At this moment, Armstrong looked at Lorraine's eyes, but it seemed so playful.

Looking up and down at Lorraine, it felt like admiring this good prey that was about to be acquired. Armstrong's weird eyes made Lorraine feel uncomfortable, and instantly became nervous again.

"Nine hundred fifty-nine... well, very good. If you give you time to grow, maybe you can also break through the 1,000 mark and become one of us. It's a pity... it's my mission to kill you. So, I'm sorry." After Armstrong said a bunch of inexplicable things that made Lorraine hear, suddenly, he moved! ! The body flew out like lightning in an instant. At this moment, Lorraine only felt the afterimages in front of his eyes pulling wirelessly, like a light and shadow in the air, unpredictable.

Fortunately, Lorraine was able to judge the trajectory of this person more or less.

Almost subconsciously, Lorraine kicked suddenly and jumped to the left. In the next second, the figure of Armstrong appeared in Lorraine's original position! !

"Pound!!" With a loud noise, this plan hung a punch to the ground! !

The hard, sharp metal on the glove he was carrying slammed into the ground! In an instant, cracks appeared, and gravel splashed! !

What a strong attack! ! What a fast speed! ! !

Lorraine felt like a cold heart, and didn't dare to think about it. The figure that had just landed suddenly twisted again, stepping back under his feet, and his body flew straight behind! And just as Lorraine retreated, that Armstrong immediately appeared in Lorraine's position just now! !

The lingering soul!

Lorraine knew that if he half-beat slow, the opponent's powerful fist would surely blast his head into an exploding watermelon!

"Pattern!" "Pattern!" "Pattern!"...

"Boom!" "Pound!" "Boom!"...

The rhythm of Lorraine's footsteps was clear, and he dodged quickly. Armstrong was extremely fast, punch after punch to the ground or the wall, rubble and sand soon splashed across the floating factory.

At this moment, Marley, who was sitting in his seat watching this scene, was shocked.

For him, this scene is more like an all-round three-dimensional movie! With his visual ability, he could only see the blurry afterimages intertwined in mid-air, and then bursts of rhythmic and impactful sounds in time, and he couldn't observe everything else.

To be honest, at this moment Marley truly realized the power and horror of Lorraine.

He couldn't imagine that if a person with such strength in fighting against the sky would really want to kill himself one day, what would he do? To put it bluntly, with the security system of his Mar family, Lorraine can definitely sneak in in minutes, and easily wipe out his sleeping self, and there is still time to open his chest when finished. , Took out his heart and used a knife to carve out a limited-edition hellokitty head portrait!

But now, Marai feels more grateful in his heart.

Fortunately, I made the right decision at the critical moment and spent a huge price to invite this Armstrong who is many times stronger than the super master! Otherwise, I really don't know how to completely eradicate Lorraine! !

At this time, lying on the ground, still trembling from time to time, he felt that his blood was going to drain. He looked weakly at Lorraine, who was struggling to fight Armstrong, and sighed helplessly in his heart...

Obviously, Mr. Low is not Armstrong's opponent.

Could it be that the end of Mr. Luo's domineering life journey?

Not reconciled...Even if I followed Lorraine's garlic very late, I felt very reconciled.

... On the other side, Lorraine has been pushed into desperation step by step, saying that this was his confrontation with Armstrong, and he really praised him, because he was on the run from beginning to end, trying to escape! Gradually, Lorraine felt that his reaction speed was a bit unable to keep up... If the leg injury has completely recovered, maybe it will be better...

How to do? Do you want to activate the violent aura in the deepest part of your body that is beyond your control?


Once the violent aura is mobilized, he can't control it at all, and the veins of his body will even be completely broken through by this violent aura... At that time, he was also dead!

But, instead of such a humiliated death... better, give it a go?

However, just as Lorraine was entangled in his heart, Armstrong's strenuous punch had already hit his face!

And just when this fist was about to fall, suddenly, there was a sound of "shoo!" not far away! This Armstrong was forced to abruptly stop his continued attack on Lorraine, and he turned over and escaped the attack! !


Armstrong landed on both feet, with a short, dry, sharp blade sandwiched between the index and middle fingers of his right hand.

"The flying knife of your Chinese is really delicate, I accept it." Armstrong smiled coldly, put the knife in his pocket, and then squinted his eyes to look forward.

At this time, Lorraine had escaped the catastrophe just now without any risk. Fortunately, he was fortunate that he did not mobilize the suicidal aura of violence that was deeply hidden. Looking back, Lorraine found that Ahei Zheng was rushing in his direction!

"Mr. Luo!" Ahei came to Lorraine and looked up and down, "Is there any injury?!"

"Not yet." Lorraine shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Ahei, thank you for saving me just now. —Be careful, this guy is very strong!"

Ah Hei nodded as if he was facing an enemy. He glanced at Armstrong, his eyes flashed with a hint of horror: "Indeed, you can tell at a glance."

At the moment when Lorraine was talking with Ahei, Armstrong suddenly moved again, moving as fast as lightning, and the two were shocked! Before anyone could react, this Armstrong's palm touched Ah Hei's shoulder, and then he returned to the original place again at the fastest speed!

A flash of fear flashed in Ah Hei's heart!

He was quite frustrated to find that the man just touched himself and went back to the place. This series of actions was ridiculously quick in the eyes of Ah Hei. He only reacted after knowing that Mstrong had stood back where he was! !

God! Was Mr. Luo fighting this kind of guy just now? ! !

Ignoring Ah Hei’s horrified reaction at this time, Armstrong looked at the high-tech electronic product on his wrist, and after the sound of "Dididi——Beep", he suddenly smiled: "Well, barely Passable. Six hundred and nine [Yuanli], still promising."~

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