Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation

Vol 10 Chapter 899: Conspiracy, or coincidence?

? It can be seen from Lorraine's eyes at this moment...

The woman he was looking for must have an unusual relationship with him, otherwise, he couldn't be so eager. --.

The door boy didn't know well, and he might have accidentally helped Luo Shaodong's enemy.

Realizing this, the doorman dared not tell the truth.

Therefore, he hurriedly cleaned up his emotions, and said to Lorraine with the calmness he could as much as possible: ",..."


Although Lorraine was anxious, he was not as hasty as Jiang Yan, but felt a little bit of strangeness when he was anxious.

There was obviously a hint of dodge in the doorman's eyes.

Lorraine caught it.


While keen intuition captured a subtle atmosphere, Lorraine tentatively repeated the boy's words.

"Yes, no." Suddenly questioned, the door boy felt even more nervous. In order to cover up the nervousness, he subconsciously raised his voice and answered more firmly in his tone.

But Lorraine's eyes were so sharp that he wasn't quite sure just now. Looking at the doorman's further reaction, he is 100% sure that there must be something tricky about the doorman.

"Say, where is she!"

Now Lorraine didn't have time to talk nonsense with him, and when he was sure that he could find clues, Lorraine's complexion instantly turned cold.

Subconsciously, he accidentally released an oppressive aura.

Now Lorraine, although he is not very old, the people he often deal with are big people in some shopping malls and some dark forces. It is no problem that an old ghost like Xu Qianian is taken down by him, and he can't help it It would be too unreasonable for a small doorman.

Feeling the condensed and terrifying aura of Lorraine in an instant, the door boy shuddered immediately.

"Luo...Luo are you talking about,...I...I don't quite understand!"


Lorraine frowned. He was anxious and subconsciously wanted to slap the bastard.

However, after so many years of experience, he still has a smooth temper.

From the observation at this moment, this doorman should know something, but... he is definitely not one of the conspirators. Maybe, he is just protecting himself at a critical time, although the character of this guy is not necessarily noble. However, people like him who live at the part-time job level are mostly in a disadvantaged position among the social groups. He does not have too noble sentiments. First of all, it is because he does not have enough hard capital.

Therefore, Lorraine, who has walked up from the bottom step by step, is very clear that if he is not a last resort, it is better not to embarrass these wage earners who may not even be able to live in their own houses for a lifetime.

"This is a one million check, tell me where she is!"

Lorraine didn't hesitate to swipe the cheque book from her body, and wrote a full one million Chinese currency cheque amount, which was very generously placed in the hands of the doorman.

one million,.

This is one million! ! ,.

The doorman subconsciously stretched out his hand to take it, and looked at the amount on the check, he trembled fiercely in his heart.


This money was just given to myself.

The doorman only felt that every inch of his skin started to tremble.

Too much, too much! ! .

Isn't this time to let myself fight for 20 years less.

No, to be precise, with this money, he went back home in his own clothes and became his own millionaire in his hometown. That was a life of carefree and comfortable.

Some people couldn't believe the facts before him. Lorraine treated him so coldly just now, how could he give himself a million in a blink of an eye.

Realizing this, his hand holding the check froze in midair.

Seeing this scene, Lorraine naturally knew that the door boy was a little scared and unconfident.

So he said: "I am very responsible to tell you that that girl is a very important person to me. If something happens to her, all the relevant characters will be unlucky. I will do what I say. Give you one million because she is too important to me, understand, now your choice is very simple, accept the money and tell me where she is!!! Otherwise, I don’t know my anger will be angered How many people will explode to what extent!! Do you understand!!!"

Lorraine’s words were not loud, but the door boy who was facing him felt as if he was a ferocious beast, roaring at him, shockingly tight.


To work in such a luxurious place, one must have a sufficiently clever head, so while the doorman was shocked, he adjusted his thoughts quickly in his heart.

"Now that you understand, please tell me quickly, my patience is limited!"

"I... I don't know where the lady went... I just know... After the lady went into the bathroom, a big Russian man ran up and looked very rich and proud. He went in and knocked the lady out. Take it away..." The door boy was tense in his heart and replied vaguely. At this moment, the clothes on his body had already been soaked by the continuous cold sweat running down his body.

"Russian man!!!"

Hearing this, Lorraine's heartbeat became more violent, and his teeth trembled fiercely. Maybe he hadn't noticed. There was a slight scarlet look in his eyes.

"Did you let a man enter the women's bathroom!"

"I...I'm afraid of him..."

"Kala Kala..."

Lorraine clenched his fists fiercely, and his last rebuke made him a little gaffe.

The moment he shouted out, he knew that it was useless to reprimand the door boy in front of him. The important thing was that he needed to quickly lock Lan Lan's position, and he wanted to know what this so-called Russian big man... What character.

Tonight, people who can enter this bathroom, no matter which family, field, or country they are from, must be registered.

But tonight, very few foreign friends came here to participate, let alone from Russia.

"Don't leave casually while you stand here. If you have anything to ask you, I will come to you again!"

Lorraine gave a cold command, and immediately turned around and walked back to the evening banquet hall.

Without a word, he walked quickly to the entrance guest registration office from the less conspicuous edge path.

"Call out the registration information of everyone today!"

Lorraine suddenly appeared at the registration office, and a stern order shocked the two female staff at the registration office.

The two female staff members looked up and saw Lorraine's somewhat appalling angry expression. They were both terrified and hurriedly retrieved the information of all the guests who came to the dinner party from the computer.

"Find all the Russians who came here today!"

"Yes Yes!"

The two female staff hurriedly swung and tapped on the keyboard a few times. Soon, two names appeared on the computer screen.

"Luo... Luo Shaodong, I found it. There are only two Russian guests who came to our dinner tonight!! One is named Rida Vinci Chacher and the other is named Buboc No Fowski!"

"What are they from?" Lorraine's brows were still tightly frowning. The two names were very strange. In his impression, he didn't send them any invitation.

"Oh, the information shows that they are from the board of directors of the Russian Green Consortium, um... to be precise, only this Buboch Novsky is a member of the board of the Russian Green Consortium, and that one is called Rida Vinci ·Mr. Chacher is the assistant of Mr. Novsky!!!, they came here tonight without showing the invitation letter, but accompanied the Kang family to the banquet tonight!"

"...In other words... the Russian man is one of these two people, and they are international friends of the Kang family!"

After Lorraine figured it out in his mind, he immediately walked to the seat of the Kang family. His heart was scorching, and he had no intention to instruct others. Therefore, he suddenly came and left without a cloud. The two frightened female staff members who were called by Lorraine were the monks of Zhang Er and were confused.

…… ……

"The people of the Green Consortium...that is, the partners of the Kang family...what are they doing with Lan Lan!! Is this a conspiracy negotiated between the Kang family and the Green Consortium, or is it just the Russian individual? Thoughts, if they are personal thoughts, why and for what reason.” Lorraine was spinning rapidly in his heart, and he walked quickly to the seat of the Kang family. Then, regardless of the three or seventy-one, he took a picture of Kang Shaojie. The shoulder winked.

Kang Shaojie understood, stood up from the family seat and left, and then followed Lorraine to the side.

"Shaojie, tell me, is your family planning any conspiracy to deal with me, or... do you feel a trace of it!"

Hearing Lorraine’s words, Kang Shaojie was taken aback for a moment, and he said in some unclear way: "What's wrong, Lorraine, what's going on!!!, what a conspiracy, no, if our family wants to deal with you, once I I know, even if I feel a little bit of something wrong, I will definitely jump out to oppose it right away, not to mention... I have not noticed any signs of conspiracy at all, I can tell you very responsibly, now our family The development of China is very careful. It is impossible to deal with anyone at this juncture." Please go to the first release without ads.

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